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Lost 02.05 Discussion Thread


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Very interesting episode tonight. Was bummed to hear that we have to wait three weeks for the next episode. :ph34r:


First...I'm telling you...Jin can speak English. Not like in the dream sequence, but well enough. Why did he and his friend say "Orange" in English when the rest of their discussion was in Korean? Plus, he seems to understand a lot of things pretty well for someone who supposedly doesn't understand the language.


The trailer for the next new ep says that someone gets lost forever. Looks like one of the new survivors is going to get it.


Not much else right now...as always, I like to let things sink in overnight. Be back on the thread tomorrow morning. Oh, I did like Hugo's story about this dog crapping out a buck 35 in nickels. :ph34r:

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I dunno. I thought this was possibly the worst episode of the entire series. Very dissappointing.


The only interesting thing was the "Lost Boys" walking through the jungle. Anyone else feel like they were watching Peter Pan when the feet were walking through, especially with the Teddy Bear tied to a rope (just like in the book).


Other than that, it blew.

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Well, I didn't think it was that bad of an episode. Nice flashback tie-in on finding things; the introduction of Sun and Jin -- how he found her according to that chart thing (anyone get a good look at that? Numbers, etc? My reception sucked for ~ the first half) and "orange" (duey, could it be that the word for orange in Korean is "orange"?). And, finding through happenstance, or is it guided? Was it fate that Sun found her wedding ring? Michael trying to find Walt.... This group of 4 survivors trying to find an easier life, though it will probably lead the Others right to everyone else.


And now that you think about it, there has been a LOT of discussion about marriage throughout the show. Ana asking Jack in the airport bar.... Sawyer tonight.... Marriage and what it means. Probably the best English prof I ever had said that virtually all of literature can be boiled down to 'The Search For Family.' Might be interesting to try to think how this could apply to this series.


Searching for things happens like that in real life too. You stop looking for something and then there it pops up. There was a connection with Sun losing the ring at the bottle, tho. She buried that w/o hope and dug it up and found the ring (=hope/love). With static, I didn't catch what Kate said when she was dumping all of the messages out --- that she didn't say goodbye? What does that have to do with anything?


The Lost group's walkthrough was a really cool camerashot. How many were there? Eight? The one with the teddy bear was probably Alex, no?


Hurley's dog crapping $1.35. That was :ph34r:; something that's really been missing so far this season. The comic relief from Charlie and Hurley just hasn't been there.

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Well, I didn't think it was that bad of an episode. Nice flashback tie-in on finding things; the introduction of Sun and Jin -- how he found her according to that chart thing (anyone get a good look at that? Numbers, etc? My reception sucked for ~ the first half) and "orange" (duey, could it be that the word for orange in Korean is "orange"?). And, finding through happenstance, or is it guided? Was it fate that Sun found her wedding ring? Michael trying to find Walt.... This group of 4 survivors trying to find an easier life, though it will probably lead the Others right to everyone else.


And now that you think about it, there has been a LOT of discussion about marriage throughout the show. Ana asking Jack in the airport bar.... Sawyer tonight.... Marriage and what it means. Probably the best English prof I ever had said that virtually all of literature can be boiled down to 'The Search For Family.' Might be interesting to try to think how this could apply to this series.


Searching for things happens like that in real life too. You stop looking for something and then there it pops up. There was a connection with Sun losing the ring at the bottle, tho. She buried that w/o hope and dug it up and found the ring (=hope/love). With static, I didn't catch what Kate said when she was dumping all of the messages out --- that she didn't say goodbye? What does that have to do with anything?


The Lost group's walkthrough was a really cool camerashot. How many were there? Eight? The one with the teddy bear was probably Alex, no?


Hurley's dog crapping $1.35. That was :ph34r:; something that's really been missing so far this season. The comic relief from Charlie and Hurley just hasn't been there.


yeah...I don't agree with tgreg99 either...it wasn't the most revealing or mysterious show, but it was that bad. Consider it as a setup show for the next episode.


I have to believe that the Korean language has its own word for "orange." Jin just seems to understand things a bit too well sometimes.


What did Locke say to Sun in the garden...that's "we're not lost anymore?" I also think that her finding the ring renewed her feeling that Jin is OK. Kate said that she did not get a chance to say goodbye, to which Sun asked "Sawyer?" And Kate then gave a very small nod of the head.


Are we to assume that all the people we saw during the walkthrough are all of the others. And remember...Alex would be at least 16 now...why would a 16 year old be carrying around a teddybear? And why did the teddybear have a leash?


