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Lost 02.05 Discussion Thread


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I missed the preview for the next ep. Is it a major character that's slated to bite the dust?



It just said that one of the survivors is lost for good, or something like that.


And just for the record, I've made my own inflatable Kate doll, using an old wetsuit, seven birthday balloons, a twice-used Halloween wig, and three rolls of duct tape. She'll do just fine boys...just fine indeed.



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Looks like Kate and Charlie are going to wed...lucky bastard!




Don't forget to click on the pics...at least the first  two...






Charlie? c'mon kate you can do much better. I mean hes a HOBBIT for chrissakes!

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Charlie? c'mon kate you can do much better. I mean hes a HOBBIT for chrissakes!


Yeah, but he's a trilogy-rich hobbit. And listen, who knows what the little bastard learned in Middle-earth, if you know what I mean. :angry:

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The Lost group's walkthrough was a really cool camerashot. How many were there? Eight? The one with the teddy bear was probably Alex, no?




Don't be surprised that with all the other (dare I say that word) newcomers there may also be children. I mean doesn't anybody "go" a little? No tv, no internet, no rescue, opportunity calls... I realize Lost is now in an earlier time slot but come on.


I am interested to see the interaction between the original group of survivors and the second crop. Someone is going to test Ana Lucia's b.s. How will Sayid and the Doc clash or collaborate with Ana? Would Ana Lucia have the audacity to hit someone like the Doc, Sayid, Locke or God forbid, Hugo? She will divide the original group. Who will she bond with? Locke, because possibly he will take over the hatch? How will the newcomers take to Locke? And Desmond will reappear won't he? He has too much information. He must be found. And Danielle? She is wack but she knows a lot. As for Sawyer, he was shot and will most likely need medical care. I wonder how Claire's baby will take to the island without any vaccinations. Speaking of Claire, her story has been rather vacant since having the baby. Maybe a return to her back story? Also expect some back story for some of the new characters. And is Charlie jacked yet from the statue goo? Who will Shannon blackmail next? She will lose interest in Sayid and probably go for the Doc. And where there is one polar bear isn't there at least one more? And who is responsible for all the Apollo bars etc.? There is an external party that is bound to blend into the story (government, military, corporation, scientists). I sense that somebody has been able to get onto the island on a fairly regular basis.


I am not so sure there were eight of "the others". It seemed like four and they showed them walking by at two different points. And why can't "the others" be split up as well? And how did those from the second group die / get killed? No cannibals among the insane?


Now someone fill me in as to Rose. I have watched most episodes but somewhere I missed Rose's dealio. I thought she drowned? But obviously not. So who did or what happened? Please fill me in. Thanks.


I am offering many more questions than theories but the possibilities are endless...

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Don't be surprised that with all the other (dare I say that word) newcomers there may also be children.  I mean doesn't anybody "go" a little?  No tv, no internet, no rescue, opportunity calls...  I realize Lost is now in an earlier time slot but come on.


I am interested to see the interaction between the original group of survivors and the second crop.  Someone is going to test Ana Lucia's b.s.  How will Sayid and the Doc clash or collaborate with Ana?  Would Ana Lucia have the audacity to hit someone like the Doc, Sayid, Locke or God forbid, Hugo?  She will divide the original group.  Who will she bond with?  Locke, because possibly he will take over the hatch?  How will the newcomers take to Locke?  And Desmond will reappear won't he?  He has too much information.  He must be found.  And Danielle?  She is wack but she knows a lot.  As for Sawyer, he was shot and will most likely need medical care.  I wonder how Claire's baby will take to the island without any vaccinations.  Speaking of Claire, her story has been rather vacant since having the baby.  Maybe a return to her back story?  Also expect some back story for some of the new characters.  And is Charlie jacked yet from the statue goo?  Who will Shannon blackmail next? She will lose interest in Sayid and probably go for the Doc. And where there is one polar bear isn't there at least one more?  And who is responsible for all the Apollo bars etc.?  There is an external party that is bound to blend into the story (government, military, corporation, scientists).  I sense that somebody has been able to get onto the island on a fairly regular basis.


I am not so sure there were eight of "the others".  It seemed like four and they showed them walking by at two different points.  And why can't "the others" be split up as well?  And how did those from the second group die / get killed?  No cannibals among the insane? 


Now someone fill me in as to Rose.  I have watched most episodes but somewhere I missed Rose's dealio.  I thought she drowned? But obviously not.  So who did or what happened?  Please fill me in. Thanks.


