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The odds that RW will win a SB...


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Super winners are essential built in 4 ways:


(1) Dominant D --- adequate O, fair and above coaching

(2) Dominant O --- adequate D, fair and above coaching

(3) Good O --------- good D ----- good coaching, or

(4) Adequate O ----good D ------ great coaching.


The Bills are none of these. Coming into the '05 campaign, the optimists claimed we were SB bound in a year or two because we were a #1 type. However, most will agree we do not qualify under that category. We have a less than adequate D, a less than adequate O, and what appears to be less than average coaching.

What does this buy us? A trip to the sidelines when the playoffs start.


Now what GM/HC relationship has managed to make teams SB winners? I'm not all that interested in runnersup.


The big dance winners usually have good to great coaches who have GM like powers over the player personnel. The GMs on those teams, in general, stay out of the way of the HC and for most part want it that way. This is far and away the most prevalent type of winner.


A second type is a powerful owner/GM and great HC. There are far fewer of these successful collaborations. Jones/Johnson in Dallas is one of few examples.


A third type is sort of random. These winners are either a function of very dominant defense( 85 Bears) or result of a predecessor's legacy( Seifert in SF).

There are actually more of these than the second type.


Where do the Bills fall into this mix?


IMO, the Bills have a dominant GM who is not by any means a genius. He favors weak coaches who he can push around. There has not been a Super Bowl winning combination like this with one exception....the Jerry Jones/ Switzer winning team. That actually is a case of predecessor legacy. Ralph did have a near miss with Polian/Levy. If Polian had stayed with the Bills long enough, he would have won it. It would have required Marv's replacement, in my view, to get it right.


Donahoe is too flawed to get the job done. It would only happened under his regime if he hired a dominant, guru type HC. That would mean he would have fade into the woodwork and give up the spotlight to the HC. Not going to happen.


For Ralph to reach his imputed goal of bring a title to Buffalo, it is imperative that he take power away from his President of the organization and give much of it to the HC. Even so, it is not at all clear that current HC is capable of handling the minimal powers he does now possess.


I conclude that is almost no chance that the Bills management will lead the team to ultimate victory unless it becomes dominant defensively and offensively like the old Steelers and Cowboy teams. And since those teams had excellent coaching as well as players, I think there's no chance at all for Ralph Wilson.

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