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Lost 02.04 Discussion Thread


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I also wanted to add that the dharma symbol in the area of AnaLucia's group, looked much different.


It appears to have a crucifix, or some kind of cross in the center of it and is shaped more like a deckagon, than a hexagon.


That would make sense. I believe in the film last week the limp-armed narrator only called station 3 of 6 "The Swan". So the other stations might have different symbols within the octagonal 'I Ching' logo symbol of the Dharma Initiative.

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Does anyone remember the trailers when the show first came out and they showed that big, white, Big Foot looking creature?!?! It's driving me crazy because I could have sworn they showed something to that effect but I cannot recall it appearing on the show.


Rose does seem exactly like the Oracle from the Matrix. She has the same type of cadence. Always seems to say the right thing.


I don't see why they continually push the button. I would just let it run down and see what happens. It seems like some type of scam to con the people into participating in some strange experiment on human conditioning.

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this one kind of ties into some other ones that have been discussed a little. i think it really has to be agreed that this island is or has had some kind of pychriatric experiment going on with it.


my little variance on this is that all of the survivors are either clinically insane or need severe amounts of help in order to restore mental health. as far as i can see, each "survivor" has a reason to be insane - or at least leaning that way. jack with the moral dilemmas at the hospital, locke with his dad and legs, kate with the friend that died and trouble with the law, charlie with the coke, hugo with the bad luck/lottery troubles.....the list goes on. perhaps they were PLACED on this island as either an experiment with the clinically insane or as a rehab center. if the island is a rehab center i would have to say that it is working for every one involved thus far. jack is now a leader, locke understands the give and take of life, kate is establishing lasting and meaningful relationships, hugo is learning to take responsibility and not attribute things to luck, etc....

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this one kind of ties into some other ones that have been discussed a little.  i think it really has to be agreed that this island is or has had some kind of pychriatric experiment going on with it. 


my little variance on this is that all of the survivors are either clinically insane or need severe amounts of help in order to restore mental health.  as far as i can see, each "survivor" has a reason to be insane - or at least leaning that way.  jack with the moral dilemmas at the hospital, locke with his dad and legs, kate with the friend that died and trouble with the law, charlie with the coke, hugo with the bad luck/lottery troubles.....the list goes on.  perhaps they were PLACED on this island as either an experiment with the clinically insane or as a rehab center.  if the island is a rehab center i would have to say that it is working for every one involved thus far.  jack is now a leader, locke understands the give and take of life, kate is establishing lasting and meaningful relationships, hugo is learning to take responsibility and not attribute things to luck, etc....



No. If they were clinically insane, they would be directed to post on TBD.


If this is it, I'd be severely disappointed. There's going to be something much more intricate than to say everyone's crazy. Hate to pop the balloon....

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this one kind of ties into some other ones that have been discussed a little.  i think it really has to be agreed that this island is or has had some kind of pychriatric experiment going on with it. 


my little variance on this is that all of the survivors are either clinically insane or need severe amounts of help in order to restore mental health.  as far as i can see, each "survivor" has a reason to be insane - or at least leaning that way.  jack with the moral dilemmas at the hospital, locke with his dad and legs, kate with the friend that died and trouble with the law, charlie with the coke, hugo with the bad luck/lottery troubles.....the list goes on.  perhaps they were PLACED on this island as either an experiment with the clinically insane or as a rehab center.  if the island is a rehab center i would have to say that it is working for every one involved thus far.  jack is now a leader, locke understands the give and take of life, kate is establishing lasting and meaningful relationships, hugo is learning to take responsibility and not attribute things to luck, etc....


You know, that's not such a bad theory. And if they were placed on the island, then obviously the plane crash never happened, but rather was hypnotically planted in their minds. Seriously...this isn't bad at all.

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Does anyone remember the trailers when the show first came out and they showed that big, white, Big Foot looking creature?!?! It's driving me crazy because I could have sworn they showed something to that effect but I cannot recall it appearing on the show.


Rose does seem exactly like the Oracle from the Matrix. She has the same type of cadence. Always seems to say the right thing.


I don't see why they continually push the button. I would just let it run down and see what happens. It seems like some type of scam to con the people into participating in some strange experiment on human conditioning.


I missed the original airings but your description sounds like the polar bear that attacked Walt.


They continually press the button because of fear, fear that if they don't something bad will happen. I'm shocked to see Hurley participate in it though with his whole feelings of the numbers are bad and went so far as to not tell Locke he put them in wrong unless of course he has seen the training film.


