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Riots in Paris


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i worded it wrong, he is a terrorist, trained by the CIA


I'm pretty sure if the CIA knew about his future when training him to fight the Soviets, they would have put a bullet in the back of his head and be done with it. Unfortunately, the time machine wasn't working that day so I'll cut them some slack. :)


I'm sure some of the French liberated in WWII went on to beat their wives, rape women, molest kids, and overall lead horrible lives. That doesn't mean D-Day was a bad idea.

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I worked in restaurants/hotels.  You want to know how many american kids applied for some of those jobs?  I worked 10 years...you could count them on a single hand.  And the ones that already were working sucked.


I work construction, in the last 5 years I have seen crews, landscape,drywall,carpentry rough and finish, painting, ect ,being done by ''illegals''.... Why, ''$'' cheaper labor, so it is not all about some teenagers being unindustrius in the home building jobs, it is about completing the job with less labor cost, lower proposed bid wins the job....I have been on jobs where young illegals have slacked just as much, as young americans in the restaraunt jobs......Hey I do not care what race culture or legal or illegal, I care about the destruction of american construction jobs, by illegals lowering the labor rate....Think about the jobs being shipped overseas, now imagine the indians illegally coming over here and taking whitecollar jobs because they work for less....Maybe I should just hire illegals, pay them less and put the extra coin in my pocket....Oye

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I'm pretty sure if the CIA knew about his future when training him to fight the Soviets, they would have put a bullet in the back of his head and be done with it.  Unfortunately, the time machine wasn't working that day so I'll cut them some slack.  :)


I'm sure some of the French liberated in WWII went on to beat their wives, rape women, molest kids, and overall lead horrible lives.  That doesn't mean D-Day was a bad idea.


the american government trained muslim extremists to fight the soviets... this on its own is wrong... therefore the entire basis of your argument is wrong... you arm a nation to fight disrupt a country you're at war with is something atrocious on its own. and since you're so sure, then why is it the military is not searching for him anymore? Oh maybe next time they wont airlift the whole family to saudi arabia right after terrorist attacks


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What's a poor xeno/homo-phobe to do!?!?!


French Canadians from the north...Mexicans from the south...homosexuals from within...commies running wild in the streets.


Idaho's gonna get pretty crowded.




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speaking of which, what r ur thoughts on if Germany had taken over Europe, without US intervention, would Germany have continued into North America.



Those were Nazis....not Germans.

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ur a dumb !@#$, thats all that can be said about you, thats seriously the only intelligent comment i can get for such a stereotypical ignorant person, id rather not be a fruity frog??? lol

how about, i'd rather not be a fat american since most americans are obese (over 50%) but hey im too intelligent and respectual to generalize

sorry to the people on this board who actually are respectful that im answering this way but when i get comments like "fruity frog", do i have a choice?


Yes, you do have a choice. You always have a choice. It takes a few minutes to type a reply and it takes a conscious decision to click on the "add reply" key.


You can respond to the individual who made the comments that offended you or you can attack the fat americans who haven't said one nasty thing about you.


Your choice.

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the american government trained muslim extremists to fight the soviets... this on its own is wrong... therefore the entire basis of your argument is wrong... you arm a nation to fight disrupt a country you're at war with is something atrocious on its own. and since you're so sure, then why is it the military is not searching for him anymore?  Oh maybe next time they wont airlift the whole family to saudi arabia right after terrorist attacks




Holy conspiracy theory.

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I rather do anything or be anything as long as I'm not a Fruity Frog.



e.g. aren't you a self-proclaimed pats fan now?


hey, why don't you take a break from berating the french and update your antiquated lost blog

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the american government trained muslim extremists to fight the soviets... this on its own is wrong... therefore the entire basis of your argument is wrong... you arm a nation to fight disrupt a country you're at war with is something atrocious on its own. and since you're so sure, then why is it the military is not searching for him anymore?  Oh maybe next time they wont airlift the whole family to saudi arabia right after terrorist attacks




The Pakistanis trained and funded him, you moron. Read a !@#$ing newspaper.

