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You Say Goodbye......

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I'll agree with Pete on this one. I'd like to see Eric stay. He wants to win badly. He's not afraid of what needs to be said and doesn't care about  hurt feelings to better the team. Those are the kind of players we need. I thought KH played well Sunday night, now I know he's not the answer but I'm beginning to doubt that JP is either. I'd love to get Phillip Rivers after we take care of our lines. Just some wishful thinking that won't get done with our current GM.


What makes you think that Rivers could be the guy here? He would have to learn our system, he has a side-arm delivery that is questionable for Buffalo weather, and would cost us, again, an arm and a leg. How many times do we have to sell the farm to get the right QB for the future of this team? The people giving up on Losman after 4 games, two of which he wasn't even allowed to finish (and one when we were only down a touchdown!), are absolutely ridiculous. No. If we wanted Rivers, we should have traded up in '04. Getting him now would be asinine.

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I won't go that far in saying he's not a fan but I also do not understand why he wouldn't want Moulds. The man has been written off by many TBDers way too early IMO. Plus he stayed here for less than he would have made on the open market back in 2001 AND has taken multiple pay restructures since then, and will probably reneg next season yet again. In hindsight, the choice between he and Wiley (2nd string nobody now) was absolutely the right one as well.



It isn't that I wouldn't want him, however I would prefer 5.5 million dollars in cap space to an aging Eric Moulds who seems to have lost a step.

I am not unappreciative of what Moulds has done in Buffalo, but sometimes players need to move on, otherwise those great players on your screen name would still be here. <_<

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Goodbye Eric Moulds.


Hello 5.5 mil. 06 cap space according to clumping platelets.


Goodbye cap space saved on Willis.


Hello Mr. Rosenhaus.


Goodbye Mike Williams.


Hello Jason Peters.


Goodbye KH. Nice try.


Hello JP. Time to be handed the job, part deux.


Goodbye first place.


Hello possible top 10 pick.


Goodbye calling a fair game.


Hello refs every time NE takes the field.


Goodbye vomit and nausea.


Hello TV screen without Bruschi and Theisman.

Feel free to add your own to the list.



That would truly be a bad thing if we cut Eric Moulds. The question is why? To save 5.5 million and spend it on what?

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DT, OL.  Our early #1 draft pick next year.  Locking up McGahee.  A low-cost veteran receiver.  Clements or his replacement.  Possible replacement for Posey.


That enough for you?




So basically you'd give up one of our best players and 5.5 million for a DT, OL, #1 early draft pick, Clements, replacement for Posey. That's obviously going to cost more than 5.5 million for the 4 or 5 things your asking for.

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So basically you'd give up one of our best players and 5.5 million for a DT, OL, #1 early draft pick, Clements, replacement for Posey.  That's obviously going to cost more than 5.5 million for the 4 or 5 things your asking for.


I'm saying spend it on any one of those things, Einstein. Maybe two or three. Those are our needs. And one of our "best players" has scored all of 3 touchdowns and averaged 9.89 yards a catch through 8 games. Time to get better players, sounds like.

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I'm saying spend it on any one of those things, Einstein.  Maybe two or three.  Those are our needs.  And one of our "best players" has scored all of 3 touchdowns and averaged 9.89 yards a catch through 8 games.  Time to get better players, sounds like.



I get your point. Still, I don't understand how you can get rid of a playmaker like Moulds. If for some reason he doesn't play in a game this year, lets see how good our wide receivers do without him. If I'm wrong about this, I'll be the the first one to apologize to you.

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So basically you'd give up one of our best players and 5.5 million for a DT, OL, #1 early draft pick, Clements, replacement for Posey.  That's obviously going to cost more than 5.5 million for the 4 or 5 things your asking for.



You are right. That list (and it is a good one) will cost far more than 5.5 mil. This is why, imo, the jobs of many costly veterans will not be secure next season, unless of course there is a complete turnaround in the way they are playing. This is something I do not expect.


Obviously, there will be major changes in 06. The Bills will have 4 seemingly early draft selections on day 1 (unless TD trades them away), and there are several good players scheduled to be UFAs at positions of need. MaGahee will certainly want to renegotiate, and Clements will cost mega millions.


I just don't think that the team has the 5.5 to spare for an aging Moulds.


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Obviously, there will be major changes in 06. The Bills will have 4 seemingly early draft selections on day 1 (unless TD trades them away), and there are several good players scheduled to be UFAs at positions of need. MaGahee will certainly want to renegotiate, and Clements will cost mega millions.




Hutchinson & LeCharles are the only ones on that list that jump out at me. How about you? I think if we are going to improve our lines in '06, it may have to be through the draft.

