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What a heartbreaking game Part II

KD in CA

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*Sigh* Man, that would've been a huge win for the Irish.


Some thoughts on the game:


You have to tip your hat to SC....they did what it took to pull the game out.


ND played their asses off and certainly gained a lot of respect even in defeat. The defense played as good as you can hope for against SC.


Brady Quinn was a little off early in the game, but showed great poise on ND's final drive. He's flourishing under Charlie Weiss. USC did a good job with the blitz, keeping the pressure on and forcing some off target throws.


Reggie Bush might be the most explosive college football player since Rocket Ismael. He's just awesome.


Leinart came up huge, even though he was in obvious distress after the play where he was blocking and his man fell over him. The 60 yard play on the final drive was just a killer. Nice 2d effort to get in for the winning score.


SC got a game saving break with the fumble out of bounds on the penultimate play, otherwise the game is over. And I think they got a break with the spot on the last play, since the ball should have been spotted where the fumble went out of bounds. I think the refs should have taken more time to discuss that, but you can't blame that for the loss if you're ND. As it was, they almost held Leinart on the last play.


Amazing game. Irish fans have to be proud of the effort.

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Good post. I'm SO frickin' bummed about the ND game AND the Penn State game. It's days like these that I think I should just give up watching football for the sake of my health and sanity.



BTW, I absolutely LOATHE Pete Carroll! ("Just give it to them!")

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Watch that game and you wonder what Charlie Weis would have done for the Bills. He took a lot of mediocre guys and installed a plan that highlights their strengths. To think that he wasn't hired b/c NFL assistants were in danger of all being hired away by the time he could get them, and/or he was asking for too much $.


I've become soured on TD as much for this as for his lack of really building up the OL.

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Reggie Bush might be the most explosive college football player since Rocket Ismael.  He's just awesome.



That's what I was thinking. I couldn't understand why they kept kicking the ball to him, (although he was stopped at the 10 on one play). I had visions of Bill McCartney kicking to the Rocket in that Orange Bowl.


It was a real heartbreaker though. If they stop Leinart at the one on the last play...



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If the DB just gets his head around on fourth down.


or gets his lead hand just 2" higher

or simply rips the guys arm instead of trying to deflect the ball

That 1 second will haunt that poor kid for the rest of his life.....

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By far the most exciting and emotional event I have ever attended (including SB XXV). The entire weekend was unreal. From the pep rally in the stadium (had to be 50,000+) to the final seconds of the game. The collective emotional swing that was felt in the stadium was unlike any feeling I've ever experienced. We thought we had it. We saw the seconds tick to zero. I felt like I was about to cry from elation and then cry from disbelief.


An all-time great game in the history of football and I am damn proud to say that I was there.



We're back.







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