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saddam on trial

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No . It is based on surveys of newspeople done in the 90s.


That makes sense.


Because this country hasn't had a wholsale shift to the right over the past five years or anything.

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Sensationalizing the negative is hardly a liberal trait.  It sells, and media is in the business of earning a profit.




I'll disagree. Its very much a Liberal trait. I'm glad the print media and the supposed "Big three" Networks are suffering.

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I'll disagree.  Its very much a Liberal trait. I'm glad the print media and the supposed "Big three" Networks are suffering.



Big three networks aren't really suffering that badly, especially since they allhave major cable operations.

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Since when has asking a question equated to being emotional?  Sorry, you're right.  No more questions.  We wouldn't want anyone to question anything, would we? :ph34r:


Nah, we should question everything. That doesn't change the fact that a very disturbing majority of folks who bring us the "news" are in fact extremely liberal. Given that I am a human being and know my limitations, I find it very difficult to believe that the average person in that business doesn't let their beliefs get in the way of the truth, or at least how they report same.


One study did put the number who voted for Mr. Clinton in his final election at a near 90% margin (no I won't link it, I've linked it before). That's an amazing number.

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What I'm saying is the press shouldn't sanitize stuff so we won't get "offended".  Show him hanging.


Just like they should have shown all the dead bodies  on 9-11.



Interesting, weren't you one of the people on the right saying pictures from the Iraq war should be censored?


So many people from the right have been saying that, I can't remember if u were one of them or not.

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My guess is that Saddam will be found guilty and the sentence will be death by hanging.


My question is do you think any US Network Media Outlets would carry coverage of his execution live as it happens? 


To my knowledge networks have never carried an execution whether it is by law or by choice I don't know.


I think EVERYONE should see it, and it should be declared a holiday. Some may find that barbaric, but that guy was the devil!! He was pure evil, and every bit as bad as Bin Laden- he has to pay for what he did, and needs to be made an example of! HE HAS NO RIGHTS! :ph34r:

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I'll disagree.  Its very much a Liberal trait. I'm glad the print media and the supposed "Big three" Networks are suffering.


So that's why the right-wing mouthpieces never talked about BJs in the oval office! :ph34r:

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One study did put the number who voted for Mr. Clinton in his final election at a near 90% margin (no I won't link it, I've linked it before).  That's an amazing number.


They're liberals because they voted for Clinton during his re-election bid? :ph34r:


What liberal ideals do you suppose attracted them to Clinton? Was it the booming economic growth, the record low unemployment rates, the balanced budget, or the federal government being the smallest it'd been since before WWII?


Or maybe they didn't vote for Clinton after all. Maybe they just voted against Dole...

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I think EVERYONE should see it, and it should be declared a holiday. Some may find that barbaric, but that guy was the devil!! He was pure evil, and every bit as bad as Bin Laden- he has to pay for what he did, and needs to be made an example of! HE HAS NO RIGHTS! :ph34r:


I agree he was sick, powerful person, and if hell exist, sounds like he is going.....Televise a live hanging,and a holiday......You remember those people that had their heads decapitated on video with sound?....One day I am listening to talk radio, started with sports, then changed the station to politics....I was cooking in the kitchen and apparently did'nt hear the warning...when I heard some strange weezing sounds....Then the radio person explained what the sounds were....I like to debate, whine, or just post silly humorous thoughts........After listening to that, I think public executions should be payper view material, give the money to charity or something worthwhile.......I vote a non hanging death..... Stake him down to a fireant hill

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I think EVERYONE should see it, and it should be declared a holiday. Some may find that barbaric, but that guy was the devil!! He was pure evil, and every bit as bad as Bin Laden- he has to pay for what he did, and needs to be made an example of! HE HAS NO RIGHTS! :ph34r:


A national holiday wouldn't make much sense. It'd lessen the tax revenue we need to foot the tab for Iraq's $75 Million trial.

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They're liberals because they voted for Clinton during his re-election bid? :ph34r:


What liberal ideals do you suppose attracted them to Clinton?  Was it the booming economic growth, the record low unemployment rates, the balanced budget, or the federal government being the smallest it'd been since before WWII?


Or maybe they didn't vote for Clinton after all.  Maybe they just voted against Dole...


You know it's never that simple. 40% of the country pulls one lever, 40% pulls the other, and the 20% in the middle generally decide the election. Yet 90% of media folks pulled one lever.


The concept isn't that hard and it sure ain't for the reasons you're trying to use. You're alot smarter than that, Chris.

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You know it's never that simple.  40% of the country pulls one lever, 40% pulls the other, and the 20% in the middle generally decide the election.  Yet 90% of media folks pulled one lever.


The concept isn't that hard and it sure ain't for the reasons you're trying to use.  You're alot smarter than that, Chris.


And you're smart enough to know that voting for an incumbent president who had the economy growing and the size of government shrinking doesn't make one a liberal.


The media has a responsibility to their shareholders to turn a profit. If that means not offending anyone by being too PC, who cares? If that means blasting away at a president for getting an extramarital hummer while ignoring that the investigation was actually to look into land deals, so what?


And believe me you, there are liberals out there who think that the media is too conservative. Big deal.


It's an unfortunate trap into which far too many otherwise intelligent people fall. It's a way to discredit the messenger when they don't like the message.

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And you're smart enough to know that voting for an incumbent president who had the economy growing and the size of government shrinking doesn't make one a liberal.

Right. That's why they voted for him at a statistically staggaring rate in opposition to the rest of the country(Clinton 49.2% - Dole 40%). Must be that media people are just that much smarter than everyone else, despite the overwhelming contrarian evidence we enjoy on a daily basis. :rolleyes:


I especially liked the "shrinking the size of government" thing. Hard to image that's the case when on book expenditures were up 18.5% (a much higher rate than inflation). I guess if we repeat the same lie often enough...

The media has a responsibility to their shareholders to turn a profit.  If that means not offending anyone by being too PC, who cares?  If that means blasting away at a president for getting an extramarital hummer while ignoring that the investigation was actually to look into land deals, so what?

I don't know what that has to do with anything.

And believe me you, there are liberals out there who think that the media is too conservative.  Big deal.

Uh, OK.

It's an unfortunate trap into which far too many otherwise intelligent people fall. It's a way to discredit the messenger when they don't like the message.



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