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In case you want to drop espn a note

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...ahh, this is so funny. This is my one Bills game on TV in OZ so far this year. A friend, not a football fan asked who Teddy was and i told her that he wrote that Cheesy Poof song that Cartman sang in South Park, and that he's known as the Big Cheesy Poof King in the NFL...now Hammeredalot goes and writes that...well done... :lol::lol::doh::lol: now it hurts...

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Does Maguire still live in WNY? Maybe some of you can egg his house or leave a burning brown bag of sh-- outside his door. :doh:


That would be useless. Bruschi would show up, with Joe T. and Mike P. still attached to his johnson, and save the day by stomping out the fire. This would leave MaGuire forever in debt to Bruschi for saving he and his families lives.

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MY 2 cents sent to ESPN


Your coverage of last night's Tedy Bruschi love fest was the worse display of one sided commentating I've seen in 35 years of watching professional football. Time and time again you gusted over Tedy, his wife, Robert Kraft, Tedy's kids and Tedy's dog. It's a nice story, but in case you forgot, there are TWO teams on the field. I thought your coverage during last year's Michael Vick love fest (Carolina/Atlanta) game was bad, but you've managed to top that fiasco. It was unwatchable. How many times did you miss an important play because you were loving on Tedy again and again. Quit trying to be like Oprah and let the game do the talking!


Not to mention the total lack of coverage of the passing of one of the true cornerstones of the league in Wellington Mara. Bruschi wouldn't even have the chance to step on a field if not for the likes of Wellington Mara and the other long time owners who built this league into what it is today.

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Well, I didn't even give ESPN much of a chance. I watched a bit of the opening and when it was all Tedy, all the time, I turned on Murph and Alex. At least they acknowledged good plays by BOTH teams.


I hate to say it, though....the Bills won't get any respect from any media until they start winning again.

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I sent my message.  Everybody I talked to about the game today still could taste the vomit in the back of their throats from "True NFL Story: TedyBruschi".  Didn't I read somewhere that NBC is going to be taking over the rights to Sunday Night?  Please, make it so!



And with our luck, the ESPN trio will flip to NBC - I'd take McGuire, team him with Costas and Albert. That would be a good team!

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Anybody have a phone # for ESPN's corp. office in Bruschiville??


I came up with three numbers.....



935 Middle Street, Bristol, CT 06010

(860) 766-2000

Email: infoaerocast.com


ESPN - Viewer Information

935 Middle Street, Bristol, CT 06010

(860) 766-2236



899 Middle Street, Bristol, CT 06010

(860) 641-8800


I was actually in Bristol a couple weeks ago, drove right by ESPN. Wouldn't have noticed it except for all the satellite dishes outside.

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Heres mine-


Your 3 hour Ted Brewski special Sunday night was horrible! There was a great football game on- it would of been nice if you covered it. Horrible coverage. Brewski is no hero. Gandhi is a hero. Pat Tillman is a hero. Nelson Mandela is a hero. 316 NYC Firemen are heros. Randy Shugart is a hero. Brewski is no hero. BTW Mcgahees and Robert Edwards comebacks were much more impressive- yet ESPN does not perform felattio on them all weekend. Sunday night football on ESPN is what the mute button is for

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Theismann:  " When Buffalo resorts to trick plays like that, with their record, they need to get more than what they did. "


(2 minutes more of Theismann talking) 


Theismann: "Buffalo just needs to get more out of that then what they did."


McGwire:  "Buffalo got a first down on that play"


Theisman: "Well.... they need to get more out of that play.  Did you see Bruschi penetrate the backfield on that play though?"




How about Theisman asking Mcguire "did they ever try and ice you". "Joe- I was the punter. You cant ice the punter. You dont ice the fatman"


I laughed my ass of at that bimbo Theesman

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Here's mine, as if it's worth anything more than the electrons it's attached to:


Re: 10/30 Broadcast: Buffalo Bills at New Bruschi Bruschis


I've never sent one of these letters to any corporation before but this was irresistable. Your Sunday telecast was the worst piece of sports broadcasting I have ever seen in my life, with no competitors registering even a close second. Over the years I've learned to watch your NFL telecasts with the volume muted so I don't have to endure the syphillitic rantings of those two blithering buffoons taking up space in the booth. Not a single one of the hundreds of fans I know has one iota of respect for these color commentators and as a result most of them have lost any respect they once had for ESPN. Outside of Berman/Jackson's "Primetime" show, there is simply no longer any programming worth viewing on your once proud network; even the embarrasing antics of MHoge have made the formerly fantastic "Edge Matchup" unwatchable.

This was all before last night where you reached a new low in your broadcast history with that awful telecast of the Patriots/Bills game. Even with the sound turned off it was still impossible to ignore the ridiculous overkill re: the Ted Bruschi storyline which you insisted on repeatedly forcing down your unfortunate viewers' throats until it became unbearably nauseous. Considering the frequent cutaways from actual game action for pointless "interviews", the monotonous fades when going to commercial, the absurd use of the imaginary "hit" statistic, the unending shots of poor Mrs Bruschi and unyielding assualt of all things Teddy, I simply cannot imagine what kind of horrors must have been eminating from the blabbering maws of those insipid commentators.

I didn't think it could be done but you people have actually made me dislike the admirable Bruschi and I for one am done with the lamentable and embarrasingly unprofessional work of ESPN. What a shame that a great idea for a network with such wide appeal has become such a pathetic joke among sports fans. And what an even bigger shame that I'm not the only one that feels like this; every single person I know feels exactly the same way.

I'll forward this note to your advertisers in the slim hope that they will consider how wasteful it is to spend their monies on your "product", but I imagine that they are just as much out of touch with reality as you people have become. I can only hope that someday a network of talented and dedicated individuals steps forward to fill the gaping hole in national sports coverage that has been left by your departure from same.

Thanks to your predecessors for 15 good years and we're all sorry to see what you've become since.

Your former viewer,

----- -----

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For what it's worth...


Did anyone from your network notice that during Tedyfest that there was actually a pretty good football game happening at the same time? At least that is what I heard on the radio and what I have read in the papers...


I believe that everyone in your organization from the executives, producers, directors, camera people, technical crew, and announcers should be locked in a room and be force-fed that telecast just like you heaped it on fans of the game. What a complete and utter insult to the fans of the NFL. Shame.


I know this letter is destined for the recycle bin, but you certainly owe the football fans a broadcast apology for your total disregard of the game being played. Pathetic.


If this broadcast was a glimpse of things to come, good luck on Monday nights next year. A reminder; It takes two teams to play a game. Disgrace.

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Dear ESPN :


I was inspired by last nights broadcast of the Tedy Bruschi story. Could you provide a direct contact # of his representation. I wish to talk to his people about making a short film together.



Paris Hilton

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Dear ESPN :


I was inspired by last nights broadcast of the Tedy Bruschi story. Could you provide a direct contact # of his representation. I wish to talk to his people about making a short film together.



                                                                          Paris Hilton





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