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Riots in Paris


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omg thats like so funny wow , a frenchmen joke about war

get a clue cuz soon it will be the US that will be having riots over and over the way your government is proving to be 100 times more corrupt and incompetent


French government took bribes from Saddam.


US government took Saddam down.


100 times more corrupt than who?

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I laughed at the joke.  France has over 5 million Muslims that are not exactly assimilated into French society.  It was inevitable that this clash would occur and it will not be the last.  Not sure where you are from but by your snotty arrogant tone I am guessing Quebec



arrogant tone?

on this message board all I see is a language being bashed because they do not view the same political philosophies as the great "americans" and i'm the one with the snotty arrogant tone.

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I rather live in Baghdad that Paris. Period.


I'll take my chance at getting blown away over living with incredibly weak and somewhat very fruity people.


Didn't the French Army get it's ass kicked a year or two ago in Africa by some rebel group with 1970's Soviet equipment. What a joke.


Down with France. Down with Quebec.


RJ > France



Let me get this straight, you'd rather live in Baghdad, a city ravaged by war and being controlled by an evil dictator rather than Paris, a democratic city where workers actually have more rights than any where in North America? Ya that makes sence.

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You SIR, are an idiot.


100 times more corrupt than who?


The only reason the french didn't support the war is because they knew we would find all the crap you sent to Saddam against the UN sanctions.  The french just can't accept that france sucks because of the french, not because of the AMERICANS. 


Oh yeah, if it weren't for AMERICANS you would be german you idiot.




first of all, when you say YOU SENT TO SADDAM, when im not from france, yes i am from Quebec but I'm not French, I'm Italian, so therefore generalizing that I'm a certain nationality just because I made a remark about a stupid comment makes you dumber than anything else.

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An Italian saying the American Government is corrupt and incompetent???!!!???


Whats next? Youre going to criticise us for all the "organized crime" here?


And I dont want to hear Word One about "Ugly Americans." Not with all the barbs and arrows being thrown OUR way these days.

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what the hell is wrong with you people?


ALL of you


these pissing wars are retarded


no wonder nothing goes right in the world...take these forum flamewars and multiply by 1000



I try not to start flame wars but sometimes the ignorance of some people piss me off. I'm not for France or against the US as I would not like anything bad to happen to any person let alone a country but when I see comments like the topic starter it just aggravates me to see how much people buy into the lies of the government while your soldiers are dying in another country for something they did not have to.

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An Italian saying the American Government is corrupt and incompetent???!!!???


Whats next? Youre going to criticise us for all the "organized crime" here?


And I dont want to hear Word One about "Ugly Americans." Not with all the barbs and arrows being thrown OUR way these days.



who the hell said "ugly americans", i have nothing against the US or its people, i have something against its foreign policy

and i know that the italian government is corrupt, it bothers me a lot since Italy is once again heading into what it once was before world war II

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Let me get this straight, you'd rather live in Baghdad, a city ravaged by war and being controlled by an evil dictator rather than Paris, a democratic city where workers actually have more rights than any where in North America? Ya that makes sence.




Oh please. Don't turn this into a France vs America debate. ....Seriously France is a sh*thole.


Quick Story:


A fellow co-worker just returned from France. She hated it. She remarked how cramped, dirty, and old most of the building are.


She had friends that she stayed with. The elevator she had to take up to the flat/apartment/shoe box was 3 feet by 3 feet. The main bed was a twin bed (very typical) .There was no room anywhere. Most middle-class folks live like this!Taxes are INSANE - 55-60%. People were god awful to her and her boyfriend because they were American. Someone remarked to her that she should go back where that "killer" runs her country...


For reasons beyond my comprehension the French *HATE* us. Same thing with a good chunk of Canada.


I don't understand it.


Maybe envy?

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Let me get this straight, you'd rather live in Baghdad, a city ravaged by war and being controlled by an evil dictator rather than Paris, a democratic city where workers actually have more rights than any where in North America? Ya that makes sence.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. I rather do anything or be anything as long as I'm not a Fruity Frog.

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I try not to start flame wars but sometimes the ignorance of some people piss me off.  I'm not for France or against the US as I would not like anything bad to happen to any person let alone a country but when I see comments like the topic starter it just aggravates me to see how much people buy into the lies of the government while your soldiers are dying in another country for something they did not have to.


That's your dumb opinion.


In the wise words of Denny Crane: "You're either with us or against us."

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I have to say, I'm terribly proud that my thread created such a stir.......


Also,  if it wasn't for AMERICANS, Italy would also be part of germany!!!!



i sincerely doubt that as most of the Nazi's had lost most of their military trying to invade Russia

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Oh please.  Don't turn this into a France vs America debate. ....Seriously France is a sh*thole. 


Quick Story:


A fellow co-worker just returned from France.  She hated it.  She remarked how cramped, dirty, and old most of the building are. 


She had friends that she stayed with.  The elevator she had to take up to the flat/apartment/shoe box was 3 feet by 3 feet.  The main bed was a twin bed (very typical) .There was no room anywhere.  Most middle-class folks live like this!Taxes are INSANE - 55-60%.  People were god awful to her and her boyfriend because they were American.  Someone remarked to her that she should go back where that "killer" runs her country...


For reasons beyond my comprehension the French *HATE* us.  Same thing with a good chunk of Canada. 


I don't understand it.


Maybe envy?



Taxes are high because there are a lot of services, for example free education and health care, maybe the place your friend visited wasn't exactly the nicest place but im pretty sure you can visit any country in the world and find places where conditions to live arent exactly the best, and i wouldnt say that all French or Canadians hate US as i dont and i know a lot of people that dont, its just a generalization, the same generalization that Americans seem to promote on the French or Canadians, there are actually level headed people in the world that dont go by what they see in the media.

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Yes, that's what I'm saying. I rather do anything or be anything as long as I'm not a Fruity Frog.



ur a dumb !@#$, thats all that can be said about you, thats seriously the only intelligent comment i can get for such a stereotypical ignorant person, id rather not be a fruity frog??? lol

how about, i'd rather not be a fat american since most americans are obese (over 50%) but hey im too intelligent and respectual to generalize

sorry to the people on this board who actually are respectful that im answering this way but when i get comments like "fruity frog", do i have a choice?

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I have to say, I'm terribly proud that my thread created such a stir.......


Also,  if it wasn't for AMERICANS, Italy would also be part of germany!!!!


BB27, you have to give credit where credit is due. It's the mindless liberals who create such a stir. They take the words of scum like Michael Moore and Al Franklin and hold it as truth.


They hold onto the fact that we haven't found WMDs in Iraq and make it seem like that was the only reason we went to war. What about the terrorists that Iraq harbored, or what about the crude eplosives that were found in Iraq that all together could have brought down every single plane in America, or what about the 100,000s of people Saddam murdered. Does that not matter?


Bottom line is countries France and Russia and the UN had "interests" in Iraq that weren't on the up and up, so they portrayed us as "invaders" and "occupiers" to hide the real truth.

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