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sportsline says JP named starter


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Who was slamming Orton...not me...I was slamming our pathetic defense...


Just to point out that our faults were not JPs making, but the inability of

our coaching staff and defense to keep up their promise of not asking JP

to win the games for them.



Sorry - not you; previous poster's legacy re Orton...I was just sticking up for the kid.


To your 2nd point, I won't completely exonerate JP. I don't know of any promise per se, just a management desire. JP was noted in college for avoiding the int. He needs to get some gravel in his gut. You get picked, you get picked - which is ok if you are trying to make a play. That's the hallmark of a Farve, who I have been led to believe is Losman's idol...

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It amazes me that people are so desperate to engage in wishful thinking about the future that they'd sacrifice the season at hand so they can spend a weekend in April and the month of August fantasizing about a Bills Super Bowl victory that will happen in some unnamed season to come.



Yeah, like we're going to win a super bowl with kelly f*cking holcomb at QB.

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I also think JP was playing well his last game...I know the stats don't support it, but I saw what I saw.




You can't be serious! Losman was awful in his last game...what did you see, despite the putrid numbers, that made you think he was playing well?

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Its seems like stumbling into the playoffs is the Holy Grail of Bills football for some.




And earning a top 5 pick in next years' draft is the Holy Grail of Bills football for others! Go figure...it seems for some Bills fans, unfortuantely, that weekend in April brings the most joy!


I could care less if the Bills are 2-9, I would still rather win as many games as possible...call me nuts. Investing an entire teams fortunes on one player, as we should all have learned by now, is foolish! It rarely pays off, unless you consider aggrivation and dissappointment as pay-off...

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It amazes me that people are so desperate to engage in wishful thinking about the future that they'd sacrifice the season at hand so they can spend a weekend in April and the month of August fantasizing about a Bills Super Bowl victory that will happen in some unnamed season to come.



It amazes me that people consider sacrificing next season on the hope that this Bills team could beat a team like the Colts. I argue if they keep playing Holcomb this year then they are basically sacrificing the next two years just to give false hope to people like yourself.


Frankly, I don't think the Bills are a playoff team with either JP or Holcomb this year. The only way they'll make the playoffs is by default. Everyone else in the AFC East sucks just enough to provide hope. They certianly won't get a wildcard either.


So you're right, lets sacrifice this year with hope and next year with development. Then if JP doesn't pan out by the end of the 3rd year then they'll only be one year behind now with the prospect of another rookie QB to be groomed.

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There is this link on the Buffalo Bills page on sportsline but you need VIP access to open it.  Is anyone here a VIP?


Holcomb to lose spot?

Bills to start J.P. Losman?




under player news.


Those are speculations, not headlines. :devil:


Let me make my stance clear. I root for the Bills every week, even when they are very average - like the 2005 Bills. My opinion is that Holcomb is no better than JP, so why not start JP? There is no reason to keep Holcomb in there, unless you think he is the answer to our QB needs for 2005 and 2006, which I do NOT!


What am I missing here? Having already ruled Holcomb out as the Bills starter, I need to know if JP can be the starter NOW.


I NEVER toss out the season, and I will pull for a win on game day, if they are 3-12 on New Years Day.

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Agreed, all I remember is a bunch of really inaccurate passes and wide open recievers that never got looks.



I think you and Buftex (and a whole slew of other Wallers) should look at that game again. He was far less innacurate in that game (YES, I realize I didn't say accurate). Many of his passes were flat-out dropped, and the play-calling was horrendous. While he certainly had room for improvement, he was getting the ball to his receivers so they could have, and SHOULD have made the catch...they did not.

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I think its all a moot point really since the entire belief everyone had coming into this season was that we has a top tier defense.  we'll be out of it by thanksgiving and then JP will get his starts.  I only hope the D can get back to its old form by next year.



And how do you expect this to happen? Milloy, Vincent and Adams will find some magic dust to sprinkle on them making them 10 years younger? Bannan, Anderson, Kelsay and Denney will suddenly become legitimate NFL players?? The Bills will break the bank for Clements?? Incidentally, that last statement is probably the least likely to happen out of all them.


By virtue of the fact that the East sucks this year, the Bills have a shot at hanging around. So let's say they enter next year still not knowing what you have in your 1st round QB and with a defense that may have already peaked. Oh yeah, next season is going to be even better :devil:

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I think you and Buftex (and a whole slew of other Wallers) should look at that game again.  He was far less innacurate in that game (YES, I realize I didn't say accurate).  Many of his passes were flat-out dropped, and the play-calling was horrendous.  While he certainly had room for improvement, he was getting the ball to his receivers so they could have, and SHOULD have made the catch...they did not.



Not to mention the 2seconds that the OL allowed him to make a play downfield.

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I think you and Buftex (and a whole slew of other Wallers) should look at that game again.  He was far less innacurate in that game (YES, I realize I didn't say accurate).  Many of his passes were flat-out dropped, and the play-calling was horrendous.  While he certainly had room for improvement, he was getting the ball to his receivers so they could have, and SHOULD have made the catch...they did not.




Uh, I was at that game, and remember far more passes that were woefully off target, than passes that slipped through recievers hands...he was really pretty bad...I know he is young, and didn't expect perfection, but he was really bad, in what should have been a very winnable game. Eric Moulds was so open on numerous plays in that game (his is the only drop I remember), and Losman underthrew, overthrew, or just did not throw at all.

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Not to mention the 2seconds that the OL allowed him to make a play downfield.



Of course, that goes without saying...but, well said.


Hey, I'm rooting for whoever starts. If we win, I'll be happy. My pick would be the kid (JP) protected by a lopsided running attack...max protect...short throws using the TEs and backs...etc.

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Uh, I was at that game, and remember far more passes that were woefully off target, than passes that slipped through recievers hands...he was really pretty bad...I know he is young, and didn't expect perfection, but he was really bad, in what should have been a very winnable game.  Eric Moulds was so open on numerous plays in that game (his is the only drop I remember), and Losman underthrew, overthrew, or just did not throw at all.




That's why I think you should watch it again (if ya can bear it, that is). You can't see it all when you're at the game.

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So let's say they enter next year still not knowing what you have in your 1st round QB and with a defense that may have already peaked.  Oh yeah, next season is going to be even better  :D


It'll be just like this season due to last years "playoff run". Week 10 2005 is week 10 2004. We just have Sparky instead of The Statue. What veteran bench-warmer can we bring in next year?

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That's why I think you should watch it again (if ya can bear it, that is).  You can't see it all when you're at the game.




Precisely. If you are at the game, you can see an open Eric Moulds 30 yards down field, flailing his arms, as Losman looks away from him, only to try to jam one in to a covered receiver, on a short route, on the other side of the field. Moulds (and Evans to a lesser extent) were so open, so often in that game, it was painful to watch. Even the one nice throw that Losman made in that game, to Reed I think, was at the expense of a much bigger gain that could have been made to a wide open Willis McGahee about 15 yards in front of him...


As bad as the O-line can play (and their effort against the Saints was far from their worse) Losman didn't help them very much....

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