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i watched this guys movie today, Martial Law 9/11, it was a good movie, its hard to believe but there are many facts that in this documentary, if are in fact true scares the hell out of me



Callers from his TV show always do this:


Alex Jones




Alex Jones




Alex Jones




Oh, and he's one of those people that believe that the government is controlled by aliens and stuff. He's a dumbass.

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i watched this guys movie today, Martial Law 9/11, it was a good movie, its hard to believe but there are many facts that in this documentary, if are in fact true scares the hell out of me


I caught Alex Jones' show one time and he said that "everyone" in Canada knows that the U.S. government was behind 9/11 but no one in the States does because the government is controlling the media.


I had a good chuckle thanks to that.

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i watched one of his documentaries yesterday, martial law or something like that, i obviously take documentaries like this with a grain of salt the same was as i take michael moore's documentaries with a grain of salt and any political leader... the thing i found interesting about the documentary was when he spoke about the bohemian group and all the links to nazi germany and before that

like i said a lot of this stuff is made up to make people follow his view

but i remind people that, half a century ago, if someone would have said there is a political party in germany that wants to take over all of Europe, people would have also told this person they are crazy

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Particularly as that would have been ten years after we kicked their asses out of power.  <_<




IF 70 years ago


now you understand or do you need me to draw it for you

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Yeah, draw it for me.  Given that you're idiot enough to link to Alex Jones' crap, I expect the drawing will be rather like a JP-Era helmet design.  <_<



i just said it was interesting reading, now i dont think a guy nick named crap throwing monkey is actually telling me who's an idiot.

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I caught Alex Jones' show one time and he said that "everyone" in Canada knows that the U.S. government was behind 9/11 but no one in the States does because the government is controlling the media.


I had a good chuckle thanks to that.



Isn't he from Austin?


If not, he could sure fit in here.

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Actually, the funniest thing I ever saw him do was say he had footage of the "police state" taking hold in America.


He then proceeded to show footage his friend shot of another friend getting a speeding ticket.


Right before the tape ended, the cop asks "Can you turn the camera off?"


Alex Jones comes back and starts freaking out. "Look, they don't even want you to see what they're doing!!" (Apparently AJ has never heard of COPS).


I'm not 100% sure what happened next, but there's a 10 out of 10 chance a stoner called in.

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