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Lost 02.04 Discussion Thread


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Well, the big black guy was quite a bit younger than Rose.  And Huey seems like a guy that would be easy to remember.  And Kate does have a nice tight frame.  I heard she's going out with Charlie from the show.  Anyone know if this is true?  And Go Bills.



I heard that Charlie and Elijah Wood are an item.

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Well, the big black guy was quite a bit younger than Rose.  And Huey seems like a guy that would be easy to remember.  And Kate does have a nice tight frame.  I heard she's going out with Charlie from the show.  Anyone know if this is true?  And Go Bills.



:):doh::doh: You called him Huey! That's all me, dude! :w00t::huh::lol:

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- I didn't have any expectations regarding that. Rose seemed very contented at the exact moment when Michael, Sawyer and Jin were finding out about him; something extrasensory about her, in a good way. How many are left in that group? Ana, the Nigerian guy, Bernard, and Drew Carey's girlfriend/crazy lady from "Guiding Light". What killed them? The Others or the sickness (if those are two seperate conditions)?



As I mentioned above, does anyone else think that Rose seems a lot like the Oracle from the Matrix movies? That's kind of bugging me a little.


I think the Others have been picking off the tail survivors one by one...that's why they are so careful in the jungle.

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- :)


- I dunno. No one really knew about it until they were getting it, or Hurley just told everyone, "There's not that much to go around, so we'll just have at it." There was enough for one guy eating three meals for 30 days, so for 40 people, there was enough for.... Anyone good at these things? And in that case, Desmond was getting very low on food.




That made me think that there must be someone (or something) that replenishes the food supply. Things like candy bars, potato chips & peanut butter all have expiration dates. If Desmond only had 30-40 days of food, more food would be arriving, otherwise Desmond would have had less than 2 months left to continue to push the button.

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That made me think that there must be someone (or something) that replenishes the food supply.  Things like candy bars, potato chips & peanut butter all have expiration dates.  If Desmond only had 30-40 days of food, more food would be arriving, otherwise Desmond would have had less than 2 months left to continue to push the button.




I was thinking the same thing....


I like the idea of the numbers being the different groups of survivors.....


I'm sure "Huey" told the guy at the store where he bought it from some sort of story why he was picking these numbers. Thats why he remembered....I lauged when he got busted for eating chicken.....an 8 piece no less!! But didn't his former manager recognize the van at least after chasing them out of his yard?

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Great episode...those shots of the dharma logo on the plane do look photoshopped, but right now i am too lazy/tired too search the DVD's for those scenes...when someone finds them, tell me what ep and about what time and i'll lookfor myself...


God Bless Kate! But we need more Shannon! A few token shots of my little blonde girl arent enough!



It's at about 35:00 into "White Rabbit."


It's there, and it does look similar in the general shape but I don't know the worth of making some kind of link, as these were really faint, and there was nothing shown in the center.


Looking at it again, someone could also make the argument that the Oceanic logo from a distance looks like it. And I began suspecting that I'm reading way too much into things when noticing that the scars had certain linear patterns to them; Kate had three horizontal cuts on her cheek. Jack had a pair of two diagonal cuts on each side.


It was worthwhile looking back at the ep tho. It's the one where Jack definitively takes on his role as leader, and his Live Together, Die Alone speech. What really struck me was that in the premiere ep this season where Locke is going to go in the hatch, he makes the same kind of speech, with some of the same wording e.g. "not waiting around." But whereas Jack made his argument that they all needed to play a part into their collective survival, Locke was advocating an individualistic approach to doing things with 'You do what you want, I'm going to the hatch' thing.

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As I mentioned above, does anyone else think that Rose seems a lot like the Oracle from the Matrix movies?  That's kind of bugging me a little.


I think the Others have been picking off the tail survivors one by one...that's why they are so careful in the jungle.



I can't offer any help there. I don't watch very many movies in general and those came out when I was at the U and watched less than usual unless it was connected to something I was studying. But I would say that she's got a certain similarity to the old woman in "The Stand" (I do watch some Stephen King stuff) and that type of character.


