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My favorite sitcom on TV! FOX announced it will sh-t can Arrested Development after it finishes 13 episodes this season.




If you watched this show from the beginning, it's hard not to argue that it's the funniest thing on TV. I hope to God HBO picks this show up, it seems like the show would be a perfect match for Curb Your Euthusiasm viewers.


"I've made a huge mistake."


There's a funny outtake on the Season 2 DVD where Tobias goes off in character about maybe it's not the show that's responsible for bad ratings and maybe it's the marketing arm of FOX.


Doesn't surprise me. The show was brilliant, and therefore way over the heads of programming execs. It probably only made it this far because they didn't want to piss off Ron Howard. The same thing happened with Freaks and Geeks, another great show. The actors from that series are freaking everywhere. I, as you, hope HBO picks it up. You are dead-on, it would go great back-to-back with Curb.


Was just watching a TIVO'd episode last night, and that show in its comedic effort is far beyond any comedy on television today or that can be recalled in recent memory. It wasn't really supposed to be around this year, so it's no surprised it's gone next year.


Whether they're all standing around wondering who in the family might be wired and spying on them while a boom mic hangs overhead, or whether they're all taunting Michael Bluth as a chicken while the entire family starts clucking and bobbing around the dining room ("Has anyone in this family ever even SEEN a chicken?"), it's a shame because it seems to happen to anything worth airing anymore.


From Time.com:


ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT FOX, Mondays, 8 P.M. E.T. Critics have spent two years trying to bolster this show, without success. So here's a change in strategy: do not check out TV's best sitcom when it returns this month. Yes, this screwball comedy about an idle-rich family has simplified its story lines so new viewers can catch up. But who cares? Crackling interplay between a top-notch ensemble, the fastest blizzard of jokes this side of The Simpsons and sly guest appearances by stars from Scott Baio to Charlize Theron-- they're all overrated. Besides, intense belly laughs can cause abdominal cramps. That's why we critics secretly watch The King of Queens instead.


I had come acroos this about a month ago and thought it was pretty funny.


Does anyone know if they finished taping all of the new episodes?

There's a funny outtake on the Season 2 DVD where Tobias goes off in character about maybe it's not the show that's responsible for bad ratings and maybe it's the marketing arm of FOX.

Name another network that screws up SOOO many different shows? Firefly. Family Guy. Now this. In general, I try to avoid watching shows on FOX nowadays. The only one I've made an exception for is Prison Break. FOX doesn't know what the hell they're doing.


Name another network that screws up SOOO many different shows?  Firefly.  Family Guy.  Now this.  In general, I try to avoid watching shows on FOX nowadays.  The only one I've made an exception for is Prison Break.  FOX doesn't know what the hell they're doing.




No doubt.....I think it's a shame that so much good stuff, whether it be film, television, etc, goes unnoticed or ingnored by the public, often times in favor of mindless crap. Now don't get me wrong....we all have our guilty pleasures.....but thank God a show like "The Larry Sanders Show" (to name one example of a personal favorite) had the right home to begin with. That was one of the funniest shows of all time, IMHO, and if they had attempted to try again on television (following Shandling's cancelled series) there's no way it would have had as long a run as it did.


Hell, I had never even HEARD of Firefly until Fezmid told me about it. Now it's become one of my favorite franchises (albeit a very limited one, unfortunately).


Best thing to have happened for the show.


Now it will get picked up by a place where it will have a shot - HBO / Showtime are the logical candidates, as are some of the cable nets.

Name another network that screws up SOOO many different shows?  Firefly.  Family Guy.  Now this.  In general, I try to avoid watching shows on FOX nowadays.  The only one I've made an exception for is Prison Break.  FOX doesn't know what the hell they're doing.



I love Prisonbreak as well but did you hear what FOX will be doing with the show? They are going to delay the final 8 episodes of until May sweeps I believe. People will long forget about what happened.

I love Prisonbreak as well but did you hear what FOX will be doing with the show? They are going to delay the final 8 episodes of until May sweeps I believe. People will long forget about what happened.


Yeah, I saw that in TV guide. After Nov 28th, they won't air the remaining episodes until May, after 24 is over. Thanks, Fox, thanks a lot.



Besides The Office, its the only funny show on TV



I love The Office.....Carrell rules


That's too bad... have to admit though that I've never watched it on broadcast TV, though I love the DVDs of the 1st 2 seasons. Maybe they'll pull a Firefly & make a feature-length movie or 2, uncut "R"-rated or "NR" Arrested Development could be tremendous.

That's too bad... have to admit though that I've never watched it on broadcast TV, though I love the DVDs of the 1st 2 seasons. Maybe they'll pull a Firefly & make a feature-length movie or 2, uncut "R"-rated or "NR" Arrested Development could be tremendous.



That would rule!


Hey, how was the Stones stop in Philly? Did you hit Pat's or Genos? I miss that place......

Hey, how was the Stones stop in Philly? Did you hit Pat's or Genos?  I miss that place......


Second show was the best I've seen this tour, Stones love Philly! :D


I won't do Pat's or Geno's, I hate onions! :blink:

Second show was the best I've seen this tour, Stones love Philly! <_<


I won't do Pat's or Geno's, I hate onions! :rolleyes:



You must hate vagina too then.

Doesn't surprise me.  The show was brilliant, and therefore way over the heads of programming execs. 



Typical. Anyone remember "Sports Night" - crisp, funny, writing, timely story lines, and network execs couldn't figure out how to market it, so they canned it. Or even "Whose Line Is It Anyway"...consistent top-20 ratings, had to be a cash cow for the scaled-down production costs of the format (one set, few props, scant few writers since it's improv, and you might get 2 or 3 episodes out of a 2-3 hour performance)...but execs couldn't pigeon-hole it into a format, so bye-bye. Hell, the syndrome of "We network VPs are to stupid to understand it, so the viewing public won't like it" goes all the way back beyond "WKRP" to "Star Trek". There's a reason why the best (i.e. most innovative, acclaimed, and typically most watched) shows are on cable now...

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