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Instructor at NC State University says....

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By Michelle Malkin ·

October 21, 2005 08:25 AM


Mike Adams blows the whistle on a murder-minded liberal racist in academia. His name is Dr. Kamau Kambon, an affiliated faculty instructor at NC State University.


E-mail the school's Africana Studies department at afs@social.chass.ncsu.edu.


If that doesn't work, try this: chancellor@ncsu.edu.


Jon Sanders at Carolina Journal has more:


Prior to his call for genocide against white people, Kambon, who owns Blacknific[e]nt Books in Raleigh, told the panel that “we are at war.” He said that white people had set up an "international plantation" for blacks, which made “every white person on earth a plantation master.” He said that, “You’re either supporting white people in their process of death, or you're for African liberation.”

He stressed one point in particular. “White people want to kill us. I want you to understand that. They want to kill you,” he said. “They want to kill you because that is part of their plan.”


Kambon closed his remarks by urging participants and C-SPAN viewers to "get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem, and the problem on the planet is white people."


Before teaching at NCSU, Kambon was a professor of education at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh, a historically black institution. He was given a Citizen's Award in 1999 by the Triangle’s left-wing newspaper, The Independent Weekly. Ironically, Kambon is also an opponent of the death penalty.


Excerpts of Kambon's address may be heard online at the John Locke Foundation's blog site The Locker Room. The full remarks may be found at C-SPAN online (www.cspan.com) by searching the recent programs for "Black Media Forum on Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media."





If there were such thing as a truly fair and balanced media, you'd have already seen as many stories about Kambon's comments as there were about Bill Bennett's comments, which were taken wildly out of context.


Where's the Associated Press now?


Send 'em an e-mail at info@ap.org.

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By Michelle Malkin  · 

October 21, 2005 08:25 AM


Mike Adams blows the whistle on a murder-minded liberal racist in academia. His name is Dr. Kamau Kambon, an affiliated faculty instructor at NC State University.


E-mail the school's Africana Studies department at afs@social.chass.ncsu.edu.


If that doesn't work, try this: chancellor@ncsu.edu.


Jon Sanders at Carolina Journal has more:


Prior to his call for genocide against white people, Kambon, who owns Blacknific[e]nt Books in Raleigh, told the panel that “we are at war.” He said that white people had set up an "international plantation" for blacks, which made “every white person on earth a plantation master.” He said that, “You’re either supporting white people in their process of death, or you're for African liberation.”

He stressed one point in particular. “White people want to kill us. I want you to understand that. They want to kill you,” he said. “They want to kill you because that is part of their plan.”


Kambon closed his remarks by urging participants and C-SPAN viewers to "get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem, and the problem on the planet is white people."


Before teaching at NCSU, Kambon was a professor of education at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh, a historically black institution. He was given a Citizen's Award in 1999 by the Triangle’s left-wing newspaper, The Independent Weekly. Ironically, Kambon is also an opponent of the death penalty.


Excerpts of Kambon's address may be heard online at the John Locke Foundation's blog site The Locker Room. The full remarks may be found at C-SPAN online (www.cspan.com) by searching the recent programs for "Black Media Forum on Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media."



If there were such thing as a truly fair and balanced media, you'd have already seen as many stories about Kambon's comments as there were about Bill Bennett's comments, which were taken wildly out of context.


Where's the Associated Press now?


Send 'em an e-mail at info@ap.org.



The difference being that Bennett's presumably reasonably normal, whereas Kambon's a certified nut-job. So what you're basically saying is that the media should treat certifiable nut-jobs as though they're normal people.


Personally, I'm far more comfortable with the media ignoring them.

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