In terms of last night's episode, I wasn't overly impressed as it seemed like a filler episode. The only think we seemed to learn was about the other suvivors hide out which I feel could be part of the underground hatch. As maybe it's one large containment unit that was seperated into different sections ie the 6 stations that the orientation film refers to. As perhaps the concrete Syide found was used as a divider.

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The blonde 'other' survivor is hotter than the sun.  Hopefully she'll take a shower in a future episode.


Other than that, nothing too interesting happened.



Her boobs were falling out too <_<

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I saw a preview for Lost tonight. I don't watch the show. But I'm kinda curious about something. This is the second season they've been lost, and the fat kid never loses weight and all the guys seem to be making exceptional use of whatever razors are available.


Is there a lot of food and a barber on this island?

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I saw a preview for Lost tonight. I don't watch the show. But I'm kinda curious about something. This is the second season they've been lost, and the fat kid never loses weight and all the guys seem to be making exceptional use of whatever razors are available.


Is there a lot of food and a barber on this island?



FWIW, i remember them finding razors in some of the luggage they recovered from the plane...it would explain claire, kate and shannon all having immaculately shaved 'pits after 40 days on the island...

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I saw a preview for Lost tonight. I don't watch the show. But I'm kinda curious about something. This is the second season they've been lost, and the fat kid never loses weight and all the guys seem to be making exceptional use of whatever razors are available.


Is there a lot of food and a barber on this island?


The two seasons thus far have only comprised 40-some days. When you have as much stored body fat as Hurley, he's not going to look like Nicole Ritchie in 40 days.


After all, the fat fairy in Survivor I was still kinda chunky at the end.

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- I dunno. No one really knew about it until they were getting it, or Hurley just told everyone, "There's not that much to go around, so we'll just have at it." There was enough for one guy eating three meals for 30 days, so for 40 people, there was enough for.... Anyone good at these things? And in that case, Desmond was getting very low on food.



It looked like there was a lot more than 30 days worth of food for 1 man in that pantry. The problem was they put the fat guy in charge. 30 days of food for the fat guy might be 150 days for an average person.

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I saw a preview for Lost tonight. I don't watch the show. But I'm kinda curious about something. This is the second season they've been lost, and the fat kid never loses weight and all the guys seem to be making exceptional use of whatever razors are available.


Is there a lot of food and a barber on this island?



There was that line from Arzt in the finale, and he was a reflection of some of the fan criticism of what was happening, "Oh! And some of us have actually lost weight while we've been here." :o


Maybe they had electrolysis? Shannon, definitely. I mean, really, Kate had to spend so much time on the run, you figure she might have the gumption one day to just say, "Okay. One-time 1 hour at the salon? Or 20 minutes of my precisous escape time a week?"

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So the people in the back of the plane are hiding in a hatch too, does anybody think they have to push a button too?



The room they were hiding out in looked pretty bare. Maybe this was just some sort of storage room for the main complex. I have no doubt, however, that the two areas are connected.

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2 random thoughts here:


first, remember when locke "encoutered" the "monster"? we never saw what the monster was, BUT we are almost if not entirely certain that the smoke and trees thing that the group saw while carrying the dynamite was mechanized. perhaps, locke never encountered a monster, but instead found that the entire thing was merely a machine used to scare the people on the island. perhaps that was just another part of the psychiatric experiment/rehab. what's more, perhaps locke actually talked to a person responsible for either operating or creating the machine and thus his constant obsession with doing what the "island" wants. maybe this whole thing is like the Truman Show with Jim Carrey where everything about the survivors lives is just a manipulation.




my second little thing is much less intricate. in trying to figure out this friggin' show we have come up some really complicated and complex senarios. honestly, every single one of them has had some degree of making sense but also left me wanting more. so today i am thinking about that and i realize that when all is said and done and we know everything there is to know about the island and its survivors.....will we be left wanting? i can't help but say yes just because i don't think it is the answer that we want - it is the mystery that we want. i for one, hope we don't find out what the hell is going on.

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first, remember when locke "encoutered" the "monster"?  we never saw what the monster was, BUT we are almost if not entirely certain that the smoke and trees thing that the group saw while carrying the dynamite was mechanized.  perhaps, locke never encountered a monster, but instead found that the entire thing was merely a machine used to scare the people on the island.  perhaps that was just another part of the psychiatric experiment/rehab.  what's more, perhaps locke actually talked to a person responsible for either operating or creating the machine and thus his constant obsession with doing what the "island" wants.  maybe this whole thing is like the Truman Show with Jim Carrey where everything about the survivors lives is just a manipulation.