I am offering many more questions than theories but the possibilities are endless...


To respond to your thoughts:


Remember they've only been lost for about 40 days thus far so to expect any "LOST" children it's going to take awhile.


Ana Lucia and Doc already have a relationship from before the trip at the airport bar. Many are expecting a love square (vs triangle) between Ana Lucia, Doc, Kate & Sawyer.


Charlie's statue is still intact so maybe he's using it to restore his faith of course I fully expect it will break at some point and will see which "God" he chooses.


Shannon may lose interest in Sayid but don't see Doc falling for her at all.


In terms of Rose, we still don't have a back story. All we know is all along she felt Bernard (her husband) was alive and it would seem he is based on he asking Sawyer and Michael if she was still alive.

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Yeah, but he's a trilogy-rich hobbit.  And listen, who knows what the little bastard learned in Middle-earth, if you know what I mean.  :lol:


I'm pretty sure I read you have the DVDs, if so pop in disk 7. Then Go to Deleted Scenes and then choose The Climb and instead of watching that scene click your left arrow a few times until you have a dot on the ladder and use the select to see a very interesting deleted scene. :)

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Spun, some really good questions, observations, and predictions. Basically what it all boils down to that we're waiting for to develop. And it has been a lot of development this season so far, and not much real action. I guess when someone gets whacked in two weeks, the season might start to pick up steam.


Agree that Ana Lucia is going to be facing some serious, "Hey, Brooklyn, shut the !@#$ up already. B word." when they get to the other camp. Not so nice of them to be leading the Others there, don't you know, and I don't think Sayid and everyone will appreciate it very much. I also don't know if she'll mesh with Locke very well --- she's very high-strung and domineering; Locke is congenial and fairly relaxed on the island.


As far as the food stockpile, I'm not sure that someone resupplied the hatch frequently. It was said that Desmond only had enough food left for about 3 months; food like that can last for years, and who's to say that it wasn't past its official expiration date, yet still edible (a lot of companies use a rather arbitrary "use-by" date)?


The Others could well be split up, and there's not necessarily only the eight or so that walked past. I was conscious of that, just didn't get it down in 12-point Times New Roman....


Rose doesn't have all that much of a story. They introduced her early on last season as the woman who was sitting all alone and not drinking any water, and she 'knew' that her husband was alive even tho he was in the back section of the plane. There was also an ep where she kind of prayed with Charlie. And then she disappeared for like 15 eps, and everyone was like, "WTF happened to Rose?" Bernard is the guy we've just seen among the new group of survivors. Johanna is the one who drowned. Apparently. Even tho she was a "strong swimmer" back in the real world and swam every day. I still think there was something weird about that.... Another "security system" on that side that lets no one get out?


For any nookie action, Sawyer said something about that in the season finale as he was reading through the notes people put in the bottle. A woman wrote back to her husband and kids, and he's like "Ahh... but what she doesn't say is she's been shackin' up with Steve this whole time." And, the show is on an hour later now, not earlier.


Charlie knows that the Virgin Mary statues have heroin in them. Someone mentioned in passing that it was a drug plane. When they passed by, Charlie saw one that was broken open and heroin bags on the ground. He took an unsmashed statue. Something will come up about this. Especially when Locke sees it; I also think it will lead him to use Charlie as his next "sacrifice," as the plane = heroin = Charlie, in Locke's whole "The Island showed it to me" schtick.


I think this is the longest Lost post I've had in quite a while. Thanks.

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I'm pretty sure I read you have the DVDs, if so disk 7. go to deleted scenes then choose the climb and instead of watching that scene click your left arrow a few times until you have a dot on the ladder and use the select to see a very interesting deleted scene.  :)



Awesome Easter Egg find.


Have you found out about any more? I meant to check somewhere to see if anyone found some (b/c there have to be some. There just have to) but b/w this, that and the other, never got to it.

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Awesome Easter Egg find.


Have you found out about any more? I meant to check somewhere to see if anyone found some (b/c there have to be some. There just have to) but b/w this, that and the other, never got to it.


I can't credit finding it as read about it in this LOST DVD Easter Egg Forum and This site gives a better description on how to find them.


I also found a link to a funny LOST Flash movie from the first site mentioned, I'm registered there but read more than I post.

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Looks like Kate and Charlie are going to wed...lucky bastard!




Don't forget to click on the pics...at least the first  two...






