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Worst Fears Realized


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So i guess what I'm saying is I'm sick of being disappointed and every Sunday, and now I've set it up in my head I'll be happy with any outcome, except a close loss on bad call by an official.


Bill, I agrree whole hearteldly, and thats my fear. That TD and MM, and Ralph, say "hey look, we beat the Pats on the road, we really are on to something here, and its just been"inconsistency" as to why we are getting run over in every game".


That, my friend, is my worst fear!!!!!!!



Those from two of my posts last week, and now TDs quote in the D&C this morning


Nobody liked losing the other night, but we felt the performance is something we can use as a springboard. We stood toe to toe with the defending Super Bowl champs and gave them everything they wanted



They just aren't getting it, and that pisses me off more than making the mistake, is the refusal to admit it.

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They just aren't getting it, and that pisses me off more than making the mistake, is the refusal to admit it.



What do you expect the team to say. "We are embarrassed at how badly we suck and don't feel we have a chance to win many more games this year."? Of course Donahoe isn't going to say that. He's towing the party line like any GM would. I wouldn't read too much into his honest thoughts based on what he said to the media. Hell, he's even set the table for a scenario where JP can return and the team still won't publicly admit the season is over.


Until the team is mathematically out of the playoffs the coaching staff and front office will keep saying the season isn't over even if they believe otherwise.

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Until the team is mathematically out of the playoffs the coaching staff and front office will keep saying the season isn't over even if they believe otherwise.



Exactly, and they would probably lose their jobs if they did.

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They're just telling us the company line. Even though I believe and many others here believe the season's history, don't expect them to come out and say it. One thing I liked about that article was he said JP was looking better in practice.

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This team doesn't know what's about to hit it. They're going to get smashed by everybody on the schedule except maybe the Jets. The run defense is a joke and the offense can't get out of it's own way. The Bills can run the ball, but that won't do it against the likes of KC, SD and Denver when they are running up the score by the second quarter. This folley that TD and MM are trying to sell to the Bills fans is embarassing and insulting to fans that watch football. This thing's gonna get ugly.

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This team doesn't know what's about to hit it. They're going to get smashed by everybody on the schedule except maybe the Jets. The run defense is a joke and the offense can't get out of it's own way. The Bills can run the ball, but that won't do it against the likes of KC, SD and Denver when they are running up the score by the second quarter. This folley that TD and MM are trying to sell to the Bills fans is embarassing and insulting to fans that watch football. This thing's gonna get ugly.


As`a Bills fan I hate to say it, but god I hope so. I know what they have to say in the media, but I really think they believe they have a chance. PLaying KH just confirms that.


Now, lets say they everybody in the division falls apart, and the Bills make the playoffs at 8-8. Who dat we gunna beat in the first rd. Thats why I'm so frustrated now. Why this year, of all years, does NE need to suck.Just a curse on the Bills.

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