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It's official! Iraq has a democracy!

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Sorry...critics of the war dont get to use this excuse...because any effort the U.S. makes to "help" the Iraqis will be portrayed as the U.S. turning the new Iraq into a "puppet" of the U.S.


:ph34r: Was that really ever in doubt, regardless of your position on the war?

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Except when you factor in the other variables into the equation...


You know, like the fact that we were the first people ever to have a democracy like ours, whereas Iraq has our help in formulating one....



And that little detail whereby this Constitution is basically a feel-good symbolic moment, and that it's so easy to amend it, they may as well have written it on a napkin.


I don't know about anyone else, but it's really sh--ty to keep having all of these Symbolic Moments that mean next to nothing in the concrete world. How about working on something that will last for more than two years?

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Very different. Are the troops in Germany being attacked some 50 or so times a day? Do most of the Germans want the troops to leave? Did the party that won most of the seats in the German election have as one of it's main policies the establishment of a definite timetable for the withdrawal of US forces?


Agreed. Besides the fact that we are still there for "strategic" reasons. Not to protect the German people or its government.

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How about working on something that will last for more than two years?



That applies to a LOT that goes on in the government, not just Iraq. When people can approach their jobs with the idea that "In two/four/six years, it's the other guy's problem", there's not a hell of a lot of motivation for long-term planning.

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