Did you ever have a working relationship with someone in your company, that you talked to all the time on the phone, but never met them face to face. Now as we guys do, if the voice is pleasant enough, we start to have fantasies about what the girl looks like. But , now you think, Jesus what if we ever meet, and she's the ugliest dog from hell. Kinda ruins the fantasy does'nt it boys.


Well after looking at the picture of E.L. from the backside. What the hell is up with all that cottage cheese action on her A$$. And those feet,,BAD case of exema going on there...Now I'm totally turned off,,,THANKS ALOT DUEY!!!!! :doh::P

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  Well after looking at the picture of E.L. from the backside. What the hell is up with all that cottage cheese action on her A$$. And those feet,,BAD case of exema going on there...Now I'm totally turned off,,,THANKS ALOT DUEY!!!!!  :P  ;)


Actually I was turned off by the pimple :doh: but I still think Emilie de Ravin and Maggie Grace are better looking then Evangeline Lilly.

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i tihnk i'm going through withdrawl with no new episode of lost tonite...what to do?


Well, apparently you shouldn't look at those pictures of Kate. Some people were quite sickened by them.


Hey Hawk...you're obviously the picture of physical perfection yourself, so I apologize for exposing you to such horrific photos. :doh:

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Jokeman and UConn thanks for the clarifications!


I had confused Rose with Johanna. I guess Rose disappearing for so long can do that. Rose has a mystical sense about her, kind of like Locke.


When I wrote about the possibility of there being any offspring I was referring to The Others as they have had some time to get busy (sixteen years?).


I watched part of the season two opener last night. One thing stuck with me. It was when Desmond asked Locke "Are you him?". It reminded me of the Marathon Man film quote; "Is it safe?". I sense Desmond was waiting for his replacement which would have been identified by the correct answer to the code question. So it is probable, that some character will show up in the future who will be able to finish the question with the correct answer. Or could it be a doctor with vaccinations? Desmond must return. I can just see Desmond busting Hurley with an Apollo bar: "Drop the chocolate, brother". And Hurley responding dutifully with "Dude", then finishing the chocolate!


"Hey, Brooklyn, shut the !@#$ up already. B word." :P


Someone is going to punk Ana Lucia. Hurley or Charlie would be less obvious but effective candidates. Maybe, Ana Lucia starts reciting the 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 sequence upon which Hurley just steamrolls her. Charlie has it in him. Remember how he got in Rousseau's face after they caught her with Claire's baby (Erin?). What did he call her? A nut job? I miss Rousseau, she always adds great drama.

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for those of us without the dvd, what is all the hub bub about easter eggs, or are easter eggs a eupemism for something else, please do tell


The Easter Egg UConn James was commenting on was about a hidden alternate version of a scene where Charlie asks Shannon about Lord of the Rings instead of Draft Shaft. It's quite funny.

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Jokeman and UConn thanks for the clarifications!


I had confused Rose with Johanna.  I guess Rose disappearing for so long can do that.  Rose has a mystical sense about her, kind of like Locke.


When I wrote about the possibility of there being any offspring I was referring to The Others as they have had some time to get busy (sixteen years?).


I watched part of the season two opener last night.  One thing stuck with me.  It was when Desmond asked Locke "Are you him?".  It reminded me of the Marathon Man film quote; "Is it safe?".  I sense Desmond was waiting for his replacement which would have been identified by the correct answer to the code question.  So it is probable, that some character will show up in the future who will be able to finish the question with the correct answer.  Or could it be a doctor with vaccinations?  Desmond must return.  I can just see Desmond busting Hurley with an Apollo bar:  "Drop the chocolate, brother".  And Hurley responding dutifully with "Dude", then finishing the chocolate!


Well, it has been established that Walt & Michael can finish the joke. It was on one of the cards that he sent Walt, and that they re-read in that ep. The answer was something like "Do you smell carrots?" Thing is, who gave Desmond this riddle to find out his replacement? And, Walt appearing and telling Shannon about the button would indicate that he knows it's what he needs to do. Maybe there's some kind of prophecy involving a child that the Others know about.


I don't know about Desmond. It seems that as soon as his replacements got there and he could fob off sleep deprivation on someone else, he was G-O-N-E. Told Jack in the stadium, "See you in another life, brother" and when he saw him again it was in another kind of life. He repeated that quip in when Jack tracked him down. I think he will be back, but again, it's going to be in a different kind of life.

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