In the preview, they came across a body in the jungle with a spear in it. So I would guess that's an accurate reading.

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It didn't seem to be such an important episode in terms of plot.


NOT a great episode. The best part was Kate took a shower and looked hot.


The ending with Hurley's buddy looking all sad because Hurley won the lotto was so over the top. I'd understand if my best friend won the lottery and wasn't in a rush to tell anyone. It's kind of a big deal. Hurley's friend looked like he was going to cry right there. Give me a break.


The blonde 'other' survivor is hotter than the sun. Hopefully she'll take a shower in a future episode.


Other than that, nothing too interesting happened.

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As I mentioned above, does anyone else think that Rose seems a lot like the Oracle from the Matrix movies?  That's kind of bugging me a little.


I think the Others have been picking off the tail survivors one by one...that's why they are so careful in the jungle.


Either that or they are getting sick from being in another part of the hatch underground.

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Either that or they are getting sick from being in another part of the hatch underground.


That, or that side of the island sickens people. What did Danielle call that side of the island...the dark area? I forget exactly, but she def made some sort of bad-side-of-the-island reference.

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That, or that side of the island sickens people.  What did Danielle call that side of the island...the dark area?  I forget exactly, but she def made some sort of bad-side-of-the-island reference.



It can't be the sickness because they are obviously very violent now in self-defense. Someone killing them is making them that way.

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So what does everyone think happened to the other survivors from the back of the plane?


The Others? The Monster (haven't seen this yet this season), or did they go crazy?



Seems like the general consensus thus far is that the Others are getting them.

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It can't be the sickness because they are obviously very violent now in self-defense.  Someone killing them is making them that way.



Well, that and security-paranoid. Directly referencing the small taps and swipe code that Ana used on the door. And I'm not normally like this toward women, but I want(ed) to see Sawyer bitchslap her. "Hit me again... and I'll kill you." Either that, or they'd make a cute couple. :)


The list of Sawyer's injuries since coming to the island is about as long as his rap sheet.

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- Who thought Rose's husband was going to be a white dude and not that big black guy?


- Since when does being in the Iraqi army qualify you to know everything about everything? Well, of course it is a geothermal power generation system - can't you see the pipes!


- I doubt the owner of the store could recognize who bought a specific lottery ticket.




I never thought he was the big black guy, he seemed too young. As far as being white, I can't say I expected that.


Wasn't Sayid in "University" before he ended up in the Iraqi National Guard? He could've taken some engineering courses. Nothing he has done seems that far out of the ordinary for an average Electrical Engineer (other than date Shannon). Especially an engineer with military training.


I agree. It's a big strectch to think the owner remembers who bought which lottery ticket. Even if Hugo did tell him how he picked his numbers, I doubt the owner commits those #'s to memory off a story from a customer.

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I never thought he was the big black guy, he seemed too young.  As far as being white, I can't say I expected that.


Wasn't Sayid in "University" before he ended up in the Iraqi National Guard?  He could've taken some engineering courses.  Nothing he has done seems that far out of the ordinary for an average Electrical Engineer (other than date Shannon).  Especially an engineer with military training.


I agree. It's a big strectch to think the owner remembers who bought which lottery ticket.  Even if Hugo did tell him how he picked his numbers, I doubt the owner commits those #'s to memory off a story from a customer.




Hugo would stand out though....

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The "4" could mean how many people have been killed from the Jack's group.

The guy sucked into the engine, the woman who drowned, Steve, & Arzt.

It's a possibility.


Maybe not the best episode, but still entertaining than other shows out there.


I also have to agree, God Bless Evangeline Lilly!!! She & Carla Gugino of "Threshold", are the 2 hottest women on tv right now, IMO.




First of all, who is Steve? Was that the guy Ethan killed?


Secondly, there are more than 4 who have died.


Artzt, Boone, the guy killed by Ethan, the woman who drowned, the marshall euthanized by Jack (Ep 2 or 3), the pilot, and the guy sucked through the engine.

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