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Bought Yer H'ween candy for the kids!!!

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In my town, Monday the 31st is the night.


I get about 70 to 100, typically.


Wife and me sit on the porch weather permitting. The authorities ( :P ) set the time from 6 to 8.


The last kid before we close up is lucky...we dump all remaining goods into his or her bag, plus I put in a 4 x 8 inch candy bar, big-box Jujubes, Jujyfruits, 6 jumbo-size Butterfingers, Good 'n Plenty, big bag 'o red licorice, can of cashews, etc.


I loved trick 'n treating when I was a kid... :P

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thats why I only hand out Reeses, Snickers, Milky Ways, Butterfingers....no suckers!!


We never trashed someone who gave Reeses....


I dress up and go with my kids.....I scare a lot of little kids with this freeky mask I have....


When I was a teenager (just too old to trick or treat) I would put a mask on, stuff leaves out my gloves and boots and sit by the front door playing "dead"....kids would be like....Is that real? Go ahead and touch him...no you......then when some kid had the nuts to come close to me I would scream and scare the tar of them......good times....


I also would hide in leaf piles and jump out when kids game by....Man that was funny.....until the Sherrifs kid came by and after I made his some crap his pants....daddy tackled me, put a flashlight in my face telling me it wasn't funny.....more good times.

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People who give out the throw away candy are putzes. Give 'em real candy, no suckers, no candy corn, no hard candy outside of Fire Balls. Snickers, Reece's cups, Milkey Way, Butterfinger, Kit Kat...that's the stuff.



The biggest putzes are the ones who sit in the back of their dark house hoping no kids ring their doorbell.

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People who give out the throw away candy are putzes.  Give 'em real candy, no suckers, no candy corn, no hard candy outside of Fire Balls.  Snickers, Reece's cups, Milkey Way, Butterfinger, Kit Kat...that's the stuff.

The biggest putzes are the ones who sit in the back of their dark house hoping no kids ring their doorbell.


So true! I'm 35 and I still feel like egging those bastards' houses.

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