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Wow the people of TBD are going way too crazy


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better the 9-7?


With all of these people complaining about the season being a wash or put in losman or we need kelly, people are missing the big picture.

This is a 9-7 team that lost its startng QB had no major free agent acquisitions, and lost a run stuffer, an a pretty decent LT. When our biggest acquistion is another backup QB, we are not doin a lot. IT also hurts when coming into the season, you have your top 2 picks injured for a good chunk of the season, and one of last years picks also. For all of your crazy people, take your anti-depressants, or smoke a joint or do whatever that relaxes you, because this will not be an easy season as a bills fan.


That being said the Bills have caught some rough breaks this year, but as a fan I will weather the storm. I will hope that Losman develops into a game breaker or at least better than Eli. I will hope for Edwards and TKO to recover for next year. In the offseason, i hope that TD cuts off some of the dead weight on the line and finally gets someone who can block on the left side of the line.

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