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The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph

Red Dragon

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I know what your talking about, I hate going to a football game and having fans chear and getting into games. Its even worse when people have hope for their team or won't acept defeat and chear them on til the end. Cause anything CAN'T happen and if the Bills are losing at any time the game is over and they are going to automatically lose


{Sarcasim machine off}


I will say the "Flutie fans" were annoying, try being from Canada where you had to here about Flutie all the time and they were ready to erect Statues of him in every town square.


Most of these fans are just passionate about their team. Look at Oakland and the Raider nation, The Browns have the Dogpound. These fans are a little eccentric, but they have a passion for their team and like to show it.


Let the fans chear and where what they want. Until they interfer with your ability to watch the game, they aren't doing anything wrong.

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I agree with R. Rich on this one - if you want to act like an idiot fine - just don't do it in a way where it impacts my ability to watch the game. When I go to a game I go because I want to *see the game* - I personally don't understand why people go to games if they are just going to get blind drunk or act like an @ss and not even pay attention to the game on the field.


My vote for #1 most annoying is Pats fan - exemplified by the arrogant classless horde of m a s s h o l e s who invaded the Ralph last year running around yelling obscenities, giving the finger, and generally being complete classless idiots to Bills fans. People who do the wave are a close second...


This post actually made me think of another kind of fan. This year in Tampa we were standing in the club level watching warmups. At RJS, if you are in the club level you are segregated from the other sections, but just below is a walkway that goes around the seats for the entire stadium. We are standing there and I notice a Bucs fan approaching. He seemed perfectly normal, but he had this earnest intensity. Without being hostile or overbearing, but with geniune resolve and subtle enthusiasm, he was literally stopping every single person he encountered as he walked and looked them in the eye and shook their hand or gave them a high five or just a pat on the back and said simply "Go Bucs!". I watched him until he was out of my view and he did it for every single person he encountered. For some reason it really moved me - he wasn't doing it to draw attention to himself or being obnoxious to those around him. You wouldn't have even noticed him if you weren't paying attention. It was apparently just a ritual he had (I assume he made a lap around the entire stadium) and it just seemed so geniune - and it really did affect the people he met. I will never forget it.

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I just hate it when everyone in front of me feels the need to stand up for the whole game. This is especially true at Ohio Stadium for a Buckeyes game. Doesn't seem to be so bad at Bills games, but it's been awhile since I've been at one.


Listen up folks. There's no need to stand. We can all see just fine if we all sit down. It's a time out. You can sit down now. Still standing......Ugggh!

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This explains why you rarely post.




I post when I feel it is necessary. I am not a so-called football expert, so I normally keep my opinions to myself when I feel I do not know what I am talking about. If only others would follow my example, the stadium would be a better place. Instead, I have to deal with armchair quarterbacks, little league coaches, and guys who played high school football posing as experts. And then, when they add some beer to their brains, the magic begins.

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i think thats what they are trying to say.

i think they want the ralph to be like a library and for us to do the golf clap when something good happens


yeah....ssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.....go bills




Your are incorrect. I do not want the fans to be quiet. I just want the fans who's behavior annoys me and others to either control themselves or be eliminated from the stadium.

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If only others would follow my example, the stadium would be a better place. Instead, I have to deal with armchair quarterbacks, little league coaches, and guys who played high school football posing as experts. And then, when they add some beer to their brains, the magic begins.




If others followed your example there would be no such thing as home-field advantage.

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Your are incorrect. I do not want the fans to be quiet. I just want the fans who's behavior annoys me and others to either control themselves or be eliminated from the stadium.


Oh ok. From now on all of us who annoy you will bow down and worship you as our new Tedy Bruschi. Please oh enlightened one, tell the rest of us fans more things we can do to make your game day experience more enjoyable. Maybe we can get a hold of the front office and have them rope off a small section of seats each week so you can stretch out and not have any obstructions at all. Actually maybe they can even enclose it and make nice concession stands and have guards at the door letting people in. It will be a new club level at the Ralph called the "Ass Spelunker Club." If there is anything else we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask your Bruschiness.

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Different way to look at our fans and our stadiums... when I used to go to War Memorial it was a fairly unsafe urban area with wonderful fans on the inside of the stadium It was primarily a family atmosphere. Now the stadium is in a "safe" suburban setting and many of the fans are drunk, obscene and obnoxious. Although there are several "family friendly" sections, it is interesting how the locations and fans have changed.