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the american government trained muslim extremists to fight the soviets... this on its own is wrong... therefore the entire basis of your argument is wrong... you arm a nation to fight disrupt a country you're at war with is something atrocious on its own.


You're right. I'm really sorry we helped tear down the Soviet Union. Whatever were we thinking???


Is it possible he wasn't a muslim extremist when we were allies? Like maybe if he was going on and on about killing every American, maybe we would've found someone else to help out?


Whatever. You weren't even sure if he was a terrorist earlier today so who cares what you think? Maybe he's just a "so-called terrorist" and is just misunderstood.


and since you're so sure, then why is it the military is not searching for him anymore?
Amazing you know so much about our military. :)


  Oh maybe next time they wont airlift the whole family to saudi arabia right after terrorist attacks
Thanks Michael Moore, anything else to enlighten us with today? :flirt:
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This thread is just about enough to make me shake my head with wonder. Then I consider the depth of thought, knowledge and understanding.


Got a note this morning from a friend of mine that lives very close to the problem. She says things have calmed down a lot, and she even went out to dinner last night. I'm glad she's safe.

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This thread is just about enough to make me shake my head with wonder. Then I consider the depth of thought, knowledge and understanding.


Got a note this morning from a friend of mine that lives very close to the problem. She says things have calmed down a lot, and she even went out to dinner last night. I'm glad she's safe.


My friends cousin lives in Paris and he visited here. He said that in that area it's horrible because of the poverty. But my boss lives in SuperCannes near La Cote D'Azur and its a beautiful area. France is a mixed country with beautiful areas such as Monaco and Cannes and ugly areas such as Nantes and Paris

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My friends cousin lives in Paris and he visited here.  He said that in that area it's horrible because of the poverty.  But my boss lives in SuperCannes near La Cote D'Azur and its a beautiful area.  France is a mixed country with beautiful areas such as Monaco and Cannes and ugly areas such as Nantes and Paris



I have friends all over the world. Even the ones in government are rarely "their government". Yeah, a lot of the French have attitudes, so do a lot of Americans. So does everybody else. Get to know people, people. You might be surprised. I personally am grateful for the friendship I have with a lot of people in places that you wouldn't think anyone talks to. Their opinions, insights and ideas are valuable to me, and I in return try to teach them that not all Americans are what they see on TV.


All this "everyone" bashing just bugs me sometimes. I personally-professionally have a lot of issues with the French government and their policies, but my little friend Elodie is a very sweet and fun person, and could care less. I feel somewhat the same about people I know in Pakistan, Poland, China, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany, Spain, Malaysia and a dozen other places.


OK, sermon over.

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I have friends all over the world. Even the ones in government are rarely "their government". Yeah, a lot of the French have attitudes, so do a lot of Americans. So does everybody else. Get to know people, people. You might be surprised. I personally am grateful for the friendship I have with a lot of people in places that you wouldn't think anyone talks to. Their opinions, insights and ideas are valuable to me, and I in return try to teach them that not all Americans are what they see on TV.


All this "everyone" bashing just bugs me sometimes. I personally-professionally have a lot of issues with the French government and their policies, but my little friend Elodie is a very sweet and fun person, and could care less. I feel somewhat the same about people I know in Pakistan, Poland, China, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany, Spain, Malaysia and a dozen other places.


OK, sermon over.




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I personally-professionally have a lot of issues with the French government and their policies, but my little friend Elodie is a very sweet and fun person, and could care less.



I don't think it's France's WOMEN that anyone takes issue with..... :)

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The NE fans make it "hell" in the sports sense.  Other than that, I love Boston.  Can't think of another town I'd like to live in, other than San Fran or Seattle, maybe Portland Maine.


See ya 'round, Big Boy 27.  (Where's that emoticon that's blowing a kiss..."



Portland is a GREAT town. One of the better kept secrets of New Bruschi (We're not worthy!).

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