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Hutchinson & LeCharles are the only ones on that list that jump out at me. How about you? I think if we are going to improve our lines in '06, it may have to be through the draft.



I would like to see more of him, but I was always intrigued by Jeff Backus. He played next to Hutch at UM.

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Hutchinson & LeCharles are the only ones on that list that jump out at me. How about you? I think if we are going to improve our lines in '06, it may have to be through the draft.


Runyan, maybe?


Reggie Wayne would be a nice replacement for Moulds. He's not your typical 1-A guy, and has obviously benefited from his company in Indy, but he's got some skills and, looking at a team like NE, they have three solid, but not top-5 WRs. Perhaps we should model after them...

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Let me count the ways:

He actually lobbied for Holcomb, which is the equivalent of spinning our tires in the ditch instead of seeing if the kid can learn how to push us out of it and back onto the road.  Holcomb is in so we can "win now."  Question: are we "winning now?"

Oh come on, MM is not a puppet who sways to Moulds' every whim.


He will relax effort on a play to look for a flag, instead of always, always, always playing the ball.
He's a very experienced WR, I trust him a heck of a lot more than I trust you on this matter


He costs way too much.
Given his history with the Bills, I'd say.. 1. He deserves it, and 2. He'd probably be willing to take a cut if the need came.


A number one receiver who only looks like a number one 3-4 games a year is not a number one receiver.
Because all WR's have Peyton Manning or McNabb throwing to them. He does good, he's dependable, and I think he's only as good as the QB throwing him the ball.


He represents an era of losing and underachieving in Bills football history.  Let's get it overwith.
You moron. He is this only connection we have with the Kelly era. He's the only player who has been through our history, he is the only one who knows what those players went through and what they gave to do what they did. This in my opinion ups his value on the team.


Also, how stupid is it of a team to just release a franchise player who has been with you for so long, through thick and thin. He has believed in this team and done a lot for us. That is just total and utter disrespect to just release a guy like that. Its rare to have a franchise player that has meant so much to a team. The Steelers may have Bettis, but we have Eric Moulds. I personally would hate the Bills if they ever treated Moulds bad without *very* good reason. Its the respectful, descent thing to do. In all of the modern day NFL crap there are a few solid constants and Eric Moulds is one of them.


So YES you are not a fan of the Buffalo Bills franchise if you want to see Eric Moulds released.

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I'd rather have Reggie Wayne in his prime at maybe 3-4 mil, and have another 2-3 to spend on one of the lines.


Just remember that when you cut Moulds, he still counts as $5 mill on the cap as "dead money". So, if cuttting Moulds saves $5.5 on the cap but, you spend $3 or $4mill to replace him, you're probably better off just re-negotiating w/ Moulds.

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Given his history with the Bills, I'd say.. 1. He deserves it, and 2. He'd probably be willing to take a cut if the need came.


Eric has restructured, but never, to my knowledge, taken a pay cut in his history with the Bills.

Because all WR's have Peyton Manning or McNabb throwing to them. He does good, he's dependable, and I think he's only as good as the Qb throwing him the ball.


"He does good" is not a fact to support an argument. It IS your argument. I've brought out the stats, they show he's in decline. If you think that he's worth what he's going to be paid for sentimental value, that's an opinion and I think there are better ways to spend the money.

You moron. He is this only connection we have with the Kelly era. He's the only player who has been through our history, he is the only one who knows what those players went through and what they gave to do what they did. This in my opinion ups his value on the team.


So now we're tossing insults. That really raises the level of discourse. BTW, he was here for the autumn of Kelly's career. It's not like he's a tie to the Super Bowl years or anything.

Also, how stupid of it as a team to just release a franchise player who has been with you for so long, through thick and thin. He has believed in this team and done a lot for us. That is just total and utter disrespect to just release a guy like that. Its rare to have a franchise player that has meant so much to a team. The Steelers may have Bettis, but we have Eric Moulds. I personally would hate the Bills if they ever treated Moulds bad without *very* good reason. Its the respectful, descent thing to do. In all of the modern day NFL crap there are a few solid constants and Eric Moulds is one of them.


I'm glad Moulds has stayed with the team through thick and thin, but I also think his voice in the locker room is a little more powerful than his on-field performance these days. And he gets paid VERY WELL for what he does. If he'd take a cut of a couple million to help the team get to the next level, great, but I just don't see it happening. He'll cry about wanting to win now, but I'm sure when the chips are all down he'll want to get paid, just like the rest of these guys.

So YES you are not a fan of the Buffalo Bills franchise if you want to see Eric Moulds released.


I'll take your authority for what it's worth in the matter. <_<

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