While watching "White Rabbit" yesterday, there was the scene right after Jack was hanging from the precipice and Locke pulls him up. They talk. Jack says he's seeing something that's not there (his father). Locke says he's got the same thing, but it really seemed to be the opposite problem in the previous episode "Walkabout" in the scene with him on the ground --- he couldn't see something that was there. Locke says to Jack, "What if this [invisible thing] is really here? .... Even if it is [impossible], let's say it's not." It's for this reason that I don't think we've seen the last of Jack's father. Locke doesn't know exactly what it is, but he does know, (or rather, believes --- his whole 'faith' kick) that something is there and making things happen. His visions, his ability to walk.... Manipulating everything, I doubt it, but the island's will/spirit/whatever is a variable that tries to guide things.


On another note, maybe there is something to the initial scars that the main characters have. How Kate has three parallel cuts on her cheek. Jack has a pair of two diagonal cuts on either side of his face. Locke has the vertical slash on his left eye. Claire has one exactly on the cleft of her chin.... Going off of the slashes on the Dharma logo meaning fire, water, etc., I'm not sure the placement of them is entirely accidental.

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2 random thoughts here:


BUT we are almost if not entirely certain that the smoke and trees thing that the group saw while carrying the dynamite was mechanized. 



The sound we heard from the monster is the EXACT SAME SOUND the plane made when it was crashing in the first few episodes of season one.


I do not know what the significance if this is other then possible giving credence to the theory that the crash was stages and the people on the island were hand-picked for an experiment.

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Watched the rerun of it tonight, and there's something pretty big that wasn't mentioned, and probably one of the bigger things from this filler ep.


Claire found the bottle with all of their notes, and her and Shannon give it to Sun. So, those three, who had been featured in a big soliliquy scene in the finale around the boat launching, appear again, mostly w/o words. That it washed back up at least means there was trouble, and they know the likely scenario is that the boat failed and Jin, Sawyer, Michael and Walt are all dead. Sun takes the bottle and buries it in the sand. She's in grief, but doesn't want to ruin the hope of rescue that the raft meant to everyone, b/c if they knew what happened, it would just drain the desire to go on.


Another thought on why the small group of survivors were so suspicious might be the handcuff on Jin's wrist. They probably figured if he was cuffed in the real world where there are enforced rules....


And I still hate Analucia. "B word!" :huh:

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Watched the rerun of it tonight, and there's something pretty big that wasn't mentioned, and probably one of the bigger things from this filler ep.


Claire found the bottle with all of their notes, and her and Shannon give it to Sun. So, those three, who had been featured in a big soliliquy scene in the finale around the boat launching, appear again, mostly w/o words. That it washed back up at least means there was trouble, and they know the likely scenario is that the boat failed and Jin, Sawyer, Michael and Walt are all dead. Sun takes the bottle and buries it in the sand. She's in grief, but doesn't want to ruin the hope of rescue that the raft meant to everyone, b/c if they knew what happened, it would just drain the desire to go on.


I'd forgotten about that, but as I was watching it, I reference popped into my head: Pandora's box. Yes, we've explored it before, and yes, its probably overdone, but still, hear me out. When Pandora's box was opened, everything came out except hope. Well, I think that the notes that the people wrote were their hopes being sent home. When Sun buried it, she put hope back into the "box," where bloing the hatch, let out everything else.

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I still think it's entirely possible that Sawyer, Jinn and Mike are NOT on the same island that they were originally.


The tail broke off in mid-flight. It's possible, if not logical, that it landed on another land mass. And Sawyer and Mike had no way of tracking their progress as they floated on the raft, they saw an island and assumed they had drifted back.


Since we all know the Swann is 3 out of 6, the tail-enders could be on a different island with a different station. It could in fact be part of the psychological experiements (one a control group the other the test group).


There is no way the hatch is connected to the "other" hatch. I toyed with the notion that behind the cement wall that Sayid and Jack found was the "other hatch". But that doesn't make sense as the survivors would have certainly stumbled across eachother since it is so close to the beach....


I'm not saying they ARE on another island, but it wouldn't shock me...and might explain a lot.

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