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The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph.


5. Face Painters & People who Dress in Costumes -  Can somebody please tell me what point of this is? Does it add value to your game experience, or to the experience of others around you? Does the team "feed off it's energy"  No. It is pointless and embarrassing.


4. First Down Guy and the Guy Who Invokes the Crowd to Stand - These are the guys who insist on, with some sort of exaggerated arm motion, pointing out to the rest of us whenever the Bills make a first down. I have eyes. Sit down and keep your arms to yourself. Even worse is the guy who, before a critical play, turns to the people behind them and invokes them to stand and cheer. I have news for you my friend, this is not the Nuremburg Rally - I choose to cheer when and if I want to.


3. The Uneducated Fan - These are the people who place blame on players or referees without the complete knowledge of how a play was designed, a player's individual responsibilities, or the rules of football. They need to keep their mouths shut and hide their ignorance. I know I do.


2. True Believers - Fans who can never accept that the Bills are going to lose a game, despite the score or the time remaining in the game. These child-like fans are constantly coming up with scenarios of how the Bills can overcome the odds and pull out a miracle ("All we need to do is to block this field goal, return it for a touchdown, recover an onside kick, and then complete a Hail Mary". Sound Familiar?) Most of this is a result of the Houston comeback game (I was at that game, and did not leave at halftime like most of you "fans" did). Miracles rarely happen. (Some would say they never do. In the words of William Jennings Bryan,"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of will").  Accept the Bills defeat and move on.


1. People who do The Wave. Let it die people. It was fun in the 80's but it is ridiculous now. What is more perplexing are those who insist on doing it when the Bills are on offense. What are you thinking? That extra crowd noise somehow helps the offense? Have you ever noticed that when a wave is attempted, it usually dies when it reaches the mid-field, lower level seats? Maybe the fans in the expensive seats are better than you yahoos in the end zone, and realize the foolishness of an outdated participatory cheer.


I offer this list to you a public service. If you recognize yourself, please realize that your behavior is foolish and distracting, and needs to be corrected. I hope you enjoyed this.  I  plan to have weekly Top Five lists for your reading pleasure.



That rules out about 95% of the crowd. You need to get in touch with your joy. The wave is dumb, but it's about harmless and a waste of breath to complain about.


The only thing inherently wrong with the wave is the fact that at some point, people are standing up during a play and obstructing the view of other fans. That ain't cool. You come to the game, you should be able to see the action on the field. But at least you can see it coming and adjust so you can see the play.


But there are some folks who have to fly out of their seat every time an offensive play advances beyond 3 yards and cause two rows of people behind them to miss the outcome of the play. That guy is a real problem.

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We moved our seats from the lower bowl, sec 136 because we had a guy who was convinced that play action pass was coming up each and every down when Buffalo had the ball. Even in a 5 reciever set he would start with "here comes the play action pass" finally after 6 years of hearing this idiot I finally said "you have to have a fake handoff, and to have to fake a handoff you need a running back in the backfield" He just looked at me like I had just impregnated his dog, and started shouting for "another" play action pass.


We used to call him Van Miller wannabe, because he would give a play by play of everything (although Buffao never deviated from his play action passes), and it was incredibly annoying. Amazingly enough, according to the new Van Miller, Thurman Thomas was playing for Buffalo right up until the 2004 season, I mean, this guy's play by play calls had him in there for some big carries!


Once my Dad swapped tickets with a freind from the upper deck, by halftime, the couple were standing in the aisle saying "Gee, thanks alot, wanna switch back, we have seen the difference "


By late in the season, the guys family usually tired of his commentary, and he would attend, but usually with people that he sold the tickets to (patriot fans, Jets fans). It was a running joke in the section, everyone would wait on opening day and then "Van" would show up and everyone would smirk, disappointed  that he wasn't killed in a horrible car wreck, or murdered by a co-worker over the off season. We finally gave up and had our seats moved away from this guy, it just became too distracting.


It wasn't a fan, it was Dan Hennig, our offensive coordinator in 1997 :wacko:

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The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph.


5. Ass Painters & men who wear dresses.  It is pointless and embarrassing.


4. First-to-go-Down-on-Sally and the Guy Who Smokes in the Crowd - These are the guys who insist on exaggerated arm motion, pointing out to the people behind them this is the Nuremburg Rally (sic) - I choose to drink beer when and if I want to.


