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So I'm sitting at home watching the USC/ND game and the news flashes across my TV. A Nazi rally was to take place in North Toledo this Saturday, for those that don't know North Toledo is a primarily black area.


Sure they have the right to rally, this is America and despite how ignorant your opinion is you’re allowed to scream it from a megaphone. My problem is this rally has been planed for weeks, and the location has been known. A three year old could tell this was going to be a very ugly situation, and it has developed into just that.


At what point should you take preemptive action when violence appears to be inevitable? I'm sure some of you will say never, and I can't disagree with that stance. The ability to express different opinions is what makes this country great. But at the same token this rally was meant to insight people, and the violence and burning buildings were not exactly an unforeseeable event.


Regardless of how you feel about the rights of these Nazis those peaces of sh-- got what was coming.

So I'm sitting at home watching the USC/ND game and the news flashes across my TV.  A Nazi rally was to take place in North Toledo this Saturday, for those that don't know North Toledo is a primarily black area.


Sure they have the right to rally, this is America and despite how ignorant your opinion is you’re allowed to scream it from a megaphone. My problem is this rally has been planed for weeks, and the location has been known.  A three year old could tell this was going to be a very ugly situation, and it has developed into just that.


At what point should you take preemptive action when violence appears to be inevitable? I'm sure some of you will say never, and I can't disagree with that stance.  The ability to express different opinions is what makes this country great. But at the same token this rally was meant to insight people, and the violence and burning buildings were not exactly an unforeseeable event.


Regardless of how you feel about the rights of these Nazis those peaces of sh-- got what was coming.



See the Supreme Court decision, Village of Skokie (Illinois) vs. National Socaliast Party of America (1977 - 1978), and the DeJonge decision of 1936.


Update on the situation


Apparently the mayor and police did recognize that this situation would escalate into violence. They warned the Nazi protestors that they could not protect them (only 20 people) and that if they went threw with the march they would be at serious risk. They decided to leave town, but that didn’t stop the people protesting the Nazi's from rioting themselves.


The 600 or so people protesting the Nazi march had some time to kill so they decided they didn't like the police (quote from a witness) and rioted anyway. It was a pretty crazy scene from the footage captured. The protestors started throwing rocks and bricks at the cops and cop cars, and lighting cars and buildings on fire.


I agree that this is exactly what the Nazi's wanted; to bad it had to come to this.

The 600 or so people protesting the Nazi march had some time to kill so they decided they didn't like the police (quote from a witness) and rioted anyway.  It was a pretty crazy scene from the footage captured. The protestors started throwing rocks and bricks at the cops and cop cars, and lighting cars and buildings on fire.





Which group is smarter? Seems like the Neo Nazis were. It was in a white neighborhood that has hasd a lot of trouble with black gangs.


The problem is that the idiot thugs (were described in most media outlets as Gang Bangers) did not do anything to the nazis, they just rioted and threw things at the police. How much you want to bet there was looting?


Of course there was. I saw them trash a gas station/mini mart and a bar. The looting and rioting started about 3-4 blocks away from the Neo-Nazis on the anticipated route of their march. The Neo-Nazis decided not to stage their parade when they heard tat the rioting and looting had started.

the police should have been there with enough people to prevent any problems.


they wanted a conflict. and they got one.  :w00t:



Sure, this is the fault of the Police. Give me a break. These idiots who rioted were just looking for an excuse to be violent and loot.

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