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Send an eMail to ESPN Sunday Night Football


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Here's a link to ESPN, send them a note of appreciation for the quality work they did Sunday as I have below:


Tell ESPN What A Great Job We're Doing!


Your Broadcast last night of the Pats/Bills game is without doubt the single worst effort by any network since I began watching football on television in 1964. The incessant coverage of Teddy Bruschi, a linebacker getting knocked senseless all over the field for the full duration of a tight game, verged on hysterical. Clearly your staff went into the evening hoping to find some intrigue into a game you incorrectly assumed would not be interesting, but in the end the one thing that proved of very little interest was the non-story you over-pursued. You might learn something from the sport you're covering by forcing an adjustment during a game when your preparation shows to be so seriously flawed, even if that adjustment is to send someone into the booth to shove a sock down Joe Theisman's throat so a majority of the viewing public are able to suspend the "Mute" feature that is a normal pre-requisite for any Sunday Night Football broadcast.

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