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KIA Taliban fighters set on fire

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I'm sure you guys saw this-


An Aussie freelance filmmaker was imbedded with a group of US soldiers in Afghanistan. Apparently two Taliban fighters had been killed and their bodies were laying around for 24+ hours. The soldiers decided to burn the bodies to prevent stench and disease.


However, they apparently laid the bodies facing west (an insult to a Muslim) and they tried to rile up the other Taliban fighters by announcing over loudspeaker what they were doing.


My question is, how do you let a freelance, long-haired Australian film this? There are several U.S. soldiers on camera, and none of them seem too worried about showing up on film. Was there ever any doubt this was going to be released eventually?


Clearly the U.S. does not want to raid cities and villages and caves looking for insurgents. This was a ploy to draw them out and fight in the open, a bait that obviously the Taliban fighters did not bite.


Military officials say the act is repugnant and a full investigation will ensue.

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I can imagine that this will meet with the same kind of reaction as Rev. Lovejoy letting/making his Newfie poop on Flanders' lawn. "BAD DOG! (Good dog! Don't stop now, boy!) Uhmm... Jesus rebukes you!" :rolleyes:


I'm sure that everyone saw it, just that no one wanted to start a thread saying, "US Soldiers !@#$ America." Unless it only counts when Newsweek reporting the truth causes riots. No rioting yet? Wait awhile. Always rich when people here fob blame to the media. How about we just come clean and officially say that for terrorists/non-conventional warfare where the Geneva Conventions are spat upon, in these particular wars, the gloves are off.


Personally, I don't really care. Bastards got what's coming to them. Memories of a bridge in Fallujah, anyone? Why should we fight 'fair'?

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How about we just come clean and officially say that for terrorists/non-conventional warfare where the Geneva Conventions are spat upon, in these particular wars, the gloves are off.


Because the gloves aren't off. There's no way for the military to control people at all times - and because of that some guys go too far. More often than not they are caught and punished.

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Because the gloves aren't off.  There's no way for the military to control people at all times - and because of that some guys go too far.  More often than not they are caught and punished.


You can't just leave dead bodies lying around anyway. This isn't a big deal; it's something that has to be done.


And, no, I don't care if we're not respecting the religious beliefs of the guy who just died trying to kill Americans.

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These brave soldiers are defending our country. They "turned bodies around?" Can you imagine how little I care?

These soldiers are being forced to face traumatic experiences on a daily basis that many of us could only dream of having to bear. These brave people will be forced to live with many ugly images for the rest of their lives that enemy savages have imposed on them.

To me, they are heros, and I thank them for allowing my wife and children to sleep under the safety that they provide.

If I could, I would pin medals upon their chests and offer my unconditional and eternal thanks and respect.

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