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Unexpectely good movies


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Galaxy Quest is a good choice.


My vote would be for Supertroopers. I was looking forward to the movie when it came out - but it was far better than I thought it would be.


Other choices:

Tommy Boy

Run Lola Run


Bad Santa



good choices, i was gunna say super troopers (excellent low budget film)


but i have to mention:

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Kung Fu Hustle

Forrest Gump

Catch me If you can (nothing against hanks, just didn't think they would be so good)

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One of the main reasons that movie was so good was because it was what it was - a tribute to the B-monster movies of the '50s and '60s like Them - and didn't try to be anything more.  It's usually the movies that try to be everything to all viewers that stink, because you end up asking "What the hell was that all about?"


Wasn't Them about giant ants with James Arness?


Yes, Tremors was a GREAT B movie.


Giant worms.... anyone ever hear of Dune? :huh:

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There are many I can think of, but since it was talked about here recently I'll say Saw.  I was expecting the same old same old, and was surprised that it actually had a bit of originality.  That was the first movie in as long as I can remember where I didn't figure out the ending before it happened.


That said, I haven't and probably won't see SawII.  I'm sure they screwed that up.


My son loved Saw II as well as the original. For perspective, he is 28 and likes action and gore movies.

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My son loved Saw II as well as the original. For perspective, he is 28 and likes action and gore movies.



You have a son?


Wow. If he ever visits here, he must really feel left out. Glad I never had daughters.

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Daredevil. Everyone writing about this movie seems to hate it and of course, there's the Affleck Factor, so I was ready to write this one off going in. I think the movie rocks. Michael Clarke Duncan was a great choice for The Kingpin and Affleck wasn't too shabby. Farrell nearly steals the film as Bullseye. Jennifer Garner is always good eye candy. Favreau was good as his friend too. Solid story.





<3 Farrell.


Man, whatever happened to him? He had that great year back in 2003 when all his star movies came out, then fell off the face of the earth

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There are many I can think of, but since it was talked about here recently I'll say Saw.  I was expecting the same old same old, and was surprised that it actually had a bit of originality.  That was the first movie in as long as I can remember where I didn't figure out the ending before it happened.


That said, I haven't and probably won't see SawII.  I'm sure they screwed that up.



Don't be so sure. Saw II is one of the first movies in a long time whose sequel was better than the first.

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