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MMQB with Peter King


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King starts off, "I was at The Expansion Bowl between Houston and Cleveland on Sunday,"


Why on earth was a national pro football writer for perhaps the weekly sports journal of record, SI, in Houston to see a game between the Browns and Texans?!?!?


What could you possibly witness at this event to merit the trip...how do you convince your editor that this is the game you need to be at?

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Man I the way home I looked out across a body of water and couldn't believe my eyes. First this God Like man walked across the lake and then once on the other side he parted the great body of water and walked back. I couldn't believe my eyes when on the back of his robe was scrawlled: BRUSHCI!!!! :(

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It didn't end with the game. The first five minutes of Bruschi coverage on Sportscenter was capped off with Sean Salisbury (a former quarterback) stating that Tedy "dominated the game" and "was clearly in mid-season form."


Friggin' puke.


The only rush that I saw Tedy stop was Suzy Kolber's after the game.

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Yeah he's a tool, but give credit where credit is due. It may be a left handed compliment but in his Andy Rooney random thought segment (Ten Things I Think I Think) he did note in item 1:


h. I have no idea how the Patriots won that game.


He easily could have stated it as "I have no idea how the Bills lost that game".


Now if you want to see hype wait for INFL this week. They will probably drool over Brew for 10 minutes. But at least they won't skip the Bill's game in the highlights this week.

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