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A Few Thoughts About The Game....

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I don't know Glenn. Maybe I wasn't clear.

Ruben was a splendid player, and a great draft selection for the Bills. He also seemed like a good man for the community, etc.

The thing is, when he left he had shed many pounds, and appeared to be through.

Gandy played a lot at Guard in Chicago, right? The thought that he didn't beat out an aged Ruben Brown is scary.

Nothing personal againt RB intended.  :pirate:



He and Ruben did not directly compete. Gandy played Tackle and Guard and was injured before Ruben came I recall, he was playing tackle I believe at time. New coach came in and he lost his position because new guy (not Ruben) had already been established and when you are a veteran they need to pay you more. Gandy will not be the next coming of Pace but like Mike Williams would be better if he did not have a player next to him who was terrible; Mike Willians game was upgraded (before he was injures) when Chris V. came in because he had someone next to him who could be depended upon.


Hopefully next year we get a new LT and Gandy can be shifted to guard or be backup for Jerman IMO is terrible.

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Side note: does that make you feel better?


Hope you'll feel the same way when JP is the undisputed leader of this team.



I'll feel the same way when Losman is QB. I have no problem with Losman just people who are fanatical to the extent that they attack coaching staff when they do something which is best for the team. They ruin it for everyone on the board and in fandom. If a player is not playing well or situation does not suit their skills/talents then put in the player who does.

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Not until he learns the meaning of touch and how to check down on a play. Losman is right where he needs to be, learning by watching. The one thing that KH can show him that he can't learn on the field is the effect a calm and efficient QB can have on a team's success.


JP problem is info overload ..he will learn little by watching, a case in point is big ben in pitts....last year bens job consisted of knowing where the primary rec. and only the primary rec. was on every pass play .....he has stated this .....and it wasn't to be a veteran reader of defense's...ben r. has said that he never looked at that primary rec. until he was going to throw the pass ..he never checked down to anything ,they called a play and ran it... but of course we all know he actually has an offensive line that can block he didn't need to check down or audible,,thats what you call smashmouth football, something the bills only pay lip service too and dream about!!

Smashmouth football is calling a play and running it ,,not checking down to something else...

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Jason Peters is the back up, but they should try him at RT right now. He can't be any worse than Jerman



Good idea. He could also get a shot at LT and Gandy could move to the right.

In all honesty, if McNally thought it was the right move he would do it.


I don't think that McNally can make probowlers out of the inept, but he is a very good OL coach, and I do trust his judgement.

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One of the talking heads made was talking about Roethishamburger's first season. Apparently he only knew who his primary receiver was on any given play and if that player wasn't open he was to take off or throw the ball away.


Oh, and he STILL hasn't attempted 30 tosses in a game.

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