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The Universe: What's The Deal?


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From the "Questions without Answers" thread, I was going to post something to the effect of how did the universe begin OR where did God come from but Nick in England beat me to the punch. Many times during the course of my 25 year existance -- usually when I was bored out of my mind -- I'd try to conceive an idea on how everything started.


Here's my dumb theory... (dumb because there is no way to prove anything)


Being a Catholic, I believe in God ... who I believe to be the same for everyone regardless how we worship him or what regilion we follow. In my religion, we're told that God was always there and that there was no beginningm as time is infinite. This is obviously the only answer we could come up with because nothing else makes any sense.


Big Bang Theory just doesn't work for me because, for "God's Sake" where did all the gases come from? Save your Godly farting jokes please! Life is to intricate to have evolved from gases. Someone with a vision put us here. I also believe that there are other lifeforms out in the universe that are identical to us or in some cases just more advanced. The universe is too big to be just for us. I think "aliens" that might have visited this planet are simply humans that have advanced through stages of evolution we haven't reached yet. We use something like 5% of our brains, I'm sure that number is more for "aliens" but I believe that their creator is the same as ours. Which goes back to my original question, where did God come from?


My guess is our minds simpy can't even handle the answer to that question.

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I've had the idea going through my head for a while now that maybe amino acids were invented out of the soil b/c there was some need for us in the process of the earth.


This came after an early botany course (would have been my major). Look at our life cycle and the life cycle of any plant and it's basically the same steps. Mitosis and meiosis. Look at the clymedamonas(?) plant under a microscope. They're seperate plants, basically heart-shaped with two flagellum that propel them through the water, making and breaking alliances and stopping at something to take in nutrients. You look at them long enough, and you start thinking they're alive. But they're plants. In the same way, maybe we just amble around and spread nature's seeds (there's actually a lot of seeds that require passage through a digestive tract before they can grow into plants --- and it's something I've tried to think about in relation to the LOST island as a character, attracting people to it to do its "bidding"), thinking we're alive and developed and can think for ourselves and so on and so forth. Shakespeare was keen on these ideas of comparing us to plants, when you read his sonnets and other stuff.


There's times that I try to do a whole earth-bound microcosm to macrocosm. Picturing each individual atom and how they interact with each other to produce molecules.... the soduim-potassium pumps that produce the electric currents that transfer the energy that keeps our bodies running.... The social orders that we've made up. The collective of our output that changes the world more every day, usually for the worse. All tied up in Newton's Laws. The breakdown of energy eventually leads to chaos (I see this also in a social/humanities way, not just pure science). Essentially, we're hurtling toward a fireball, I guess.


I don't know if we were designed. Probably not. Our bodies are way too imperfect and the world too effed up for me to believe this. We're basically just walking protein and potential energy (work). Some might call this a bleak outlook, devoid of purpose and direction, etc. I don't give it much mind. My purpose is to wake up tomorrow and do whatever it is I need to do. Accept whatever is in store for you, whatever happens, and try to go forward and why bother asking questions that you'll never know the ansswers to?, that is the definition of Grace. "Drink a bit of wine, 'cause we both might go tomorrow." And when we go, we break down into calciums, carbons, oxygens, hydrogens.... It's a little cryptic, but we simply go back to the earth and enter the nitrogen cycle. I like the fact that I'll be pushing up daisies someday.


I've written this stuff out before, and it's really deflating and incomplete to reduce these concepts to words. Words here that are probably jumbled and hard for anyone to understand.

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Are you like, totally stoned and stuff?


"God" is a concept invented by humans. I think that is the point he is going for. It is amazing with all we know about evolution, and the universe that people still think the concept of God is pertinent. Whatever gets you through the night.

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You mean Carl Sagan's Cosmos?




im slowly reading it as I have so much reading for school that i have time to maybe read for 20 minutes a day but i eventually will finish it... it is a very good book to read :( have u read it?

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"God" is a concept invented by humans. I think that is the point he is going for. It is amazing with all we know about evolution, and the universe that people still think the concept of God is pertinent. Whatever gets you through the night.


Whether or not the concept of "God" was invented by humans or not, I don't think anyone can ever convince me that there is no God, even after four Super Bowl loses.

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"God" is a concept invented by humans. I think that is the point he is going for. It is amazing with all we know about evolution, and the universe that people still think the concept of God is pertinent. Whatever gets you through the night.


I figured out what he was getting at, but thanks for the attempted help. His mocking reply was to someone that agreed with his point of view but Ed did not figure that out.


Personally, I find it astounding that he is smart enough to figure out beyond doubt that God does not exist, yet he is evidently unable to grasp the obvious meaning of a single sentence. It's quite the paradox. That's like why I totally like wondered if he was baked.


As for you, I'm wondering how you think evolution and our knowledge of the universe disprove God. Care to elaborate? I'm not poking fun, just curious.

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As for you, I'm wondering how you think evolution and our knowledge of the universe disprove God.  Care to elaborate?  I'm not poking fun, just curious.



Well IMHO if you believe in evolution, then it is hard for me to see how you could believe in God. By God, I'm talking about the Christian form of God. Now if we are talking about energy or spiritual powers as being as God, well then I would tend to agree with you.

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