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  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
I can't help wondering, though, wha the demographics of said areas are.  To be perfectly honest, I'd half expect such skewed numbers in overwhelmingly tribal regions.


99% turnout, ALL voting "yes"?

  Johnny Coli said:
99% turnout, ALL voting "yes"?



Maybe, they liked the Constitution? :D

  Johnny Coli said:
99% turnout, ALL voting "yes"?



Sounds like Chicago in 1960 to me...

  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
In places where tribal leaders can tell people "You will go vote...and you will vote 'yes''.", and the people will listen?



So it's like any major American city with a Democratic mayor?

  stuckincincy said:
So it's like any major American city with a Democratic mayor?



Well...since I'm trying to be serious...no. :D


It hardly matters anyway. An invaded soverign nation having democracy forced down its throat by the invaders is voting on a constitution so convoluted and bloated it's hardly a working legal document, and virtually everyone agrees it'll be tossed to the side the moment the occupying troops leave. Meanwhile they haven't YET exorcised the ghosts of the previous government, which by the way is allowed to vote on the new one...and never mind the other groups vying for power, most of them undemocratically.


And people B word about voter fraud? Iraq hasn't even achieved the level of sanity required for "voter fraud" to have any meaning, let alone be an issue.


At least we know where all those Florida voting machines went. Probably sold on a substantial discount I'll wager.


Seriously, these people have been through so much I hate to see this bit of good news, the Constitution passing and all, coming with an asterisk attached. I hope they straighten it out soon.

  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
Well...since I'm trying to be serious...no.  :D


It hardly matters anyway.  An invaded soverign nation having democracy forced down its throat by the invaders is voting on a constitution so convoluted and bloated it's hardly a working legal document, and virtually everyone agrees it'll be tossed to the side the moment the occupying troops leave.  Meanwhile they haven't YET exorcised the ghosts of the previous government, which by the way is allowed to vote on the new one...and never mind the other groups vying for power, most of them undemocratically.


And people B word about voter fraud?  Iraq hasn't even achieved the level of sanity required for "voter fraud" to have any meaning, let alone be an issue.


All that and sand in the sandwiches too. Boy, these people need a break. It would be nice if something went off without a hitch.

  Mickey said:
At least we know where all those Florida voting machines went.  Probably sold on a substantial discount I'll wager. 


Seriously, these people have been through so much I hate to see this bit of good news, the Constitution passing and all, coming with an asterisk attached.  I hope they straighten it out soon.



I've heard that one and maybe two provinces voted it down anyway. In which case, it's back to the drawing board, and "voter fraud" hardly matters anyway.


Probably the best thing that could happen, too. That constitution is toilet paper.

  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
I've heard that one and maybe two provinces voted it down anyway.  In which case, it's back to the drawing board, and "voter fraud" hardly matters anyway.


Probably the best thing that could happen, too.  That constitution is toilet paper.



I thought that they needed three provinces to have 2/3 no-votes for the constitution to be voted down. The last minute switch by a large Sunni party swayed one of the provinces.

  GG said:
I thought that they needed three provinces to have 2/3 no-votes for the constitution to be voted down.  The last minute switch by a large Sunni party swayed one of the provinces.



You're right - they need three provinces. It's almost certain that 2 have voted no, leaving Nineveh and Diyala as the critical ones. The results from Nineveh in particular seem somewhat wierd. As for the 99% votes in favour, that certainly seems freakishly large, though why they'd bother vote-rigging in provinces that were certain to vote yes anyway is anyones guess.

  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
I've heard that one and maybe two provinces voted it down anyway.  In which case, it's back to the drawing board, and "voter fraud" hardly matters anyway.


Probably the best thing that could happen, too.  That constitution is toilet paper.


Is it that bad? I haven't read it. Too busy reading the transcripts from the Dover monkey trial. How would you summarize it, assuming that I was G-dubb and needed a cliff notes version?

  GG said:
I thought that they needed three provinces to have 2/3 no-votes for the constitution to be voted down.  The last minute switch by a large Sunni party swayed one of the provinces.



I thought it was only one. If it's three...well, hell, that's just stupid. Even our constitution effectively required unanimous ratification by the original states (though I don't know if one non-ratification would have submarined the Constitution, or merely kept the non-ratifying state out of the union.)



And on a completely different note...I was at the Jefferson Memorial this weekend. I never realized that Jefferson was 32 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. :( When I was 32...I can't think of a single significant thing I'd accomplished.

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