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Early Thanksgiving wishes : )


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"Turkey Day"  kinda grates on my nerves a little.  If we can't "give thanks", perhaps the meaning of the day has been lost.  If it's all about the turkey perhaps we should rename it "Gluttony Day" or "Tryptophan Nap Day".





Oh relax....you're missing the point entirely. You didn't even MENTION watching football! Seriously, how often do you get to see the Lions play?

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Oh relax....you're missing the point entirely.  You didn't even MENTION watching football!  Seriously, how often do you get to see the Lions play?


Oh, I'm relaxed. I enjoyed the song and all. I was stating a thing that irks me a little, not looking to start a crusade. Lions football and the aforementioned tryptophan...never a good combination for me.

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