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Arrested for no reason


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I have no problem with either of these.


I would much rather risk arrest than have some idiot blow themselves up, and also I am not committing any crimes, so they can have my DNA in advance.

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And right you are!

I feel more sympathy for the bombing victims and their loved ones than for these two. Not that it makes me a good person mind you, but I don't care at all about either of these tales of woe.  :w00t:


So you'd be fine with some cops busting into your house with your wife/girlfriend in there, your stuff rifled through and taken without any documentation as to WHAT they've taken? In addition, being detained for hours, just because you didn't make eye contact with a police officer when going into the tube station and you used your cell phone to send a text message while waiting for a train is ok? On top of that, you're fine with them keeping your DNA on file? What's to stop the next step, taking your DNA information that's now on file and look it over to determine if you should be granted health insurance? "I'm sorry sir, your DNA shows that you might have some health problems in the future, so we're going to raise your rates." (beforey ou say that's ridiculous, predictions are already being made that this will happen in the near future).


Incredible that people are willing to live in a police state, all because it "might" improve security (because it did such a great job with the London bombings, didn't it? ;) ).


I guess I'll just stop posting this stuff since I'm aparantly in the minority.



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What's to stop the next step, taking your DNA information that's now on file and look it over to determine if you should be granted health insurance?  "I'm sorry sir, your DNA shows that you might have some health problems in the future, so we're going to raise your rates." (beforey ou say that's ridiculous, predictions are already being made that this will happen in the near future).




Are you one of those people who believes everything they hear, read or see on DirectTV?


As someone who works in the industry, I'll flat out tell you that's ridiculous. 20 years down the road anything could happen, but it sure as heck isn't "in the near future." Go back to worrying about global warming. :w00t:

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20 years down the road anything could happen  but it sure as heck isn't "in the near future." Go back to worrying about global warming.


And why shouldn't we be worrying about 20 years from now? Maybe you're an old geiser who plans to be dead soon, but I'm not; I plan on still being alive in 50 years, yet alone 20.


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Are you one of those people who believes everything they hear, read or see on DirectTV?


As someone who works in the industry, I'll flat out tell you that's ridiculous. 20 years down the road anything could happen, but it sure as heck isn't "in the near future." Go back to worrying about global warming.  :w00t:




WOW...that's a strange response. It seems as though you think global warming is a joke...and you think 20 years is a long time. While I agree one shouldn't believe everything that's reported, it sounds to me as though you should pay SOME attention to what the hell is going on.

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So you'd be fine with some cops busting into your house with your wife/girlfriend in there, your stuff rifled through and taken without any documentation as to WHAT they've taken?  In addition, being detained for hours, just because you didn't make eye contact with a police officer when going into the tube station and you used your cell phone to send a text message while waiting for a train is ok?  On top of that, you're fine with them keeping your DNA on file?  What's to stop the next step, taking your DNA information that's now on file and look it over to determine if you should be granted health insurance?  "I'm sorry sir, your DNA shows that you might have some health problems in the future, so we're going to raise your rates." (beforey ou say that's ridiculous, predictions are already being made that this will happen in the near future).


Incredible that people are willing to live in a police state, all because it "might" improve security (because it did such a great job with the London bombings, didn't it?  :w00t:  ).


I guess I'll just stop posting this stuff since I'm aparantly in the minority.





I'm with you on this one Fez. The cops could have been cautious and considerate at the same time. They didn't call his girlfriend before they came, they took his belongings without telling him, and they weren't very apologetic.


On the DNA thing, there's no concern for them just having DNA for crime investigations, but you're right. Where does it end? Ever see the movie Gataca? It was a movie set in the future where you weren't allowed to hold certain jobs unless you have favorable DNA. Yeah it seems unreasonable, but in 20 years, maybe not.

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WOW...that's a strange response.  It seems as though you think global warming is a joke...and you think 20 years is a long time.  While I agree one shouldn't believe everything that's reported, it sounds to me as though you should pay SOME attention to what the hell is going on.


Yet, for every article saying global warming is and has been occurring for 50 years there is an article disputting it. But I am sure that the truth is there, just hard to get it when everyone has an agenda rather than dealing with facts.

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And why shouldn't we be worrying about 20 years from now?  Maybe you're an old geiser who plans to be dead soon, but I'm not; I plan on still being alive in 50 years, yet alone 20.




You said near future, I said you were wrong.


If your worried about 20 years from now you have more pressing issues than your rates going up because of your DNA. Health insurance in 20 years will have no semblance to what it is today. Worry about your employer actually providing you health insurance in 20 years if you're so concerned. Do a little reading on CDHP to see the next wave of insurance trends.

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WOW...that's a strange response.  It seems as though you think global warming is a joke...and you think 20 years is a long time.  While I agree one shouldn't believe everything that's reported, it sounds to me as though you should pay SOME attention to what the hell is going on.



Strange to you maybe. But if I were to define strange, I'd point to you Dean. :w00t:

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