I've come to the conclusion that any conversation with Hugo is going to be priceless...dude. :ph34r:

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Gotta admit that I had a totally different picture of Jin and Sun in my mind before this episode. I'd always thought he was wealthy and the domineering type, it was quite the contrast to see how unfailingly polite he was...I thought he was going to pop that **** of a boss.


Mr Echo will always be Addabissi from Oz to me...though he is a great actor.

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a good ep, but not great, and we didnt get very far...this season has been frustrating like that. A lot of stuff started happening toward the end of season 1, and now its slowed down again. I actually called it that Sun's ring would be buried with the bottle, although thats not too big a stretch.


And why do we hafta wait 3 weeks for the next one? Damn them!

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Gotta admit that I had a totally different picture of Jin and Sun in my mind before this episode. I'd always thought he was wealthy and the domineering type, it was quite the contrast to see how unfailingly polite he was...I thought he was going to pop that **** of a boss.



The shock for me was how willing Jin was to have his background degraded just to be a doorman. I was glad he told that dude to shove it.

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I have to believe that the Korean language has its own word for "orange."  Jin just seems to understand things a bit too well sometimes.


What did Locke say to Sun in the garden...that's "we're not lost anymore?"  I also think that her finding the ring renewed her feeling that Jin is OK.  Kate said that she did not get a chance to say goodbye, to which Sun asked "Sawyer?"  And Kate then gave a very small nod of the head.


Are we to assume that all the people we saw during the walkthrough are all of the others.  And remember...Alex would be at least 16 now...why would a 16 year old be carrying around a teddybear?  And why did the teddybear have a leash?



After a couple of months on the island, you would think he could have picked up some English. Nowhere near fluent, but when you go to Mexico, you pick up some little things like Tu = you, caliente = hot.... etc. Also, bear in mind that Sun gave him that book full of Korean-to-English words and pronounciation. When he's answering a question asked of him in English, I think he goes more on hand/eye signals (i.e. the Nigerian guy making a plane sign) and what he guesses is the obvious question being asked.


Hmmm. Kate and Sawyer sittin' in a tree.... :ph34r:


For the teddy-bear, I'd say, being raised by the Others, Alex probably has the mental age of a.... well, her mental growth/health has probably been stunted. Knowing something about storytelling, I'd say with 90 percent confidence that was Alex.


Gotta admit that I had a totally different picture of Jin and Sun in my mind before this episode. I'd always thought he was wealthy and the domineering type, it was quite the contrast to see how unfailingly polite he was...I thought he was going to pop that **** of a boss.



He struggled to get service jobs where the clientele is wealthy. Bellhop last night was his first job, waiter last year during his romance with Sun. Last season showed Jin as the son of a poor fisherman. You are right about the domineering part; Jin is very controlling and does what he needs to do, but as shown last night, he does have a sense of doing what's right. He found his friend (that was a really nice part of the ep where Michael says that, after all of their troubles last season) and brought him back. When you think about it, that's what a true friend does; they don't leave you to wander on your own (and not to say that Sawyer is a bad guy, he just has a different definition of friendship and letting other people do what they need to do). I was very wary of the Nigerian guy before but he went along w/o even knowing the guy he was chasing.

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After a couple of months on the island, you would think he could have picked up some English. Nowhere near fluent, but when you go to Mexico, you pick up some little things like Tu = you, caliente = hot.... etc. Also, bear in mind that Sun gave him that book full of Korean-to-English words and pronounciation. When he's answering a question asked of him in English, I think he goes more on hand/eye signals (i.e. the Nigerian guy making a plane sign) and what he guesses is the obvious question being asked.


For the teddy-bear, I'd say, being raised by the Others, Alex probably has the mental age of a.... well, her mental growth/health has probably been stunted. Knowing something about storytelling, I'd say with 90 percent confidence that was Alex.


He struggled to get service jobs where the clientele is wealthy. Bellhop last night was his first job, waiter last year during his romance with Sun. Last season showed Jin as the son of a poor fisherman. You are right about the domineering part; Jin is very controlling and does what he needs to do, but as shown last night, he does have a sense of doing what's right. He found his friend (that was a really nice part of the ep where Michael says that, after all of their troubles last season) and brought him back. When you think about it, that's what a true friend does; they don't leave you to wander on your own (and not to say that Sawyer is a bad guy, he just has a different definition of friendship and letting other people do what they need to do). I was very wary of the Nigerian guy before but he went along w/o even knowing the guy he was chasing.


You're point about Jin picking up the language is well taken...but I'll still hold onto my theory for a little while longer.


