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Make a Woman Happy...


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It's not difficult to make a woman happy.


A man only needs to be:


1. a friend

2. a companion

3. a lover

4. a brother

5. a father

6. a master

7. a chef

8. an electrician

9. a carpenter

10. a plumber

11. a mechanic

12. a decorator

13. a stylist

14. a sexologist

15. a gynecologist

16. a psychologist

17. a pest exterminator

18. a psychiatrist

19. a healer

20. a good listener

21. an organizer

22. a good father

23. very clean

24. sympathetic

25. athletic

26. warm

27. attentive

28. gallant

29. intelligent

30. funny

31. creative

32. tender

33. strong

34. understanding

35. tolerant

36. prudent

37. ambitious

38. capable

39. courageous

40. determined

41. true

42. dependable

43. passionate

44. compassionate



45. give her compliments regularly

46. love shopping

47. be honest

48. be very rich

49. not stress her out

50. not look at other girls



51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself

52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself

53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes



54. Never to forget:

* birthdays

* anniversaries

* arrangements she makes










































1. Show up naked

2. Bring food

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1. Show up naked

2. Bring food



You forgot to mention bringing the remote and turning the football game on.


Or as Chris Rock said it, "guys are simple, we only want 3 things...feed me, !@#$ me, shut the !@#$ up."

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It's not difficult to make a woman happy.


A man only needs to be:


We only have to be one of those things at a time, right?


Women seem to get excited about guys who have none of those qualities ever. Kevin Federline makes a new woman into a baby factory every year!


Women like guys who are a project. So pretend to be illiterate and keep poking yourself in the eye. And cheat on her. She won't dump you, she'll wonder what she did wrong.

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We only have to be one of those things at a time, right?


Women seem to get excited about guys who have none of those qualities ever.  Kevin Federline makes a new woman into a baby factory every year!


Women like guys who are a project.  So pretend to be illiterate and keep poking yourself in the eye.  And cheat on her.  She won't dump you, she'll wonder what she did wrong.



And I'm the guy they'll come to to tell their troubles. :lol::lol::wacko:


Some gals actually do appreciate having their coat taken, the door openned and flowers for no reason.

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And I'm the guy they'll come to to tell their troubles.   


Some gals actually do appreciate having their coat taken, the door openned and flowers for no reason.



Hey - you're smart. My brother always said it was the quickest way to get some.

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And I'm the guy they'll come to to tell their troubles.  :lol:  :lol:  :wacko:


Some gals actually do appreciate having their coat taken, the door openned and flowers for no reason.


If you read into my post, you can tell I'm bitter. I've basically gotten in trouble with girls in the past for being too nice. In my experience, the fastest way to bore a girl is to respect her. If my two stupid parents hadn't raised me so well then treating people like crap would come naturally to me and I'd be a chick magnet. It sucks.


Girls love jackasses. I don't know why!

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If you read into my post, you can tell I'm bitter.  I've basically gotten in trouble with girls in the past for being too nice.  In my experience, the fastest way to bore a girl is to respect her.  If my two stupid parents hadn't raised me so well then treating people like crap would come naturally to me and I'd be a chick magnet.  It sucks.


Girls love jackasses.  I don't know why!



I know where you were going. Never give up on that. Trust me. And, younger women appreciate that too. The good ones do. I have a few friends that are, let's say quite young that like to spend time with me because I treat them as an equal, I'm polite, and I look for the little things that make them feel more comfortable. I'm not talking about sex, either. With a good woman, that sort of works out on it's own. Don't be afraid to be different. You don't want anyone who wants to be treated like dirt, or wants you to act stupid. End of sermon.

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If you read into my post, you can tell I'm bitter.  I've basically gotten in trouble with girls in the past for being too nice.  In my experience, the fastest way to bore a girl is to respect her.  If my two stupid parents hadn't raised me so well then treating people like crap would come naturally to me and I'd be a chick magnet.  It sucks.


Girls love jackasses.  I don't know why!



hang in there, i have always had the troubles you are going through. girls always dated the **** and i got stuck in the friend zone. but stick with it, sooner or later you'll get a girl that really appreciates it and responds to it. The girl i'm with said that one thing she really liked about me on our first date was the fact that i talked so much about my family, and she wasnt used to being that. And i've been with her for over a year...(if she had her way, she'd be Mrs Ramius, but thats not happening for a while yet)

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If you read into my post, you can tell I'm bitter.  I've basically gotten in trouble with girls in the past for being too nice.  In my experience, the fastest way to bore a girl is to respect her.  If my two stupid parents hadn't raised me so well then treating people like crap would come naturally to me and I'd be a chick magnet.  It sucks.


Girls love jackasses.  I don't know why!



SilverNRed my friend, you are a victim! If I were you, I would get a lawyer and sue your parents! :wacko:

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I know where you were going. Never give up on that. Trust me. And, younger women appreciate that too. The good ones do. I have a few friends that are, let's say quite young that like to spend time with me because I treat them as an equal, I'm polite, and I look for the little things that make them feel more comfortable. I'm not talking about sex, either. With a good woman, that sort of works out on it's own. Don't be afraid to be different. You don't want anyone who wants to be treated like dirt, or wants you to act stupid. End of sermon.



I echo BiB's view. While it is definitely not easy, keep your head up.

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Hrmph.  :wacko:



Just pleasant company. A real man can have a wonderful evening with a real woman, and both appreciate that. If it's meant to be, that sex stuff will come in time. If not, both have nice evening out, and might choose to do so again.


I'm a gentleman. Sort of old school...






You bought that, right?

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