3. The Uneducated Fan = Red Dragon needs to keep the mouth shut and hide ignorance. I know.


2. True Believers -  In the words of Englebert Humperdink,"You white folks sho is crazy!".  Accept that you're a loser and move on.


1. People who don't look in The Mirror. Die people. I was fun in the 80's but ridiculous now.


I offer this list to you a public service. If you recognize yourself, please realize that your behavior is foolish and distracting, and needs to be corrected. I hope you enjoyed this.  I  plan to have weekly Top Five lists for your reading pleasure.



Oh thank you Ms. Emily Post. Will you offer it in an RSS feed soon? Your fan base is waiting with bated breath. Maybe you could do a PodCast. THAT would be something worthwhile. :wacko:

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...as long as said fans DO NOT trample on my rights, I could care less what they do.  Paint your face, wear your silly outfits, do your crazy dances-all of that is fine.  Just don't tell me what to do while I'm there and stay out of the view of myself and whoever would accompany me to a game.  As long as that respect is given to me, I live and let live. 



Amen, I said that awhile ago. I'm heading up to my only game of the year this weekend and I'm going to be pissed off if the person in front of me wants to stand the whole game. I'm going to be pissed off if the person behind me smacks me in the back of the head every 2 minutes for 3 hours because they are too drunk to notice (like happened last year). I'm going to be pissed if the girlfriend of the person behind me pukes all over my back and belongings (like last year as well). These things do not enhace my gameday experience at all. They annoy the crap out of me. I'm there to watch the game, yell loudly (and occasionally foully) at appropriate times, stand and roar my approval or disapproval at equally appropriate times. I am also there not to kick the person in front of me and I am able to manage all of my bodily fluids in such a manner that they don't infringe upon others. If those things make me a stiff, fine I'm a stiff. Stop justifying your own obnoxious behavior as "rooting for the team" the people behind me last year had absolutely no idea what was going on in the game and they basically made it their mission to piss me off after i politley asked the guy to stop kicking me in the head. Maybe you're right, maybe I should stay home... :wacko:

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Oh ok. From now on all of us who annoy you will bow down and worship you as our new Tedy Bruschi. Please oh enlightened one, tell the rest of us fans more things we can do to make your game day experience more enjoyable. Maybe we can get a hold of the front office and have them rope off a small section of seats each week so you can stretch out and not have any obstructions at all. Actually maybe they can even enclose it and make nice concession stands and have guards at the door letting people in. It will be a new club level at the Ralph called the "Ass Spelunker Club." If there is anything else we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask your Bruschiness.



I'll tell you what genius, as long as you don't directly block my view of the game (I paid to see the game, not you and I'm 6'3" so if I stand up 3 rows behind me can't see either), hit me, or get pee, poo, puke, snot, beer, etc. on me we're golden. You can be as loud as you want. Go completely apeshite. I'll probably join in. However, you ticket doesn't grant you the right to abandon all civilized behavior and do whatever you please in the name of team spirit. I like being around fans who yell and get into the game, i don't like people who are so self involved they bother others and openly ignore/defy those people who tell them they are bothering them. BTW, I hope you aren't in front of me this week, you're gonna hafta sit. My wife is 5' and she can't see over men who stand in front of her at all and since she's pregnant God help anyone who bumps her more than a little bit and who doesn't immediately apologize. Clearly I'm a a-hole for being concerned about these things. Don't let that stop your boorishness, please continue. :wacko:

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I was going to abandon the notion of meeting at a sports bar in New Hampshire that's mostly full of Patriots fans to watch the Bills on Sunday Ticket, or listening to the games on Sirius. I was thinking about season tickets for the 2006 season.


After reading all this, standing in a room with a bunch of Bruschi and Roesthelishsithberger jerseys isn't looking so bad. At least nobody pukes on my back or kicks me in the head. And I save about 470 miles of driving one way.


(The Patriots fans do drool a lot, though, and make noises that sound like "nyargh" and "buhh.")


Go Bills! (Oh, sorry...I was standing when I typed that.)

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Your are incorrect. I do not want the fans to be quiet. I just want the fans who's behavior annoys me and others to either control themselves or be eliminated from the stadium.


let people act how they want and just relax and watch the game. You can't have fan's eliminated from the game just because they bother you. I am sure that you yourself bother other people once and a while. No one is as perfect as you are.

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