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McGahee rumor is TRUE


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ROFL!  If you really believe Travis Henry will stay in Buffalo OVER Willis McGahee, then I got a bridge to sell you!  :D  ;)  :D




Ok which RB and his agent are making waves?


Nuff said.


If I'm right, I want something of substance from you. An apology just won't do.

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ASSUMING all of this is true, then it's very simple.


McGahee is under contract. He sits. Plain and simple. He sits. And when we're done with his contract, we cut him loose.


Yes, I know, that's not practical. It's emotional. But it's not my money, so fuggit. He can ride pine.

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on Channel 6 in Miami. Drew says Buffalo is a first class organization and that Willis McGahee appreciates that the Bills took him in the first round and were gracious in negotiations, BUT, Drew Rosenpuke then added that McGahee is too good to be a back-up?





Yes, but did Rosenhaus actually say that Willis asked to be traded if he is not starting on opening day?

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You can't believe everything you hear in the media.


After all didn't someone say Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and we were under imminent threat of attack?


Lies will get you everywhere.


The President did not use the word, imminent. Ever.


And here's another fellow's comment on WMD's


"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal,

murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime... He presents a

particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to

miscalculation... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his

continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass

destruction... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass

destruction is real..."

- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003


Evidently, lies are what you deal in, child...

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This is just Rosenarse's way of stirring the pot. He did it during the draft and at contract time. He is an arrogant, self centered money grabber who wants his client to get more money so HE can get some more money. If being traded is WM true intention (which I doubt), then it is a win-win for the Bills. The Bills can get value for him. If WM wants to stay with the Bills, WM plays his heart out, and smiles to himself at what a show dog his agent really is.


Don't get too excited. These media blurbs are just for fan speculation; when push comes to shove, the players play anyway....

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McGahee's contract has some significant incentive clauses in it. If McGahee were to start, Rosenhaus gets a percentage of any incentive bonuses McGahee earns. Knowing the kind of slimeball Rosenhaus is, is anyone really surprised. Thus far McGahee has played the perfect team player. While I'm sure he'd live to start, nothing about him that I've seen so far would suggest to me that he would do this. I especially don't think he would do it and then deny it. However, I wouldn't put anything past Rosenhaus. After all, he's already admitted to lying in order to con teams into drafting his player.

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This is just Rosenarse's way of stirring the pot. He did it during the draft and at contract time.  He is an arrogant, self centered money grabber who wants his client to get more money so HE can get some more money.  If being traded is WM true intention (which I doubt), then it is  a win-win for the Bills.  The Bills can get value for him.  If WM wants to stay with the Bills, WM plays his heart out, and smiles to himself at what a show dog his agent really is.


Don't get too excited.  These media blurbs are just for fan speculation; when push comes to shove, the players play anyway....




I agree. Part of Rosenhaus' job is to keep McGahee's name on the front pages all over the country. This is all contrived and perfectly planned. Everytime Willis' name is mentioned on SportsCenter and ESPN.com it means more jersey's sold and more GM's around the league froth at the mouth at the possibility of getting him. It's as much of a stunt as when Rosenhaus called WM on his cell during the draft (when they were sitting side by side on the couch). Anyway, at this point WM looks gimpy to me and if we shipped him off for a #1 pick (which we won't) I don't think I'd cry about it. To me, WM seems more like a visitor in Bills camp instead of a hardcore Bills player. I hope he changes my mind and dedicates himself to the Bills and his teammates.

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Rosenhaus is a sleazy greaseball who makes Gordon Gecko look ethical. This is all about him and not WM. He has the most to gain by 1) having WM start and meet incentives 2) having WM start and meet incentives 3) having WM start and meet incentives.


Anyone who think Rosenhaus would not make these comments without consulting WM is really living in a land of make believe.

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Bharami, if this "scoop" is the same as your last WM scoop from last season, which was a TOTAL, COMPLETE, MADE-UP, FABRICATED, SHAMELESS, DISGUSTING LIE, you should be banned from this Board permanently and you should seek professional help for your pathological, compulsive need to attract attention to yourself by fibbing.


If you're right, I apologize for the above paragraph.


I'm skeptical though...

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on Channel 6 in Miami. Drew says Buffalo is a first class organization and that Willis McGahee appreciates that the Bills took him in the first round and were gracious in negotiations, BUT, Drew Rosenpuke then added that McGahee is too good to be a back-up?


Boy am I pissed. I spent over $200 bucks on a McGahee jersey, or should I say Benedict Arnold's jersey. When I first heard the news I did'nt believe it, but that interview said it all.


How will Bills nation react to McGahee at Tomorrows game? I think that the majority of Bills fans need to ask Travis Henry for forgiveness.


I'm first. Sorry Travis.



Magahee needs to fire Rosenhaus, the guy is just not credible. Can anyone come up with anything positive the guy has done for any player? WM also NEEDS to deck him- publicly

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