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The PAtriots Run D is pretty suspect, not as bad as ours, but weak enough that willis can exploit it...


Give willis the ball and dont give up on the run.......

Have to see some Reverses and some trick plays (ie direct snap to shaud williams, Willis toss on a GOAL play....these are the kind of things we need to do on offence



On Defence?

Preassure Brady, Bring Milloy 3 or 4 times, Focus on Dillon

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The PAtriots Run D is pretty suspect, not as bad as ours, but weak enough that willis can exploit it...


Give willis the ball and dont give up on the run.......

Have to see some Reverses and some trick plays (ie direct snap to shaud williams, Willis toss on a GOAL play....these are the kind of things we need to do on offence

On Defence?

Preassure Brady, Bring Milloy 3 or 4 times, Focus on Dillon



1. Pressure Brady

2. Don't allow 150 yards rushing

3. Don't allow 250 Yards passing

4. Don't let the Patriots convert 75% on third down.

5. Complete a pass over 20 yards more then once

6. Get over 120 yards on the ground with Willis.


Sadly I don't think we do anyone of those things, and that is being a realist because that’s exactly what the stats, and history indicate.

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If the Bills defense tackles, the offense committs to running the ball, and the coaches can come up with some wrinkle (maybe Roscoe Parrish?) to throw the normally unflappable New England coaching staff, the Bills have a shot at winning this game. I honestly don't think the Bills are an elite team (no duh!), but I also don't think they are quite as awful as they were against Oakland last week....


If you look at last season even, the Bills offense slumbered through the first 5 weeks or so. They were as bad as they could be. Second half of their first game against the Jets, they seemed to start clicking to a degree. The next week they beat up on a bad Miami team, and things started looking up a little. Next week, they get destroyed by Baltimore, before starting on their tear....of course, you have to discount the other bump in the road, the Sunday night game at New England. However, being more an optimist than a realist, I think the Patriots are beatable this year. Maybe not beatable by the Bills, but beatable by someone...

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If the D can stop the pats on 3rd down and maybe hand the ball off to the offense, maybe they can get some momentum going. That's the single key to the game. I don't care how anemic the bills offense is right now, or how crappy the playcalling has been... If the bills can get more than one drive per quarter on offense, then they'll hopefully get into a flow. But, the bills Defense has to stop the run.

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Here's how you win this game:


Find me some players with some heart.


This entire team collectively doesn't have the guts that one Patriots player has and I hate the Pats. You don't hear them talking crap, they just win games.


But hey, we've got the best talkers in the NFL. Willis is he best back, the D is the best ever right? Maybe we could beat the Pats in a rap smackdown.



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Change the game to Ralph Wilson Stadium...


Even that doesn't guarantee a win.


When it comes to the Bills, I am as optimistic as anybody. But I don't see them being close in this game. Bills lose by 10 or more. Say all you want about the Patriots being down, they are still a lot better than we are.

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You fellow Bills fans make me sick. We are supposed to be supporting this team when were down and when were winning. Quit whinning like a bunch a ladies and pull your heads out of your butt. Glad were not football players or we would lose every game. Put the past behind us and move forward and support this team and stop jumping on and off the bandwagon. Either your with this team through the thick and the thin or your not a Bills fan. Get a grip people and start supporting your football team. You talk about this team talking smack and that they should just shut up and play. I agree. But you as fans are doing the same thing. Your talking a bunch of crap. Bills fans unite baby!!! Lets get with it and let the red, white, and blue flow through our bloodstreams.

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You fellow Bills fans make me sick. We are supposed to be supporting this team when were down and when were winning. Quit whinning like a bunch a ladies and pull your heads out of your butt. Glad were not football players or we would lose every game. Put the past behind us and move forward and support this team and stop jumping on and off the bandwagon. Either your with this team through the thick and the thin or your not a Bills fan....



Everybody hold hands now and sing it with me!


Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya.....

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You fellow Bills fans make me sick. We are supposed to be supporting this team when were down and when were winning. Quit whinning like a bunch a ladies and pull your heads out of your butt. Glad were not football players or we would lose every game. Put the past behind us and move forward and support this team and stop jumping on and off the bandwagon. Either your with this team through the thick and the thin or your not a Bills fan. Get a grip people and start supporting your football team. You talk about this team talking smack and that they should just shut up and play. I agree. But you as fans are doing the same thing. Your talking a bunch of crap. Bills fans unite baby!!! Lets get with it and let the red, white, and blue flow through our bloodstreams.


I take it that you really believe what you say...pass the Kool-aid!

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You fellow Bills fans make me sick. We are supposed to be supporting this team when were down and when were winning. Quit whinning like a bunch a ladies and pull your heads out of your butt. Glad were not football players or we would lose every game. Put the past behind us and move forward and support this team and stop jumping on and off the bandwagon. Either your with this team through the thick and the thin or your not a Bills fan. Get a grip people and start supporting your football team. You talk about this team talking smack and that they should just shut up and play. I agree. But you as fans are doing the same thing. Your talking a bunch of crap. Bills fans unite baby!!! Lets get with it and let the red, white, and blue flow through our bloodstreams.





I will support them till the day I die. I want them to win badly this Sunday. I suppose just because they don't have a good team, and their track record suggests they will get blown out, I will forget all that and predict a 37-3 Bills victory so tards like you don't question my loyalty.


Pats by 10+. Leadpipe lock. Go Bills.

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I will support them till the day I die.  I want them to win badly this Sunday.  I suppose just because they don't have a good team, and their track record suggests they will get blown out, I will forget all that and predict a 37-3 Bills victory so tards like you don't question my loyalty.


Pats by 10+.  Leadpipe lock.  Go Bills.




Um Koolaid? Tards. What are you talking about. Just because I root for my team and will have confidence in them every week. DId I say there were going to win or lose? Nope. So be gone with the childish comments. I'm just saying that were still in the think of things. Better than we were last year and people are still complaining. I swear some Bills fans seem like the worst complainers around the league. Can't win em all.

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The PAtriots Run D is pretty suspect, not as bad as ours, but weak enough that willis can exploit it...


Give willis the ball and dont give up on the run.......

Have to see some Reverses and some trick plays (ie direct snap to shaud williams, Willis toss on a GOAL play....these are the kind of things we need to do on offence

On Defence?

Preassure Brady, Bring Milloy 3 or 4 times, Focus on Dillon


i agree with just about everyting. but we must not blitz our OLBs to the outside. almost all the big run plays we give up on D come on blitzes to the outside.


willis needs to run well, Holcomb needs to have a high completion % (not nessasaraly any real deep passes, but i would like to see ~3 shots deep to evans).


LIMIT TURNOVERS. no INTs and no fumbles.


STs must play well as always. a TD from McGee would defiantly be a great thing.

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