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Thoughts on Jets game


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Everyone wants to give their opinion about who should be our starting quarterback. In the NFL, there are so few games with each game meaning so much. By Sunday night we could have been looking at 2-4 with New England being 4-2. That being said, Holcomb has produced results. You can talk to me about speculation until you are blue in the face, but when it comes down to it, results are all that matter. I have not missed a snap in over 9 years of Buffalo Bills football. It seems that through all these years there has always been that sixth sense I get on plays as ONLY a Bills fan can get. Like 3rd and long for our defense is an alomost automatic conversion for the opposing team. Like when you see a big play from the offense and your eyes automatically venture to under the scoring box on the television for the little yellow box that says "flag". When J.P. was at the helm, excluding the game against a Houston team that's the worst in the league, I got that sixth sense that whenever J.P. dropped back that negative results would follow. Trust me, I love what J.P. brings to the table. He gives the defense so mush more to prepare for, but I'm tired of playing for the future and "next year". Turnovers and penalties are the two most important components to any NFL game IMO, so if the Bills can limit those, I think we can do some great things. Holcomb is getting us wins, and thats why I watch the game.

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wins  from 2 bad teams that we should beat


Again, those "two bad teams" are in our division and they beat Carolina, an unbeaten Tampa Bay, and Denver - and Denver knocked off New England yesterday!


It's the NFL, there's only a handful of players that seperate Indy from Houston. There's only a handful of plays that mean the difference between being 0-5 and 2-3, or 2-3 and 5-0.


You play the next game, regardless of the oponent, and you try to win it. I make no excuses for the schedule.

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And also there were a few losses from teams we should beat.



vincent didnt even have a training camp.....if anyone really thought the jets were going to win with a qb with one game under his belt that began playing in october when everyone else started in july, then they really dont think much of the bills with any quarterback

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