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DOes nayone legitmately know of current or past players frequenting this message board? Just curious if we have any active player members, or players who scope it out. I would imagine from a busines point of view Donahoe, and possibly Mularkey would visit this board to gauge an interest of their "market." Get an idea of how the fans feel.

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DOes nayone legitmately know of current or past players frequenting this message board?  Just curious if we have any active player members, or players who scope it out.  I would imagine from a busines point of view Donahoe, and possibly Mularkey would visit this board to gauge an interest of their "market."  Get an idea of how the fans feel.




Back in the old days, but way after he was Bills head coach, Hank Bullough regularly posted here as Dr. Bennie b.f.d. Of course there was Marv Levy (Yvel Vram), Wade (Dik Smub), Double G Williams (Barry Brady) and now there's MM (Fake-Fat Sunny).


Rumor has it that Jim Kelly was ICE and I believe Flutie was BF in Indiana...but, again, those are just rumors.

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Back in the old days, but way after he was Bills head coach, Hank Bullough regularly posted here as Dr. Bennie b.f.d.  Of course there was Marv Levy (Yvel Vram), Wade (Dik Smub), Double G Williams (Barry Brady) and now there's MM (Fake-Fat Sunny). 


Rumor has it that Jim Kelly was ICE and I believe Flutie was BF in Indiana...but, again, those are just rumors.




NICE!! :mellow::doh::D

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Back in the old days, but way after he was Bills head coach, Hank Bullough regularly posted here as Dr. Bennie b.f.d.  Of course there was Marv Levy (Yvel Vram), Wade (Dik Smub), Double G Williams (Barry Brady) and now there's MM (Fake-Fat Sunny). 


Rumor has it that Jim Kelly was ICE and I believe Flutie was BF in Indiana...but, again, those are just rumors.



Thank you... pretty interesting. I had Izell Reese as a neighbor last year and never thought to ask him about players checking this stuff out. Duh. Barry Brady is a quality name...Fake fat sunny if i recall from memory talks pretty frequently.

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Thank you... pretty interesting. I had Izell Reese as a neighbor last year and never thought to ask him about players checking this stuff out. Duh. Barry Brady is a quality name...Fake fat sunny if i recall from memory talks pretty frequently.



Dean, you forgot the :doh: smilie.



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Years gone by when this board consisted more of indepth football talk, and the mature discussion of opinions Steve Christy used to post every once in a while. A cheerleader used to post, and to the best of my recolection a family member of one of the front office people would post occasionally.


I would hazard a guess that a few players/coaches/front office people would or do look in from time to time ........ however ....... since the board has turned into a "smack fest insult-o-rama" and the focus point for "he sucks" "he should get fired/cut" , and "he's a cancer" type of posts only occasionally interspersed with enlightened football discussion, I would think word would get out that we have very little to offer those REALLY on the inside.

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i don't see NFL players as geeky enough to surf in and chat on an internet message board


and i hope that TD, MM, TC, JM, and JG don't have the time to surf in. They have more important things to do with their time. Like figure out how to assemble a competative team, stop giving up 1st downs on 3rd and forever on defense, and converting an occasional 3rd down on 2nd half drives

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