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The NFL & ESPN LOVE the Pats...


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It's just disgusting watching a game like last night's and seeing how much the NFL & ESPN just will do anything to keep the Patsies in the playoff hunt. Buffalo got screwed several times last night and I have to wonder where some of this is coming from. The reviewed NON catch in the 4th quarter was as obvious as it could be. And , if it was so obviuos to the official that he made the catch , then why did it take him so long talking to the booth after he finished reviewing it ?? All of the game announcers agreed that the catch should not have been counted. But , today on Sports Center there is no mention of the controversy what so ever. NFL & ESPN both want the Pats to be the Yankees of the NFL. YOu have to have a team that dominates and is in the playoffs every year so that they will be such a huge draw when they travel. I am thouroughly disgusted with it all..... What do you all think about this possible conspiracy in the NFL ?

On another topic.... what was with all of the empty seats last night ?? Pats fans are even giving up on their sad team. I guarentee you there won't be any empty seats when the Patsies come to the Ralph.

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I agree with you. The NFL is turning into the WWF in my opinion. That game was fixed from the start. Beginning with what the announcers were saying in the booth, to what the Refs were calling on the field, to the TV coverage, to the phanton holding and pass interference calls. It was sickening and i question my commitment to watching football anymore. Its turning into one big soap opera/drama. Me-Owens, Tedy Bruschi, McNabb, Brady, all they cover is what sells. You never hear anything but 7 or 8 things on ESPN and they are all what sells. Its all about the $. Not about what is fair and just letting things play out. Ive never been so upset about a Bills game in my life. The NFL and ESPN should be ashamed of themselves.

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