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My, My; There Sure Are Lots Of PSU Fans Around...

R. Rich

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Congrats on a great win. Finally, Joe Pa plays Freshman who are loaded with talent.


Penn St. is now in the Big 10 Conference drivers seat. Take it one week at a time and see if they can keep this going. Sniff,sniff. Is that the smell of roses ?


You, Lori, JSP and a few others stuck with them through the tough times. I do notice many now slithering onto the bandwagon, now that they're winning. Feel free to check them for a backbone.

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Guilty as charged your honor.

I've finally become so disillusioned with this whole college polling nonsense that I've found it hard to make much of an emotional investment for quite a while now. I guess when they decided that the BCS could somehow justify deciding games the same way judges decide figure skating championships, that the camel's back finally bowed and broke.

I still enjoy seeing the Nits win, but since they'll probably never even get the chance to run in a playoff game I can't help feeling that in the end, none of it really means all that much. :doh:


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Guilty as charged your honor.

I've finally become so disillusioned with this whole college polling nonsense that I've found it hard to make much of an emotional investment for quite a while now. I guess when they decided that the BCS could somehow justify deciding games the same way judges decide figure skating championships, that the camel's back finally bowed and broke. 

I still enjoy seeing the Nits win, but since they'll probably never even get the chance to run in a playoff game I can't help feeling that in the end, none of it really means all that much.  :doh:





There aren't many who like either the BCS, the polls, or the bowl system. Many of us believe that the money-hungry major conferences are the main reason we not only don't know who the true champion is, but we're robbed of what could be some classic games in a playoff system. One thing I love in college football is the overtime setup. Imagine how great it would be to see some great overtime battles among some evenly-matched competition en route to deciding a true national champion. They have the potential to put March Madness to shame.


Now, as to your jumping on the bandwagon, well there's still a little room. It'll get more comfy once we kick all the Johnny-come-latelys off.

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They have the potential to put March Madness to shame.

The waste of that potential makes me sick to my stomach. As much as the college hoop postseason is better than their regular season, imagine how much better a college football postseason could be than their regular season! :doh:


Imagine this Saturday in December:


12:00 PM

#1Texas vs #8Penn State


3:00 PM

#2Georgia vs #7USC


6:00 PM

#3Michigan State vs #6Florida State


9:00 PM

#4Alabama vs #5Virginia Tech


And all four of them are elimination games with all the added intensity and drama!


I might be dead by 1:00AM and not even mind.....

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nothing about the suicide?



Oh, you mean the kid from Penn. Tragic, to be sure, but not the same school we're talking about.


University of Pennsylvania = Ivy League, Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania State University = Big 10, University Park/State College.


Always had a soft spot for Penn - my final choice came down to those two schools, even though I knew I'd never be able to swing the finances to go to UP...

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