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This world and our nation have begun to depress me

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Can someone explain to me what a half truth is?  Either you're telling the truth as far as you know, or you're lying.  There is no in between.  Little white lies are for you five year old children.  But they're still lies.



Aren't we confusing truth (as in something is true as a matter of fact) and falsity (a thing is not true) with lying, which is a conscious and volitional act of deception? Many people can be telling what they actually think is "the truth" but simply be wrong ("Iraq and WMD, perhaps). I'll admit that is a pretty hard case to sell now knowing what we do about the actual state of knowledge in the white house at the time they were telling us "the truth". I think this Libby thing may bring out whether or not we were lied to. If so there is a warm place in hell for those who got us into this mess, and about 2,000 souls with a real right to be pissed off.

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It would be very difficult to defeat the two major parties.


You would likely have to uproot most of the senate and house, not bloody likely anytime soon. Just getting elected president would be nearly impossible, but wouldn't make that huge of a difference immediately, since the DIMS and SCRUBS would counter your every move out of principle.


With respect to being elected as a third-party president, it would take a lot of money firstly. You can't count on campaign financing available to the other two parties; they've got that base fairly well covered.


It would take someone with massive charisma, someone that people trust. I would not be surprised if the Internet played a big part in the process of getting that person's name and message out there.


The most likely of a candidate I can think of would be someone very successful in business, like a Bill Gates figure, or a celebrity, ala the Governator.


The only other possibility I see is someone who can use religion to unite the vast majority of Christians...

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If you live in the United States of America, you live in the Greatest place on the face of the earth.  There is no place I would rather be.


But as I was surfing a few news sites this evening, I couldn't help but be saddened and actually a little depressed by everything I see and hear in the news.


Everyone pointing fingers of blame over everything that is wrong.  Some are valid accusations, some are lies layered on top of lies.  The right hates the left...the left hates the right.  People say whatever they want knowing full well that there isn't an ounce of truth to what they are saying.  Most people are repeating lies without checking facts.  The blind are leading the blind.  It is like a wild fire completely out of control.


How can Americans take back the nation from the politicians and the media?....and i don't just mean the liberel media....but the conservative meadia as well....not just liberal politicians but conservatives as well.....they ALL LIE.    Doesn't anyone have an ounce of integrity anymore?


Pass the Kool-Aid.




This is something that has bothered me as well.. The problem is people refuse to believe other than what they are fed in the media. In the last couple of years, all you hear in the news is about new government conspiracies, government cover ups and so on that really make the political leaders look like they have been caught with their pants down, then the day later it is never mentioned again. So many people take the stand of oh thats libby hogwash or thats republic propagandha. Its hard to believe that people constantly listen to people who have lied to them over and over again. And when someone does step up and try and give an impartial opinion, the general population will disregard it as oh someone thats just stirring trouble.

I'll give one example for which on this forum i was ridiculed already, the guy on the radio Alex Jones. Although he is a big conspiracy theorist and is most likely exagerating many of the facts, the mere fact that I posted about this guy I was made fun of and called crazy, but its just another opinion from a person, thats all. It doesn't mean i respect the opinion or believe it, but if we're going to start opening our minds to what the truth is, you have to at least give an effort to see someones point of view and then discredit if you wish.

but hey thats just me, im just a quebecer :)

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