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Scary moment for the RaChaCha Family

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I was taking my family to a pumkin patch on Saturday (45 minutes away)


The night before I went to the movies with my Brother-in-law


and I made the mistake of having a cup of coffee with him afterwords. (around 12:30 PM)


I had trouble getting to sleep :w00t: I finally snoozed around 3:30 AM.. and my daughter woke me up at 7 AM. Well we had a busy day to I started drinking coffee and told my self that I would have an early bedtime.


So I was driving to the Pumkin Patch, I was fine... no blury vision, no weaving on the road, there was no indication that I was impaired at all. Then I blinked a little to long and next thing I know, I hear the sound of gravel and Wham... I hit a guiderail.


No one was hurt (except the car)


Scary huh?

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actually, it is called a guide rail  :lol:


I'm glad you and the fam are OK Nick. Scary stuff.


FWIW, you're the only person I've ever heard refer to it as a "guide" rail - I've always heard (and said) "guard" rail. :w00t:

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Man o man...my wife would have kept me awake the rest of the ride home bitching me out!  :blink:


I have one of those wives. I usually make my wife drive because she can't shut up long enough to let me drive.

Stop swirving!! Watch your speed!! BRAAAKKEE!!!! speed up!! Slow down!!


I'm an aggressive driver that has never gotten into an accident or a ticket. It's rediculous. I've gotten to the point to where, if we go anywheres, she drives. :D

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I have one of those wives. I usually make my wife drive because she can't shut up long enough to let me drive.

Stop swirving!! Watch your speed!! BRAAAKKEE!!!! speed up!! Slow down!!


I'm an aggressive driver that has never gotten into an accident or a ticket. It's rediculous. I've gotten to the point to where, if we go anywheres, she drives.  :blink:


For me its more that my wife would need an outlet for the adrenaline rush of nearly dying. A brief reeming would be in order, but I know it would actually last for hours. :D

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I have one of those wives. I usually make my wife drive because she can't shut up long enough to let me drive.

Stop swirving!! Watch your speed!! BRAAAKKEE!!!! speed up!! Slow down!!


I'm an aggressive driver that has never gotten into an accident or a ticket. It's rediculous. I've gotten to the point to where, if we go anywheres, she drives.  :blush:





For me it would be a page out of National Lampoon's Vacation... Everybody would be asleep.


We make a lot of trips to WNY (every other month or so)... Two kids and my wife. I call it the Daily Double when the two kidlets finally pass out, the TriFecta when the wifey joins in! Sometimes it can be my only source of peace on the 8.5 hour trip!


Glad you and the family are okay Nick!

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