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National catastrophe fund

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For example, the federal government could say in order to participate in a national catastrophe fund, states must adopt strong building codes, have robust, well-planned emergency response capabilities, and establish their own regional or state catastrophe funds.


Yeah, that will fly. States will say that they do not have the money to bring their state up to these standards and will demand federal money to accomplish this task. Where is that money going to come from? Increased taxes? It is a great idea to increase standards and build effective emergency reponse teams and procedures, but I do not like the idea of federal mandates to do it.

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Yeah, that will fly. States will say that they do not have the money to bring their state up to these standards and will demand federal money to accomplish this task. Where is that money going to come from? Increased taxes? It is a great idea to increase standards and build effective emergency reponse teams and procedures, but I do not like the idea of federal mandates to do it.




What would you suggest then, for the people who cant get Homeowners insurance because all the insurance company's are pulling out of states that are susceptible to mother natures wrath?

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What would you suggest then, for the people who cant get Homeowners insurance because all the insurance company's are pulling out of states that are susceptible to mother natures wrath?



I don't have a problem with catastrophe funds per se. My problem is with federalizing it. Let each state determine the structure of their fund and how to impliment it. Not all states are going to need the same setup.

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I don't have a problem with catastrophe funds per se. My problem is with federalizing it. Let each state determine the structure of their fund and how to impliment it. Not all states are going to need the same setup.




As is mine.


Jeb has already had numerous meetings with 8 or 9 Governor's across the country about getting the Federal Government to do this. Mandating states to develop a catastrophe fund. Insurance company's have states by the short hairs.

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