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Things we know so far about our team...

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-McGee is more valuable to the Bills than N. Clements.

-We cannot pressure the QB with 4 guys on a regualar basis.

-Adams is better at getting to the Qb than both or ends, combined.

-Most of the sacks come from great coverage. And it seems that its even the case when we blitz.

- Our game planning is weak. We rush like crazy a mobile qb (Vick) yet we stay at home against an imobile one (Griese).

- As far as I know we use is a 1-gap defence. Which is high risk high reward. But for such a defence to be effective you need balance and depth. We dont have that at tackle.

- Crowell is decent. Adams cannot stop the run all by himself.





-Holcomb is not the awnser.

-The fans will be around longer than Moulds will. Therefore we dont need to trade off wins now (in what we know will be a 1st-round-playoff-exit season, if indeed we make it) a for more rebuilding later on. Our allegiance to the team for most of us will probably not expire at the end of the 2006 season.

-We've faced lots of 8 in the box to take advantage of JPL inability to read defenses and Holcomb inability to throw deep.

-JP needs experience. The more he plays the more knowledge we will have about his ability, or lack of.

-Apparently TD has put to much emphasis on skill players (WR) and not enough on OL. As much as Parrish is a talented WR, a quality OL would be more helpfull right now. The same could be said on D: DL vs DB. No balance.


Marc in Montréal

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Here's something else I've learned about our team. If you take away the last five years detour (which I fully support), we're in the first year of a helluva three-year buildup of a team for the future...once we get the young'ns some reps. I don't like to predict things, but I feel pretty safe saying come the 2008 season we're going to kick some serious ass.

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