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Its days like today I want to thank SDS...


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I admire the cut of your cloth, ajz, and your consistancy.


I'd be pleased to have the likes of you beside me when the going gets tough. :P


I mean it.



Thanks, cincy....appreciate you saying that ;)


Though in all fairness, it's kind of easy to remain more positive than negative about my Bills when the rest of life is kicking me in the balls, lol.

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Just curious though, where's all the positive posters after yesterdays loss? Do they go into hiding and then come out after a win? What's the difference? I sure did see a lot of " I told you so's" last week. I remember seeing something about threads being pinned and eating crow.

Damn, I think we all just have to learn to take some lumps with the good games too. I'm sick to my stomach after yesterdays loss. This team should be chastised after yesterday, what's wrong with venting on the main board? We let it all hang out when we win, right?



I think many of the more even handed folks have just stopped posting over on the main board. It's just too much Sturm und Drang by the Hot Pockets set...

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i all ways hope for the best record 12 and 4 would be fantastic , but then i have to stop and think . well enought of that sh-- what you drinking tonight ? any one go out to dinner tonight ???? wine and yes we ate out tonight , went over to carneys and paid for the second half of the 25 person pool i am in then had dinner and played quick draw . .

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Did you really expect something positive on the main board after that ass kicking in Oakland?  ;)


One positive thing is that I wasnt assaulted or threatend at the game yesterday!!! That was a pleasent surprise from Raider Fan! :P

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One positive thing is that I wasnt assaulted or threatend at the game yesterday!!! That was a pleasent surprise from Raider Fan! ;)




You got some balls going to that game yesterday in Oakland.

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You got some balls going to that game yesterday in Oakland.


One upside of the Bills losing was that Raider Fan was in a much better mood. That could have been a contributing factor to my safety ;)

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In every venue at every available moment?

Wow, you must be fun to be around.  ;)



Didn't you see this in the Consumer Forum?

Can anyone recommend anti-nausea medicine?  The Bills' performance last night made me sick to my stomach.  They are so bad.



Or the Politics Forum?

How can Bush stand around while the Bills suck so bad.  Bush doesn't care about small market teams.



Or the Tailgate forum?

Don't bother going the Bills will suck.



Or the Newbie forum?

Don't bother signing up for the Wall the Bills suck.



Or the Fitness Forum?

Hey, I have a new plan. It's called the Buffalo Bils weight loss plan.  Just load up on chips, pizza, wings and beer on Sunday, watch the Bills play and their play will make you so nauseous you won't want to eat for the rest of the week.



Or the Katrina Forum?

Why is it so windy in Rochester?  Because Buffalo blows.


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Don't worry, neither do a lot of the folks that post on the football board.  :w00t:



damn beat me to that one... that being said i must thank scott for this relatively quiet OT board.... very therapeutic and healthy. besides, i must enjoy the BoTD now

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