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FEMA is a joke


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They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps.

No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you"

We might not have electricity until Nov 22.

Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?

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The fact that FEMA didnt come down with a truckload of food, a new house, a new car (or three), a landscaping crew to clean up the mess (no illegals, please) and, of course, ANOTHER truckload of appliances and furniture, complete with a home entertainment system for each man, woman and child, in no more than 24 hours after Wilma booked out of the area, is a COMPLETE outrage. :mellow:


Seriously, Im sorry youre in such a mess, dib. But Im really confused about the bitching going on. An entire REGION is a complete, unmitigated mass and despite its no longer covered by our "excellent" media, the Gulf Coast is still in shambles and requiring a TON of attention from all levels of government (including FEMA) as well.


What do you expect?

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The fact that FEMA didnt come down with a truckload of food, a new house, a new car (or three), a landscaping crew to clean up the mess (no illegals, please) and, of course, ANOTHER truckload of appliances and furniture, complete with a home entertainment system for each man, woman and child, in no more than 24 hours after Wilma booked out of the area is a COMPLETE outrage.



It's been 4 days, and not a sniff of government help. The locals are out, out of evrything. Perhaps if we had WMD here in Davie we'd be better off now.

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It's been 4 days, and not a sniff of government help. The locals are out, out of evrything.  Perhaps if we had WMD here in Davie we'd be better off now.


You from Buffalo originally?


Pretty good Bishop there used to say, "Charity begins at home". Means take care of yourself and quite asking for handouts.

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how far is tne nearest town from davie that wasn't hit so hard? I trust yo filled up your gas tank before wilma came, why can't you drive to a wally world and stock up? I know it is a major pain in the ass for you all, but 4 days aint that bad, when we got hit a couple years ago we were out of power for 4 days and nowhere near the destruction i am sure you faced, but I had my coleman stove going making chili dogs, we got our perishables in coolers and had massive cookouts and basically made lemonade out of lemons. Again I do not want to compare our tail end hurricaine damages to your full force hits, but we did not sit around waiting for the gubment to help, sure some did, but man oh man, If I had the means and wherewithall to help, I would be down there in 24 hours to help, but it just is not feasible for me to get in the way.


It's been 4 days, and not a sniff of government help. The locals are out, out of evrything.  Perhaps if we had WMD here in Davie we'd be better off now.


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You from Buffalo originally? 


Pretty good Bishop there used to say, "Charity begins at home".  Means take care of yourself and quite asking for handouts.



You *. Next time you piss and moan about a snow storm think about this- we did prepare. We got ready. We are a family of four that is not asking for hand outs but for resources.

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You *. Next time you piss and moan about a snow storm think about this- we did prepare. We got ready. We are a family of four that is not asking for hand outs but for resources.


I don't piss and moan at snow storms. I also lost power for 8 days when Isabel hit us. Yet I didn't piss and moan. I had my propane tank filled prior to it, a half a dozen flashlights, lots of extra batteries, plus a portable propane stove. And about 2-3 weeks of canned food. I knew 3-4 days in advance we might get hit and I prepared for me and my family.


BTW go to home depot. If yours is closed drive a couple of towns over and get a tarp.

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They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps.

No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you"

We might not have electricity until Nov 22.

Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?


I just saw Spamalot...I think someone else is already using those coconuts.

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It's been 4 days, and not a sniff of government help. The locals are out, out of evrything.  Perhaps if we had WMD here in Davie we'd be better off now.



But you still have internet access :mellow:


Think outside the box...order something online and have it overnighted to you.

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They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps.

No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you"

We might not have electricity until Nov 22.

Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?



When did it become the responsibility of the federal government to hand you a tarp?


No electricity? Is your computer running on magic?


I know I'm coming off like a jerk.. This isn't a personal attack, I sympathize with your situation. It can't be good.

My problem is, an innoordinate amount of federal dollars go to provide relief to a relatively small section of the country. It's your decision to live in a place known to experience such horrific weather. Your relief should be done a STATE level. The next blizzard that hits Buffalo should be taken care of on a STATE level. We are giving too much responsibility to the Federal Government.


Just my two cents.

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They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps.

No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you"

We might not have electricity until Nov 22.

Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?



Shocked, yes shocked I am, to find out that FEMA hasn't satisfied every need of every single person affected by the hurricane within 96 hours. :mellow: Geez, you think that maybe, just maybe, on occasion sh-- doesn't just happen instantaneously? :doh:


I'm doubly shocked to find out that FEMA hasn't fixed the electrical grid yet...particularly considering how the electrical grid is the responsibility of private companies and not FEMA. :D

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They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps.

No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you"

We might not have electricity until Nov 22.

Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?


Well, perhaps this wouldnt have happend if you rooted for the seminoles!


dib says "I dont like the 'Noles, i want to root for the hurricanes"


Mother Nature says "since you like them dib, heres your hurricanes"



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