Could the others be bringing the bear from part of the planes wreckage to Walt to try to make him happy? To appease him? Because he might be making some pretty nasty things happen? Remember...Walt can make things happen by thinking about them.


I had forgotten that Jin was a waiter while he was dating Sun. You're right...the friendship that has developed between Michael and Jin is a very nice storyline.

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not a terrible episode but nothing great. I think there is too much going on right now and we don't advance the storyline enough each episode but I'm sure that is an attempt to make the series last longer. I thought the worst thing was Sun finding her wedding ring where she buried the bottle with the messages in it, saw that coming from the beginning...

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You're point about Jin picking up the language is well taken...but I'll still hold onto my theory for a little while longer.


Could the others be bringing the bear from part of the planes wreckage to Walt to try to make him happy?  To appease him?  Because he might be making some pretty nasty things happen?  Remember...Walt can make things happen by thinking about them.


I had forgotten that Jin was a waiter while he was dating Sun.  You're right...the friendship that has developed between Michael and Jin is a very nice storyline.



A teddy-bear might work up to about age 5. Walt isn't stupid, nor do I think he could be placated by a 12-course meal, much less a duct-taped teddy. That bear has some meaning to the person who's carrying it.

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not a terrible episode but nothing great.  I think there is too much going on right now and we don't advance the storyline enough each episode but I'm sure that is an attempt to make the series last longer.  I thought the worst thing was Sun finding her wedding ring where she buried the bottle with the messages in it, saw that coming from the beginning...



Yeah, I think it's time for them to really, really surprise us with something.

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I thought it was a good episode. We got to see the Others for the first time this season.


I don't know anything about Korean culture so I wonder if that's really how things work over there - the whole class system thing and all that.


As for next week's preview, it feels like they might kill that one new girl who hasn't said a single thing yet. Michelle Rodriguez won't die and the new blonde (from Titus) is too sexy to die just yet. Bernard has to be re-united with his wife. The huge black dude is pretty cool so they might want to keep him around. If they want to shock us, they could kill Michael so we don't have to hear the whining about Walt every episode or they could just kill Walt so that they don't have to explain Walt going through growth spurts "every couple days" on the island.

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Korean/English words


Orange does appear to be one of the words used in both languages



Very interesting episode tonight.  Was bummed to hear that we have to wait three weeks for the next episode.  :ph34r:


First...I'm telling you...Jin can speak English.  Not like in the dream sequence, but well enough.  Why did he and his friend say "Orange" in English when the rest of their discussion was in Korean?  Plus, he seems to understand a lot of things pretty well for someone who supposedly doesn't understand the language.


The trailer for the next new ep says that someone gets lost forever.  Looks like one of the new survivors is going to get it.


Not much else right now...as always, I like to let things sink in overnight.  Be back on the thread tomorrow morning.  Oh, I did like Hugo's story about this dog crapping out a buck 35 in nickels.  :ph34r:


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After a couple of months on the island, you would think he could have picked up some English. Nowhere near fluent, but when you go to Mexico, you pick up some little things like Tu = you, caliente = hot.... etc. Also, bear in mind that Sun gave him that book full of Korean-to-English words and pronounciation. When he's answering a question asked of him in English, I think he goes more on hand/eye signals (i.e. the Nigerian guy making a plane sign) and what he guesses is the obvious question being asked.




I have to agree with you on that one. I think it's a phenomenon that happens when you hang around a bunch of people who don't speak your language. I work with a lot of Chinese people and after working with them for a while I can say that I understand their conversations. You don't know what they are saying word for word, but you can gather what the conversation is about based on the tone of their voice, context of the situation, being able to pick out a few choice words, etc. Subconsiously you just learn a language if you are immersed in it, like how we learn to communicate as children, only slower. Jin has been around people speaking nothing but English for almost 50 days now, so I think it's reasonable to expect him to understand the gist of what people are trying to say to him.


And how do we know that Echo is Nigerian?

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Didn't he use the word orange in his flashback before the job interview?


I also thought that the "walking" scene looked liked the people were tied up like slaves, chained together.....


I didn't like that episode either....I thought it was just filler....


Although the Boar answered some questions from last year....I thought there was some sort of "monster" on the island....

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his buddy said something to the effect that Love will be Orange...


Didn't he use the word orange in his flashback before the job interview?


I also thought that the "walking" scene looked liked the people were tied up like slaves, chained together.....


I didn't like that episode either....I thought it was just filler....


Although the Boar answered some questions from last year....I thought there was some sort of "monster" on the island....


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