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Riots in Paris


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ur a dumb !@#$, thats all that can be said about you, thats seriously the only intelligent comment i can get for such a stereotypical ignorant person, id rather not be a fruity frog??? lol

how about, i'd rather not be a fat american since most americans are obese (over 50%) but hey im too intelligent and respectual to generalize

sorry to the people on this board who actually are respectful that im answering this way but when i get comments like "fruity frog", do i have a choice?


You could ignore it. Works alot better. Tough to stay clean when rolling around in the pen with the pig. The pig actually lives for the attention.

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Wherever it occurs - anarchy is the pathway to chaos. French society, for whatever it is, is not remotly close to the brutal rule of ancient times.


This is a terrible occurance.



every population has its ups and downs, right now there, you have an increase in dissidents because of the poverty and lack of cultural integration.. its unfortunate that people never see eye to eye because of insignificant things such as religion and political beliefs, we all have one life to live and yet some are so quick to destroy life for reasons such as this.

It also seems that people are beginning to finally wake up when it comes to politiccs and not following blindly into what they see and hear, Canada for example is slowly becoming segregated between Quebec, Alberta and Ontario because of the political scandal. This mistrust of politicians was never as rampant as it is today and it could lead to instability all over the world

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Let me get this straight, you'd rather live in Baghdad, a city ravaged by war and being controlled by an evil dictator rather than Paris, a democratic city where workers actually have more rights than any where in North America? Ya that makes sence.


Have you ever been to Paris? I have walked through those Muslim neighborhoods and saw with my own eyes that they are second class citizens. America is more culturally diverse then any nation on the planet. How do you figure France has more rights then the USA? Did you know any policeman can approach and strip search you in France- he does not need probable cause. Did you know you could be arrested if you boo the French national anthem. Stop hating the USA and come check it out with an open mind. We are good people down here

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BB27, you have to give credit where credit is due. It's the mindless liberals who create such a stir. They take the words of scum like Michael Moore and Al Franklin and hold it as truth.


They hold onto the fact that we haven't found WMDs in Iraq and make it seem like that was the only reason we went to war. What about the terrorists that Iraq harbored, or what about the crude eplosives that were found in Iraq that all together could have brought down every single plane in America, or what about the 100,000s of people Saddam murdered. Does that not matter?


Bottom line is countries France and Russia and the UN had "interests" in Iraq that weren't on the up and up, so they portrayed us as "invaders" and "occupiers" to hide the real truth.



remember that in history, every country has skeletons in the closet, like the fact that your CIA trained the so called terrorist you are seeking out for. Every country has its interests outside of what they claim in the media, including US, Russia France and God knows who else, but dont come and tell me that the US invaded Iraq because of all the people that were murdered, nor for oil, there were other reasons that we might never know, or that our children will one day be discussing in some history class

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ur a dumb !@#$, thats all that can be said about you, thats seriously the only intelligent comment i can get for such a stereotypical ignorant person, id rather not be a fruity frog??? lol

how about, i'd rather not be a fat american since most americans are obese (over 50%) but hey im too intelligent and respectual to generalize

sorry to the people on this board who actually are respectful that im answering this way but when i get comments like "fruity frog", do i have a choice?


Ah, so you are against us like I thought.


I got a website for you commie ... go here to be surrounded by your brothers.


BTW ... your soccer team sucks too. Overrated bunch of swan divers.


I don't think I like this guy. What a great thread to head into the weekend! <_<

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who the hell said "ugly americans"





That'd be me...and this thread is turning out just like I expected! <_<


If ignorance was corn flakes, this thread would be General Mills. Knowadimean?

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remember that in history, every country has skeletons in the closet, like the fact that your CIA trained the so called terrorist you are seeking out for. 


"So-called terrorist"? How many more civilians does Osama bin Laden have to kill before you go ahead and drop the "so-called"? How many more bus or train bombings do you need before you consider Al Qaeda terrorists? Just wondering.



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I have to say, I'm terribly proud that my thread created such a stir.......


Also,  if it wasn't for AMERICANS, Italy would also be part of germany!!!!



Da hell is wrong with being German? <_<


You people make it sound like I'm French or something :D

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That'd be me...and this thread is turning out just like I expected!  <_<


If ignorance was corn flakes, this thread would be General Mills.  Knowadimean?




That was an easy call. On one hand you have a foreigner, on the other, a shiit load of Americans, that love to slap ignorant Quebec morons around. :D

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Da hell is wrong with being German?  <_<


You people make it sound like I'm French or something  :D



Well, the germans were in bed with Saddam too, and they didn't support us one bit. We rebuilt the frigin country after WWII. I have some like (notice I didn't say love) for the germans because german people seem to get it, they don't have to agree with us, but they don't hate us. An American can go to germany, and they have an appreciation for what America did for germany. You go to france and get nothing but ****.


Also, in response to the italian who doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that he would be german if not for Americans, due to germany sending their troops to russia to fight, the AMERICANS provided the russians with the money, and in some cases the actual weapons they were fighting the germans with.


My italian friend, you may have no respect for Americans or for what they did for your country, but, I would be willing to bet that your father and his father see it different.

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My italian friend, you may have no respect for Americans or for what they did for your country, but, I would be willing to bet that your father and his father see it different.




Why do you think he doesn't have respect for what the Americans did in WW2? I see nothing in what he says that show any disrespect for what we did for Italy (and the World) in WW2.

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Have you ever been to Paris?  I have walked through those Muslim neighborhoods and saw with my own eyes that they are second class citizens.  America is more culturally diverse then any nation on the planet.  How do you figure France has more rights then the USA?  Did you know any policeman can approach and strip search you in France- he does not need probable cause.  Did you know you could be arrested if you boo the French national anthem.  Stop hating the USA and come check it out with an open mind.  We are good people down here


ive been to the US, i never said I have anything against it. But saying that you'd rather live in baghdad than in France is pretty biased and probably something Mr Clutch would take back if he'd have to actually go through what he just claimed

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