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Tedy was the one responsable for the Pink Floyd reunion at Live 8.  I heard that he actually was going to conjur up Lennon and Harrison and re-create The Beatles.



Going to?


During the bye week Bruschi wrote 34 new songs and performed them all along with the classics on the roof of Apple Records while simultaneously playing lead guitar, piano and drums, stepping on Ringo's neck, taking Paul roughly from behind, and having tea with the Queen (she made it herself for the occasion).


A scant 23 minutes later, new live tracks from the reunited "Brutles" shot to #1-#10 on the British charts. Now in heavy rotation on MTV, VH1, MTV2, VH3, and MTV8 "The Ocho":


"Sgt. Bruschi's Perfect Ball Club Band"

"When I'm Fifty-Four"

"All You Need Is Tedy"

"I Want To Hold Your End (Ode To The Offensive Line)"

"Hey Bru"

"Tedy You're A Rich Man"

"Got To Get Bru Into My Life"

"Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Bruschi"

"Doctor Robert (Cleared Me To Play)"

"With A Little Help From The Refs"

"Bru Can Work It Out"

"Mean Mr. Bruschi"

"One Hit After 909"


It was revealed on Sunday night.....that in FACT it wasn't Mo Lewis who knocked Drew Bledsoe out with a collapsed lung against the Jets that fateful Sunday afternoon several years ago.


No......it was Tedy Bruschi who actually inadvertantly stomped on Drew's chest while on the sidelines while celebrating another "hit".


Thus.....Tedy now gets all the credit for Tom Brady's Hall Of Fame career and the new found Patriot Dynasty! <_<


Johnny Damon just released a statement crediting Bruschi with his "caveman" makeover which propelled the IDIOTS to their 1st World series win in 86 years.....



It is rumoured that the Red Sox front office has contacted Bruschi regarding the vacant General Manager's position.....

Just a simple, albeit hypothetical question, with the "heaven forbid" qualifier: Had this been a Bill, would this whole story about Bruschi been overkill?



A Buffalo Bill could have rescued puppies from a burning car, retrieved their squeeky toys, served food to Katrina victims, and been shot protecting a nun from Karl Rove looting beer in New Orleans.


But all we would have heard about is how Tom Brady continues to grow as a QB

Johnny Damon just released a statement crediting Bruschi with his "caveman" makeover which propelled the IDIOTS to their 1st World series win in 86 years.....

It is rumoured that the Red Sox front office has contacted Bruschi regarding the vacant General Manager's position.....


In a late breaking story. Steinbrener at it again! Under cutting the Red Sox for another desired player. You guessed it. Brewski and his agent are talking with the Yanks about filling every position on the team. Details to follow.

Just a simple, albeit hypothetical question, with the "heaven forbid" qualifier: Had this been a Bill, would this whole story about Bruschi been overkill?



Yes...but if this whole story had been about a Bill, it wouldn't even have been reported. <_<


ESPN has changed to a 24 hour Brewski station. To compete with their sister "the Duece" they are calling it "The Brewsk"

This has essentially turned into the best thread ever.


Ted Brewski created the best thread ever on TBD. Lets canonize him!

Ted Brewski created the best thread ever on TBD.  Lets canonize him!



This just in


Theodore J. Bruski has changed his name. He will now be known only by his symbol - which is described as looking alot like an !


Theorodore or as we now say, ! - refuses to give it a sound saying only that he will known by this symbol.


The press has decided for the short term to dub him the "Patriot formerly known as Teddy Breuschi." until a proper sound can be associated. Leading candidates for a sound involve noises made by blowing against your naked upper arm after getting it kinda wet first.


Is it just me, or does anyone else have a wife who makes a habit of blurting out "ohhh Tedy" in the middle of lovemaking.


BTW - in eastern Europe, Tedy is referred to as "The Fourth Beatle". They actually have him ranked ahead of Ringo.

This just in


Theodore J. Bruski has changed his name. He will now be known only by his symbol - which is described as looking alot like an !


Theorodore or as we now say, !  - refuses to give it a sound saying only that he will known by this symbol.


The press has decided for the short term to dub him the "Patriot formerly known as Teddy Breuschi." until a proper sound can be associated. Leading candidates for a sound involve noises made by blowing against your naked upper arm after getting it kinda wet first.



Oh my....

BTW - in eastern Europe, Tedy is referred to as "The Fourth Beatle". They actually have him ranked ahead of Ringo.



Not only that, but even Paul insists that the songwriting credits should be "Bruschi-McCartney".




Washington D.C. (AP) -- Both Fox News and CNN are reporting that President Bush has changed his nomination to the US Supreme Court bench. The President has nominated Tedy Bruschi and it is believed that congress has already approved his nomination unanimously. Chief Justice John Roberts is expected to step down from the head of the Supreme Court to allow Bruschi to take on that roll.

It was revealed on Sunday night.....that in FACT it wasn't Mo Lewis who knocked Drew Bledsoe out with a collapsed lung against the Jets that fateful Sunday afternoon several years ago.


No......it was Tedy Bruschi who actually inadvertantly stomped on Drew's chest while on the sidelines while celebrating another "hit".


Thus.....Tedy now gets all the credit for Tom Brady's Hall Of Fame career and the new found Patriot Dynasty!  :)



You have it all wrong. It was Mo Lewis that injured Bledsoe. But it was Bruschi who perfomed the emergency surgery to fix bledsoe's sheared blood vessel.

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