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FedEx delivers to wrong home


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The way I read Fez's original post, he was saying that he was going to do the right thing regardless without question, but he was curious about the legal ramifications of the situation.


I'd do the same thing: wonder if I could legally claim ownership of the mis-delivered item, while at the same time returning it to its rightful owner.


At least some people can read.


I've already called FedEx, as well as the rightful package owner (who still isn't home). FedEx said that they'll send the driver out to pick it up and redeliver it. I figured this was best, so that the real owner doesn't try to get me in trouble (hadn't thought of that until reading this thread). Unlikely, but you never know.


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At least some people can read.


I've already called FedEx, as well as the rightful package owner (who still isn't home).  FedEx said that they'll send the driver out to pick it up and redeliver it.  I figured this was best, so that the real owner doesn't try to get me in trouble (hadn't thought of that until reading this thread).  Unlikely, but you never know.



Oh I read, but it's more fun harrassing people. :mellow:


And Tom, STFU.

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he never said he was going to keep it..learn to read



Awww how cute...taternuts to fezheads rescue.


Did I say he said he was going to keep it? No. Learn to read. :mellow: I said the whole question was stupid. Assuming ownership of something you did not order or pay for when it is clear who should assume ownership. Yeah, I can see where the legal ramification of that would be fuzzy for someone. :doh:

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Last month in the mail I received a catalogue from AMEX for its reward points program. It was someone else's name and account # but my address. Inside it showed the points balance on the account -- over 400,000 -- enough for the 60" flat screen TV. All I would have had to do was call the number and cash it in....they already had my address!


Sometimes it’s hard to be a good boy.




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Awww how cute...taternuts to fezheads rescue.


Did I say he said he was going to keep it? No. Learn to read. :mellow:  I said the whole question was stupid. Assuming ownership of something you did not order or pay for when it is clear who should assume ownership. Yeah, I can see where the legal ramification of that would be fuzzy for someone.  :doh:


:D taternuts and fezhead?? what are you8 years old???......maybe you could make another retatta joke...those are always a hoot...

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I've got a good story about the UPS guy. My niece was visiting and we were in SF sightseeing. I knew a printer might be coming that day, so I left a note with my cell # on it on the door. I got a call while we were at the ocean that the UPS guy was at my door. He asked if he could leave it on the patio of my apartment. I said yes, so he hopped the six ft railing and left it there. When I came home that evening, the printer was sitting there.

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Yes, it's Apple... they ship everything from China. Every time I order something, I watch it leave.. hit Alaska.. what really sucks is when it gets stuck in a customs hold. which happens every now and then - happened to my PowerBook.


He's probably long since called Apple and gotten a replacement sent. Perhaps his new one is on the way... when you get there to return it, you'll get a "keep it for your troubles."


Or, he'll punch you in the face for "stealing" his iPod.

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Yes, it's Apple... they ship everything from China. Every time I order something, I watch it leave.. hit Alaska.. what really sucks is when it gets stuck in a customs hold. which happens every now and then - happened to my PowerBook.


He's probably long since called Apple and gotten a replacement sent. Perhaps his new one is on the way... when you get there to return it, you'll get a "keep it for your troubles."


Or, he'll punch you in the face for "stealing" his iPod.


I don't think he had a chance to call Apple. I got the iPod at around 9:30, I called him and he wasn't home, so called FedEx at 11am. FedEx picked it up again and redelivered at around 1pm (and he still wasn't home, so I'm not sure if they left it on the porch or not...).


Either way, it's out of my hands and my face is safe :doh:



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Awww how cute...taternuts to fezheads rescue.


Did I say he said he was going to keep it? No. Learn to read. :doh:  I said the whole question was stupid. Assuming ownership of something you did not order or pay for when it is clear who should assume ownership. Yeah, I can see where the legal ramification of that would be fuzzy for someone.  :doh:






What a shock. Keggy is being an ass. Grow up dude. :P:D

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Ed, that is so funny coming from you. 


Have you picked out an urn for your balls yet?  :doh:



Yeah, I chose the one you have, but slightly fancier. I had to get an extra large, compared to your thimble sized.


Should be here in two weeks.

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