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Felser doesn't get it


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<_< Felser repeats in his column today the notion that TD made a huge mistake in hiring greg williams. The hiring of Williams had very much to do with the fact that mega millionaire Ralph Wilson refused to pay the going rate for a head coach. Marvin Lewis turned down the Bills because the offered salary was a joke. Williams made 800,000 per year as our head coach, replacing Wade Phillips who was paid $750,000 per (well sort of; the NFL sanctioned Wilson for attempting to stiff Wade out of his last year's salary). In this era of parity, when coaching means everything; Wilson squeezes nickels. Greg Williams currently makes 1.8 million (higher paid than our head coach) as a defensive coordinator, and is worth every penny, judging by the performance of the redskin defense.


As it stands we have a head coach who has never been a head coach before, a offensive coordinator who has never been an offensive coordintor before and a defensive coordinator who has never been a defensive coordinator before. and its hard to remember the last year we made the playoffs. You can't take it with you Ralph. And let all the bozos who lobby for Wilson to be in the hall of fame give us a break. Just because he kept the team in Buffalo all of these years does not qualify him for the HoF. The fact that his $100,000. investment is now worth 500 million should be reward enough

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<_<  Felser repeats in his column today the notion that TD made a huge mistake in hiring greg williams. The hiring of Williams had very much to do with the fact that mega millionaire Ralph Wilson refused to pay the going rate for a head coach. Marvin Lewis turned down the Bills because the offered salary was a joke.


It was reported by several sources that Marvin Lewis' wife hated Buffalo as a place to live. Granted, TD and Ralph could have paid him $10mil a year to lure him here, but at that time was Lewis the guy guarenteed to bring the Bills a championship? Is anyone?


Where is Lewis today? The Bengals look pretty good this year, but how about the last 3 years? Can you imagine the posts on this board after Lewis' 3rd .500 season coaching the Bills?


"How could TD waste $10Mil a year on a guy (Lewis) who can't coach?!?!? This proves the Bills aren't committed to winning! The could have hired that hot Def. Coordinator Gregg Williams!! Anybody would be better than Marvin Friggin' Lewis!!"



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As it stands we have a head coach who has never been a head coach before, a offensive coordinator who has never been an offensive coordintor before and a defensive coordinator who has never been a defensive coordinator before.



While I don't disagree with you 100%, I'm a bit dubious when it comes to this sort of thing. Sure, Marv Levy and Wade Phillips had HC experience before becoming top man in Orchard Park, but Bill Cowher was given the reigns of the Steelers with no experience. Bill Walsh was an experiment for the 49ers. Who was Andy Reid? Houston went with Dom Capers for their 1st HC, how has that worked out for them? We all know the results of "The Dave Wannstedt Experiment" in Miami.


For every success, there's a failure. This is true for both sides of the argument.

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"How could TD waste $10Mil a year on a guy (Lewis) who can't coach?!?!?  This proves the Bills aren't committed to winning!  The could have hired that hot Def. Coordinator Gregg Williams!!  Anybody would be better than Marvin Friggin' Lewis!!"



Knowing some of the posters on this board, PTR, I wouldn't put it past them. <_<



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It was reported by several sources that Marvin Lewis' wife hated Buffalo as a place to live.  Granted, TD and Ralph could have paid him $10mil a year to lure him here, but at that time was Lewis the guy guarenteed to bring the Bills a championship?  Is anyone?


Where is Lewis today?  The Bengals look pretty good this year, but how about the last 3 years?  Can you imagine the posts on this board after Lewis' 3rd .500 season coaching the Bills? 


"How could TD waste $10Mil a year on a guy (Lewis) who can't coach?!?!?  This proves the Bills aren't committed to winning!  The could have hired that hot Def. Coordinator Gregg Williams!!  Anybody would be better than Marvin Friggin' Lewis!!"





I took a look at the Bengals board from last year after their start, and it was a mirror of this board this year...Lewis sucks, fire him. Palmer sucks, bench him.


...and before you laud the Bengals' performance this year, consider who they have beaten: CLE, MIN, CHI, HOU, TEN, GB.

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TD did indeed blow it by hiring GW, but he admitted it and fired his sorry ass. His next biggest mistake was hiring another rookie HC. Since coming to Buffalo, TD has been selling Kool-Aid to the fans, and the seats are getting filled. It should have been enough for TD to sell to Ralph that GW's replacement was going to have some experience, and therefore require some cash.


Being a great assistant does not make you a great HC. The main thing a good HC needs is the ability to MANAGE. Look at your own jobs and ask yourself if the most technical or smartest person gets promoted? Most times promotion are given to good MANAGERS. Usually if you take a HC who has experience as the HC, you will be better off than hiring someone who has never done it before. There are exceptions, but very few HC are successful in their first gig as HC. Belichek, Levy, Phillips, Coughlin, Schottenheimer, Vermeil, etc have improved since their initial HC gigs.


TD should have found an experience HC.

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<_< Missing the point - its not that TD would or should have hired Marvin Lewis, the point is that his hands were tied and choices limited because ralph would not pay the going rate for a head coach. And when he pays Greg williams a paltry $800,000.00 just what kind of assistant coaches can you attract (who must make less than the HC) Well you saw what kind - all first timers
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