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Donahoe on the NFL Network


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Did you catch Shannon Sharpe doing a Sunday night game a few weeks ago? I thought he was just as good live as he is in the studio. Which is to say very good and very refreshing.



I thought the guy that did the Sunday Night game and was very good doing it was Sterling Sharpe. I like him a lot more than I like the younger version, Shannon. I realize a lot of people hate Sterling Sharpe, but I never did, and think he is not only fairly insightful and honest but pretty damn funny and entertaining to boot.

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I thought the guy that did the Sunday Night game and was very good doing it was Sterling Sharpe. I like him a lot more than I like the younger version, Shannon. I realize a lot of people hate Sterling Sharpe, but I never did, and think he is not only fairly insightful and honest but pretty damn funny and entertaining to boot.




Yes of course I meant Sterling, who I like quite a bit wherever I see him.

Not as big a fan of Shannon as he seems to be trying to hard. He's much funnier wearing a uni than he is wearing a suit.


Mayock had been the lone bright spot on that program. Eisen is unwatchable, Lincoln Kennedy is way too Burl Ives and Woodson shows no sign of the effort he put in on the field- in fact I'd call him soft.

Yeah, I find myself watchign that show and then turning it off within the first few minutes. The Playbook show with Wilcots and Sharpe is far superior and can hold my ADD at bay for far longer.....

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I like Tom Jackson better than anyone on any of the networks.  I do like the Total Access show though.

The same Tom Jackson that said on Sunday "The Bills rediscovered the long-ball with Kelly Holcumb" - After Kelly only actually threw the ball longer than 10yds two or three times?


ESPN should hire Shannon Sharpe.  That guy cracks me up.  I also like how he isn't afraid to voice an opinion.  He tore into Kyle Boller on his radio show (on satellite) after the opening week, and I've seen him be just as brutally honest on the CBS show too.

I'm sorry but he is dreadful to listen too, Sterling must have gotten all the speach lessons in that house.

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rich "pucker up" eisen?  are you kidding me?  that guy has his head so far up everyone's ass that he's cleaning schitt from behind his ears every morning.


keeps the show interesting, and he has a good rapport with the guests and the other hosts, what more do you need?

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Doh  <_<


I like Eisen too, but Terrell Davis?  I guess I don't hate him, he just seems a little like Tom Jackson in that he brings nothing to the table. 

Basically the only show worthwhile IMO is Edge matchup with Hodge & Jaworski...everything else I watch is mostly because I have no life.


If you like that show you should check out playbook, very informative.

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Nothing much.


He basically blamed JP's struggles on the Defense and the WR's.  No lie.



Yeah, I thought it was interesting how he specifically pointed out "WR's" instead of a vague statement like "the rest of the offense".

GM rips WR's, Coach rips RB. Our QB & OL are clearly strong points. <_<

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Yeah, I thought it was interesting how he specifically pointed out "WR's" instead of a vague statement like "the rest of the offense". 

GM rips WR's, Coach rips RB.  Our QB & OL are clearly strong points.  <_<



I did not see the interview, but it sounds like classic TD.

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For those of you who missed it, the Bills website has the video of the interview on its multimedia.


TD did in fact say that JP might still be in the starting lineup if the defense and the wide outs played better.


TD certainly has a different way of looking at things.

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For those of you who missed it, the Bills website has the video of the interview on its multimedia.


TD did in fact say that JP might still be in the starting lineup if the defense and the wide outs played better. 


TD certainly has a different way of looking at things.



So let's get this straight. It's not that JP was playing badly. It's that other people were playing badly and that this was somehow his fault such that he was benched.


In what world should a person get fired b/c their co-workers don't show up?


Oh, that's right. In TD,MM&TC's world.




(We are fast overtaking the Detroit Lions as the laughingstock of the NFL).

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