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Maybe you should go back to the classic Squidward.

I've always found his innate brand of evil to be far more daunting and that clarinet just plain scares the hell out of me.....



But I'm not in as dour of mood to justify Squidward.

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I dont think it's the team who has quit I think the majority of the people on this board has quit on the team......going into face the patsies and were allready conceiding defeat??.....way to fire up the patriots board....Lets go in and whip theyre asses...


Lets look at the facts:

we lost to New Orleans, Atlanta and Tampa Bay (2 High quality football teams and one game we should have one) Keep in mind with a quarterback that has seen so NFL action in his life) We looked good the past 2 weeks, there was areas that needed to be cleaned up, the glaring one obviously being run defence. Apart from that we have a good all around team. I still don't think we have put it together on offence yet, we need more unpredictability....like the success of the reverse on the first drive yesterday......yesterday we were too pass happy, that was a mistake but something hopefully the coaches will learn and build on......Call me insane but i think we have a shot next week, we need to control the clock with the running game, if we dont do this it could be a long night, howver we are capable of doing this.......


As for people up in arms with a road loss to oakland??.....1-4 is not representative of oaklands team....how are they weak??.....Porter and Moss are probably the most feared receivers weve faced as of yet (really impressed with porter) and LaMont Jordan is a Featured BAck waiting to happen......at the end of this season lets take a look at OAkland's record, they are a quality football team and not as bad as the record shows....


The point is this team aint perfect, but neither is the AFC East or the AFC for that matter, im gonna continue to be a fan and have confidence this team will get better




I am not quitting . Pissed off yes but I stayed and watched time expire on the clock. Come next Sunday I'll be rooting for them again because they are my team. Doesn't mean I liked what I saw yesterday though. It was PATHETIC , rarely have I seen a Bills team show almost no heart for an entire game. Loosing doesn't bother me as much as just playing poorly and not being able to adjust.

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I am not quitting . Pissed off yes but I stayed and watched time expire on the clock. Come next Sunday I'll be rooting for them again because they are my team. Doesn't mean I liked what I saw yesterday though. It was PATHETIC , rarely have I seen a Bills team show almost no heart for an entire game. Loosing doesn't bother me as much as just playing poorly and not being able to adjust.


well said . I will be drinking a lot before the game, during the game ,after the game ,and the wife is moving everything out of my reach so that i do not throw any thing at the TV. I will be yelling a lot , hope it's because they are winning ;)

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Last year's late season run was against mostly poor to average teams, so the thought that something was building going into this season was too optimistic. One thing we couldn't handle was injuries on the O-Line and to Takeo, sure enough we got both right off the bat. It's time to hand this season off to the Bills of the future -- what better way than to have them get their first crack against New England on prime time? The pummeling they would get would set the table for years of revenge. So I don't like the idea of waiting until the bye week to make changes.


We've got 9 more games to figure out who our keepers are going into next season and develop a true attitude for next year. If we lose enough along the way, we can pick up an impact lineman or DB in the draft. Hate to say I'm cashing in the chips so early, but our schedule through the last half of the season is no way near as easy as what we had last year and our team simply is not capable of going 7-2 the rest of the season.

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Allrigth take your heads outta your asses.....Raiders are sh--???......Oh yeah thyre only better than us at receiving, have a proven superbowl quarterback, a good complimentary running game....Woodson and Sapp.....what was i thinking we should have blown them away!


When this board updates its football smarts i might rejoin



Did we ever consider requiring a Breathalyzer before permitting posting?

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you are kidding yourself , right . we almost lost the last 2 home games . just get real . this team is NOT a playoff team i hope we go 12 and 4 but , i know its NOT going to happen .



I would agree. Some people are bandwagon out here but most are just realistic.



I was thinking this year was a 7-9 ish year. I think I gave them to much credit. I will still watch but I think 5-11 is about where they will finish.

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