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LOST 2.06 Discussion Thread

UConn James

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The tail-section survivors continue their trek toward the beach, and Sawyer's wound becomes "life-threatening." This is a Shannon-centric episode with flashbacks to where she is... hold on b/c you're going to be shocked... a manipulative B word. And, per the ads for this ep, someone's going to buy the farm.


They really, really need to shock us with something tonight. I'm talking an Arzt-exploding kind of shock. This season has been too sedate and building up to something that doesn't feel like it's ever going to arrive. But... a few eps down the line, we will find out exactly what Kate's original crime was.


Who's bringing the coconuts to the LOST party tonight? And no inflatable anythings; there's too much rancor going on with all that.

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Ahhhh yes. I read a rew spoilers and we should all be pretty satisfied with the show tonight. Someone dies, we learn a little more about "the others", and we get to see Kate, who is the hottest chick I have ever seen.


What a good deal - hottest chick ever+best tv show ever=something to do on wed. nights.

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Ahhhh yes.  I read a rew spoilers and we should all be pretty satisfied with the show tonight.  Someone dies, we learn a little more about "the others", and we get to see Kate, who is the hottest chick I have ever seen.


What a good deal - hottest chick ever+best tv show ever=something to do on wed. nights.



With the Tivoed Sabres game on afterword

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So we gonna start a pool to determine whos lost forever? The ads play it out to be sawyer, so he obviously ISNT the one?


I cant bring coconuts, but i can bring some things i "borrowed" from shannon's unmentionable drawer after i didnt follow her home and didnt sneak into her house, and didnt go through her clothes. :D

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So we gonna start a pool to determine whos lost forever? The ads play it out to be sawyer, so he obviously ISNT the one?



I'm going to go out on a limb here... if it's an ancillary character again, I say it's Eko while trying to save someone in the group; if it's a major character, I say Jin. (But wouldn't it be a shocker if Shannon kills herself? She's had the whole depression thing going on since Boone and now she's seeing Walt's apparition....)


No way Sawyer is killed off.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here... if it's an ancillary character again, I say it's Eko while trying to save someone in the group; if it's a major character, I say Jin. (But wouldn't it be a shocker if Shannon kills herself? She's had the whole depression thing going on since Boone and now she's seeing Walt's apparition....)


No way Sawyer is killed off.



I say its the chick who is the boss of the other group

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So we gonna start a pool to determine whos lost forever? The ads play it out to be sawyer, so he obviously ISNT the one?




I'm liking this, I'm going to say that the blonde chick from the tail section group gets it. Another non-crucial character bites it. Though, I'll still say that killing off Boone was still gutsy for the producers.

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I'm liking this, I'm going to say that the blonde chick from the tail section group gets it. Another non-crucial character bites it. Though, I'll still say that killing off Boone was still gutsy for the producers.



I hope not, think she has good wet T-shirt potential in future episodes

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I'm thinking that the person "lost forever" has to be from the tail group of survivors. From the originals, we've only seen a bunch of hurley, locke, jate, kate, and sayid, with some minor roles from a few others. It would be kinda stupid to kill off someone like shannon or charley, after not seeing them much at all this season. Once again, Sawyer is too obvious a choice. I think it may be Echo or eko or whatever the big black guy's name is.


Also, think of this. What if they happen to kill off Rose's husband. Then michael, jin and sawyer would hafta face the choice of telling rose her husband survived and died, or not telling her anything at all.

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Since I already know, I won't say, but I did read that the WAY in which they are killed is what will freak us all out. Also, next week's episode is all about the tail-end survivors and their story. It supposedly will shine a light on The Others (capitalized because that is their proper name).


In a way, I hate that I am addicted to spoilers.

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Also, think of this. What if they happen to kill off Rose's husband. Then michael, jin and sawyer would hafta face the choice of telling rose her husband survived and died, or not telling her anything at all.



Oooohh, I like that.

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I'm thinking that the person "lost forever" has to be from the tail group of survivors. From the originals, we've only seen a bunch of hurley, locke, jate, kate, and sayid, with some minor roles from a few others. It would be kinda stupid to kill off someone like shannon or charley, after not seeing them much at all this season. Once again, Sawyer is too obvious a choice. I think it may be Echo or eko or whatever the big black guy's name is.


Also, think of this. What if they happen to kill off Rose's husband. Then michael, jin and sawyer would hafta face the choice of telling rose her husband survived and died, or not telling her anything at all.



I agree that it will be one of the tail group...probably the blonde since they actually gave her some lines of dialogue. Mr. Echo is safe because I think they intend to use him to further divide the survivors. Michelle Rodriquez is safe because, well, she's hot. If it's one of the original survivors, my bet is Shannon. Her role has pretty much played itself out. I can see her doing something crazy in her pursuit of the Walt apparition and the Others getting her in the process.


Ah...it's good to be talking Lost again. God knows there nothing left to be said on the other board.

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I agree that it will be one of the tail group...probably the blonde since they actually gave her some lines of dialogue.  Mr. Echo is safe because I think they intend to use him to further divide the survivors.  Michelle Rodriquez is safe because, well, she's hot.  If it's one of the original survivors, my bet is Shannon.  Her role has pretty much played itself out.  I can see her doing something crazy in her pursuit of the Walt apparition and the Others getting her in the process.


Ah...it's good to be talking Lost again.  God knows there nothing left to be said on the other board.



If its shannon, i am going to cry. I mean kate is hot and all, but shannon definitely does it for me. If they kill shannon, what hot blonde are they gonna have? the new one i guess...so long as the original survivors give her the stash of razors and soap they;ve been hoarding for 40+ days :huh:

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Since I already know, I won't say, but I did read that the WAY in which they are killed is what will freak us all out.  Also, next week's episode is all about the tail-end survivors and their story.  It supposedly will shine a light on The Others (capitalized because that is their proper name).


In a way, I hate that I am addicted to spoilers.



Not to sound rude, but shut up about the spoilers man!

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Not to sound rude, but shut up about the spoilers man!



I know that a certain fat man wearing a big red suit and who rides in a sleigh handing out toys is fake, but I'm not going to give anything away cause it would be a spoiler.

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I know that a certain fat man wearing a big red suit and who rides in a sleigh handing out toys is fake, but I'm not going to give anything away cause it would be a spoiler.



I don't want to say anything else but he doesn't get into your house in a manor that you would NEVER think was possible for a big fat man. It will be the HUGE ending tonight that will make you wonder, not that I would ever give a spoiler and tell you how.

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what did walt say? and was that Jack that walked past shannon and her step mom in the hospital?



holy S.H.I.T!!! Walt just scared the everliving crap out of me....


That was one of the scariest moments in any network TV show I've ever seen


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